Download Common Musculoskeletal Injuries

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Common Musculoskeletal Injuries
Muscle Cramps
Class _______________
The general treatment for most musculoskeletal injuries is: RICE
RICE stands for:
Treatment: RICE
R = ____________________- stay off injured body part
I = _____________________- maybe sling or wrap with ace bandage
C = ____________________ - ice 20 minutes on / 20 minutes off
E = ____________________ - raise injured part up to reduce swelling
Tylenol can also assist in reducing pain and swelling.
Overstretching of muscle or tendon. Back is often affected, from
lifting heavy objects. Often affects large muscle groups.
Symptoms: Intense pain, slight swelling, pain and difficulty moving body part.
_______________ injured part
_______________ for first 24-48 hours,
then moist heat.
What is a tendon?
Thick strands of tissue that
attach muscle to _____________.
Muscle contracts suddenly, causing a muscle spasm, loss of movement and
pain. Most often in legs, hands, and feet. (also known as Charlie Horse)
Gentle massage with heel of hand
Gentle stretching of muscles
Can use _______ for 10 minutes.
Prevention of Muscle Cramps: Stay well hydrated in hot humid weather or if doing lots of
strenuous activity. Be sure your diet includes plenty of potassium (potassium promotes
muscle function and growth). Good sources of potassium are found in: dairy products,
meats, some fish, veggies - - especially sweet potatoes, broccoli, peas, and squash.
SPRAIN: Occurs when ligaments near a joint are either torn or stretched.
_________________________ are fibrous bands of tissue that prevent bones from popping out
of the joint.
Sprain may be caused by violent twisting of a joint is often a cause.
Wrists, knees, and ankles are the most common.
Symptoms: pain on movement, swelling, and discoloration.
Treatment: _______________
FRACTURE: Broken bone
Signs: Closed Fracture – deformity, crooked, swelling, discoloration, grating sound, loss of
movement, severe pain. Sometimes Cracking or popping sound at time of injury.
RICE and
Don’t try to __________ bones ( or put back in place)
Immobilize the person.
If transportation is necessary, _____________ joint above and below the injury
so they can’t move it.
Check circulation
Seek medical attention
Signs: Open Fracture: exposed bone, loss of movement, severe pain.
Cracking sound at time of injury.
Treatment for Open Fracture:
RICE andStop the _________________________.
Apply _________________ dressing around bone end.
Don’t put ______________ pressure on the bones.
Don’t try to push it back in.
Treat for shock.
Seek medical help!
Separation of the bone from a joint. Happens frequently in contact
sports like wrestling, football, soccer.
Signs: deformity, pain and loss of function of joint.
RICE and
Don’t try to _______________ the joint yourself or by someone untrained.
______________ and support joint (like a fracture).
Apply ____________ packs.
Seek medical help, physician might put back in place