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Botany Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 1
Describe the ecological role of plants
Identify some uses of plant materials
Identify distinguishing features of plants
Categorize plants based upon structure and reproduction (give examples)
 Vascular vs. nonvascular
Seedless vs. Cone bearing vs. Flowering
Chapter 2 & 3
Describe the structure of plants cells, identify cell parts, contrast with animal cells
Define “meristem” tissue. Contrast initial vs. derivative meristem
Compare & contrast plant tissues (dermal vs. ground vs. vascular)
Compare & contrast xylem and phloem
Compare & contrast roots, stems and leaves
Identify the parts of a seed
Distinguish between apical and lateral meristem tissue
Chapter 5
Distinguish between primary and secondary growth
Compare & contrast wood vs. bark
Describe the structure of wood
Define cavitation and explain its significance (note how it relates to sapwood vs. heartwood)
Distinguish between hardwood and softwood
Contrast inner bark with outer bark
Describe the structure and function of cambium
Contrast vascular cambium and cork cambium
Chapter 6
Contrast sexual vs. asexual reproduction in plants
Outline alternation of generations in plants
Describe the structure of a flower
Distinguish between simple, aggregate, and multiple fruits
Chapter 24
List several abiotic environmental factors and explain their significance to plant growth and survival
Explain how geographical features contribute to climatic conditions
Identify the component parts of soil. Contrast humus with inorganic soil
Identify nutrients that plants must obtain from soil
Name and describe ecological processes that add material to the soil
Compare and contrast the terrestrial biomes below with regard to location, climate, and characteristic vegetation
 Tropical forest
Temperate forest
Coniferous forest
Chapter 25
Explain how plant communities change over time as the result of succession.