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Name: ___________________
CH. 13 – The Rise of Totalitarianism 1919-1939
SECTION 1 – Postwar Social Changes
1. During the 1920’s new ______________ helped create a mass culture shared by millions.
2. American musicians combined Western ________________ with African ____________ to
create a new form of music: ____________.
3. Rebellious young people rejected the old moral ________ and ________. Liberated young
women during this Age were known as _______________.
4. Women working during the war helped them to win the ________ despite being made to give
up the __________ they held during the war.
5. _________-__________ devices made chores easier at home and saved time. This allowed
women to find ________ outside the home.
6. Not everyone supported this new Jazz Age. Many Americans supported _____________
which would ban the manufacture or sale of ______________.
7. Many postwar writers felt that the War symbolized the moral _____________ of
_____________ Civilization. Many of the American authors like Fitzgerald and
_______________ left the US and moved to ___________. Gertrude Stein referred to them
as the “___________ _________________”.
8. In the 1920’s African Americans experienced a cultural awakening known as the
_____________ ___________________.
9. Scientists such as __________ ____________ studied radioactivity. ______________
introduced his theories of __________________, saying that measurements of _________
and _______________ are not absolute.
10. In 1934, scientists such as the Italian ____________ __________ discovered atomic
___________ which would eventually lead to an atomic bomb.
11. New art styles emerged including ______________, where three-dimensional objects were
represented as complex patterns. Another style, ____________, was composed only of lines,
colors and shapes.
12. ________________ was an art movement inspired by both Cubism and Dada. It rejected
___________ thought which had led to __________ in favor of _____________ ideas.
SECTION 2 – The Western Democracies Stumble
1. In Britain the ____________ Party began to grow by promoting a gradual move towards
_________________. Gaining support from the middle class, the _________________ Party
controlled parliament for much of the 1920’s.
2. A massive ___________ of over _____ million workers in 1926 led to the government
passing laws that ________________ the power of workers.
3. In 1916 a group of Irish nationals started a revolt against __________ rule known as the
____________ ___________. By 1922 Ireland became a self-governing state known as
__________________________________. However members of the _______________
fought against the division for decades.
4. Growing concerns about communism led to the _______ ________ in the US. This led to
increased demands to limit ____________________ to the US.
5. To prevent a third German invasion ____________ built a massive fortification system called
the ____________ ____________. France enforced the Treaty of ________________
closely hoping to keep ________________ weak.
6. Three major hopes for peace took place in the 1920’s. It included the _________________
_______________ which set Germany’s boundaries, the ________________-
_____________ Pact which renounced __________ and led to the idea of ______________,
the reduction of armed forces and weapons, and the newly formed ___________ of
7. These new hopes had a major flaw however, they lacked any way to _____________ their
8. Britain struggled to recover from WWI and in 1926 a ___________ __________ lasted nine
days. France was quicker to get back on its feet. The US in contrast was doing well.
American ________ and _______________ helped recovery in Europe.
9. By the end of the 1920’s the United States faced bad combination of falling _____________
and _____________________. Farmers and miners earned less and then __________ less.
High tech factories turned out more goods than could be bought, a condition called
_____________________. Factories then cut back on production leading to workers losing
their ____________.
10. A crisis in ___________ was taking place at the same time. Prices on the
____________________________ were at an all time high and many people invested using
_____________ methods. In October of _________ many investors ________ their stocks all
at once. This panic wiped out the investments of many people and led to the
______________ ____________________.
11. These problems quickly spread through out the world. Without support of the US,
___________ could not make its payments to the Allies. _____________ and ___________
were then unable to pay back war debts.
12. Britain tried to provide some government help but by 1931 one in _____ people were
13. France withstood the problems longer, but still felt the impact. ________ __________
became leader of France and his Popular __________ party tried to solve problems.
14. In 1932 the US elected President ________________ who argued that the
________________ needed to take an active role in the economy. He introduced his ____
________ to solve the economic problem.
SECTION 3 – Fascism in Italy
1. Italians were frustrated after WWI when ________-______________ territory they were
promised was given to ___________________ instead. Combined with other turmoil, a
leader by the name of ________________ ________________ stepped forward.
2. Mussolini rejected the ____________________ of his father in favor of intense
_____________________. He organized veterans and others into his new ____________
3. He promised to end ________________, and bring about order. He wanted to revive
_______________ greatness and used his _____________ ____________ as “combat
squads” to intimidate socialists and other parties.
4. After being named prime minister by _________ ____________, Mussolini also received
support from Pope ______________.
5. In order to end conflicts between owners and workers, Mussolini brought the economy under
____________ control. This new _______________ ___________ representatives of
_________________, labor, _________________ and the Fascist Party controlled industry,
agriculture and ________________.
6. In this new Italy, loyalty to the __________ replaced individual goals. The Fascist slogan,
“________________, ___________, _____________” was everywhere. Women were
pushed out of jobs and encouraged to produce ________________.
7. Young Fascists were taught to obey strict _______________ discipline. They marched and
sang ________________ hymns, and chanted:
8. This new Fascism was one of the world’s first ____________________ States, where a oneparty ______________________ controls all aspects of people’s lives.
9. Fascism varied from country to country, but some aspects were the same: extreme
__________________, glorification of action, ________________, discipline and blind
____________ to the state (and in particular the leader!).
10. Fascism appealed to people because it promised a strong, __________ government. It gave a
sense of ___________ and confidence and revived ____________ ___________.
