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Date: _____________
SCORE: _______/50 pts
For questions 1-2 , state whether you would use SSS, SAS, ASA to prove the triangles congruent. If there is not enough information,
write not enough information.
For questions 3-5, prove the triangles congruent using SSS, SAS, or ASA.
For questions 6-7, use a proportion or write an equation to solve each problem.
6. The ratio of the measures of the angles in a triangle is 4:5:6. Find the measures each angle in the triangle.
The ratio of the measures of the sides of a triangle is 7:9:12 and its perimeter is 84 inches. Find the measures of each side of the
The length of the shortest side of a similar triangle is 7 in. What are the lengths of the other two sides of this triangle?
For questions 8, the two polygons are similar.
8. A. Write the similarity statement
B. Give the congruent angles
C. Write the extended proportions for corresponding sides
9. For each problem below set up a proportion and solve.
A. A student is making a map of the United States. He uses the scale of 1 cm equaling 46 miles. If it is approximately 460 miles
from Cleveland to New York City, how far apart should the student place the two cities on the map?
B. You are going to make a scale drawing of the Terminal Tower using the scale 1 inch=77 feet. If the actual height of the
building is approximately 770 feet, what should the height of the Tower be in your drawing?
10. Vocabulary you must know: angle sum theorem, CPCTC, Vertical Angles, Angle Bisector, Reflexive Property, Alternate
Interior Angles, Ratio, Perpendicular lines, congruent, proportion, midpoint, similar, parallel, scale, segment bisector, extended