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Zach Chillag
1) At what age or stage of development is the adult set point for weight established?
2) Do rats that become volumetrically/calorically satiated but lack gustatory stimulation eat
more/less/same as controls?
Margaret Strom
1. Can humans become addicted to caffeine?
2. Can the outside temperature affect a human’s metabolism?
3. How can I figure out how many calories I burn in 24 hours
Robbie Davis
- Does eating three large meals have a different affect on weight gain than eating smaller
portions but more often throughout the day?
- Can changing your eating times have any affect on weight. ex. eating breakfast lunch
and dinner at normal times compared to eating the same amount of food at different times
in the day
Prashant Patel
1) Is high fructose corn syrup more harmful to your body than natural
cane sugar?
2) How important is exercise to fighting cholesterol?
Elise Boos
What is the average cholesterol level for vegans and how does this
compare to the national average of the same appropriate age and gender
What impacts do high protein diets (Atkins, South Beach) have on
cholesterol levels?
Logan Threadgill
1. Is appetite effected by the power of suggestion, such as,
2. How many calories must one burn to loose a pound and how does that
translate to specific activities, such as, running?
Danielle Peoples
Does the texture of foods affect the amount eaten?
Does caffeine have an affect on one's complexion?
Emily Knight
What exactly are cravings and what causes them?
Are there actually different degrees of hunger (should you consumer the same amount of food
each time that you eat?)?
Jennifer Tatelman
1. Why is splenda better for you than sweet and low?
2. Does any intake of caffeine during the day cause you to "crash" at some point later that same
Daniella Fatti
1. Has the BMI scale been adjusted since it was created?
2. Why are there discrepancies in an individuals weight gain due to consuming unhealthy foods?
(aka obese people to Mr. Big Mac who is healthy)
3. Does changing feeding times affect a person's metabolic response to the food?
Lindsey Huston
Would a person of an "average American diet"'s overall health level (cholestorol, BMI, etc.)
improve vastly if they were to switch to a vegetarian diet for a month?
Are "diet foods" such as Diet Coke really healthy alternatives or are their artificial components just
as harmful to our bodies?
Lisa West
1. Does caffeine stimulate appetite?
2. Can we control food cravings by eliminating refined sugar and processed foods from our diet?
Steven Fagan
Does eating an excessive amount of calories regularly make an individual gain more
weight than eating the same amount of calories on a binge?
Is an extremely excessive caloric intake of nutrient rich foods (such as vegetables)
dangerous to the body?
Rachel Blackburn
1.What are the short and long term effects that sugar and caffeine in energy drinks can play on
health if these drinks are taken in immediately before physical activity?
2.How can we determine which herbal supplements are beneficial and which are harmful since
there is no required FDA approval required to sell them?
Late Submissions:
Graham Miller
1) If one was to eat unhealthy food for thirty days while exercising
and another person ate healthy food for thirty days without exercising;
who would gain more weight?
2) Is being
Ross Shook
vegetarian necessarily healthier than not being
How does your nutrition affect your life expectancy?
How can you be sure you are not consuming more calories than your
metabolism burns?
Brian Mizelle
(4 hours late)
1. Does breakfast make you eat more at lunch time?
2. Does eating smaller meals but more meals per day help reduce weight instead of eating 2-3
large meals?
Randall McLeod (1 day late)
Does eating fast have negative effects on health?
By changing the time a person eats meals on a daily basis effect their bodies ablility to
metabolize food?
-Alexander F. Drummond (2 days late)
1. How many calories would an average person consume in a month?
2. Although nutrient levels differ from vegetarians to meat-eaters, would you get more out of
eating vegetables daily and not eating meat if you played a collegiate sport?