11. Fascists hated _____________ and ___________________. Fascists believed in clear social
__________________ while communism promoted a ___________________ society.
12. Despite this hatred, the two ideologies had much in common. They inspired blind
___________ to the state or leader, they used ______________ to guard their power and
were popular during _______________ hard times.
Name: ___________________
CH. 13B – Stalin and Hitler
SECTION 4 – The Soviet Union Under Stalin
1. Starting in 1928 Stalin proposed a series of ______-_________ Plans. These aimed to
improve __________________, increase _________ ___________ and build
______________ _________________.
2. By bringing all __________________ activity under government control the Soviet Union
developed a _________________ ________________ where government officials make
_____________ _____________ decisions instead of the ________ market.
3. The ____________-_____________ Plans set high goals for workers and _______________.
As a result industry saw a huge growth. Despite that problems remained. Central
______________ was often _______________, creating shortages in some areas and
_______________ in others. Concerned with meeting _______________, managers turned
out large quantities of _______-____________ goods.
4. Stalin wanted to bring all peasants into state owned farms known as ___________________.
They would have to turn over all land, __________ ______________ and implements to be
controlled by the state. Some refused.
5. In response, Stalin sent ___________ (wealthy farmers) to labor camps where thousands died
from _________________ or were killed outright. Peasants protested by growing just
enough food to feed themselves. Stalin responded by taking that grain to meet
____________ goals. Combined with a poor _____________ this led to a _____________
that left between _____ and ______ million dead in the Ukraine alone.
6. Stalin used secret ____________ to keep people under surveillance. Protestor and critics
were rounded up and sent to the _____________ labor camps.
7. Stalin was paranoid that rivals were ______________________ against him. In 1934 he
launched the ___________ _________________. He rounded up many different types of
people including Old ________________, army ________________, managers,
_____________ and ordinary ___________________. This left Stalin in total control.
8. The Purge left the country with a severe lack of experts in ________________,
_______________ and _______________________. In addition about ____________ of the
Soviet Union’s military _________ were victims.
9. Stalin used _________________ as a tool to build a _____________________________
around himself, to make him seem a godlike figure.
10. Soviet art under Stalin, known as _____________ _____________, was meant to show
Soviet life in a ______________ light and promote hope in the future.
11. Artists, writers and ________________ faced government persecution if they failed to
______________ to expectations.
12. Under Soviet Communism, _________________ became the official state policy. This
meant that groups such as the Russian Orthodox, Catholics, ______________ and Muslims
found themselves targets of persecution.
13. Despite promises to make a classless society, a new __________ class emerged. At its head
were members of the _____________ _____________, managers, military leaders and
________________. They enjoyed special benefits not available to others.
14. Soviet foreign policy had two conflicting goals. On one hand they formed the __________
to encourage world-wide Communist revolution, and on the other they wanted to guarantee
their country’s __________________ by winning support of others.
SECTION 5 – Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
1. After WWI, Germany set up a ______________________ government known as the
____________________ Republic. It was a _______________________ system led by a
______________________. In it, _________________ could vote.
2. Germans of all classes blamed the government for the ______________________________.
3. After falling behind in ___________________ payments, France took possession of the coalrich _____________ _______________. When German workers protested the Weimar
government supported them by ______________________________________. This led to
massive inflation.
4. Hopes for a solution came in the form of the __________ Plan which reduced
_______________ payments and American _____________ would help Germany recover.
5. Adolf Hitler was born in _______________ in 1889. At 18 he ran away from home and went
to ________________. While living on the streets there he developed his fanatical ______________________ that later helped bring him to power.
6. In 1923 he failed to overthrow the government and was jailed. While there he wrote
__________ ____________ in which he outlined his extreme beliefs. He blamed Germany’s
current problems on Marxists, ______________, corrupt politicians and
7. To fix these problems he said that Germany needed to __________ into a great nation and
expand, an idea he called _________________________ or “living space”. This would
mean taking land from those who did not deserve it.
8. After less than a year in prison he was ____________________. The _________
_______________ played into his hands and membership in the __________ Party grew to
about a million people.
9. Fearing the communists, the __________________ turned to Hitler, despite the fact they
hated him. Despite not being elected to office (he’s not German), he was appointed to the
position of __________________________.
10. Within a year, he was ____________________ of Germany. Like ____________, he set up
a one-party state and purged his party of those who were deemed __________________.
11. Borrowing tactics from _______________________ in Italy, Hitler appealed to
____________________ and boasted that his Third ______________ would dominate
Europe for a 1,000 years.
12. To rebuild Germany he launched ___________ works programs that built
_______________, housing, forests and in violation of the Treaty of Versailles,
______________ the German military.
13. He used a secret police known as the ___________________ to help enforce his brutal
system of _____________________ rule. In addition his black uniformed troops, the _____,
carried out his will.
14. In an attempt to drive _____________ out of Germany, the Nazis passed the
__________________ Laws in 1935 which took their citizenship and placed severe
__________________ on them.
15. In November of 1938 German mobs carried out two nights of attacks on __________ known
as ___________________________ or the “Night of Broken Glass”
16. To build for the future young people were indoctrinated in Nazi ________________
(beliefs). School and youth programs were changed to help prepare for ________. He also
changed culture by controlling art and ___________ that he felt wasn’t German enough.
Additionally, ____________________ sects were combined into one state run organization
and ___________________ schools were closed.