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Name __________________________
Date ________________ Per. ______
Protein Synthesis
Part 1. DNA Workshop on the internet.
Google search: DNA Workshop Activity
To review click on DNA replication. Proceed through it.
1. How many base pairs are in the human chromosomes? __________________
Now choose Protein synthesis by clicking on it.
1. What happened? __________________________________________________
2. Match. What base pair is different from the DNA? _____________________
3. What happened? What is the RNA molecule called? ____________________
What happened outside the nucleus? ________________________________
4. Match. What happened?
What are ribosomes? ______________________________________________
What is a codon? _________________________________________________
Anticodons are part of transfer RNA. What is attached to each t RNA?
5. Match, What happened?
6. Match. What happened?
Part 2: PHSchool
In address bar, type in;
In web code boxes type in: cep 3034
Click on start. Click on play to watch the process of protein synthesis.
Build a protein.
Take quiz: My score is _________________________________
Part 3: You Do It;
1. Send a messenger to the nucleus.
He/she needs to successfully get the instructions.
Fill in the mRNA on the right.
2. Match the tRNAs to the mRNA.
Conclusion Questions.
1. What did you make? _____________________
2. What are the building blocks(parts that get put
Together) of proteins? ____________________
3. Why are proteins important? Check your notes.
4. Why is mRNA a messenger?
5. Why is tRNA called transfer RNA?
Write a one chunk paragraph summarizing protein synthesis.
TS: During protein synthesis, the cell uses information
from a gene to make specific proteins.
CD. The mRNA ___________________________________
CD: The tRNA __________________________________
CD: Amino acids _________________________________
CS: The result is that the DNA is translated into a protein.