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1. The American War for Independence has been characterized in all of the following ways:
a relatively modest war
an unusually savage conflict
a switch to a new type of conflict
a revolutionary war for liberation
2. Three weeks after the American Revolution began in 1775, delegates from all colonies except
Georgia met to discuss possible courses of action at the
3. As the Revolutionary War began, most Americans believed they were fighting for
4. The pamphlet “Common Sense” was instrumental in gaining support for
5. The Declaration of Independence was derived primarily from
6. During the American Revolution, the real center of authority was
7. In 1781, the states ratified a plan for a decentralized national government of the United States that
was called the
8. The American national government obtained many of the war supplies that it needed to fight the
American Revolution by receiving foreign aid and loans from countries like
9. As commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, George Washington:
displayed serious shortcomings as a military commander
faced mutinies among his troops and an attempt by Congress to replace him
became the indispensable man because he held the army and the country together throughout the
earned the respect of nearly all patriots
10. During the Revolution, the Americans had all of the following advantages over the British:
they were fighting on ground with which they were familiar
the British people only half-heartedly supported the war
the British had long lines of communication and supply
their cause inspired more commitment than that of the British
11. The Battle of Breed’s Hill resulted in a heavy loss of life for the
12. During the Revolutionary War, all of the following men were important American military leaders:
Benedict Arnold
George Washington
Horatio Gates
Nathaniel Greene
13. In the second phase of the American Revolution, between early 1776 and early 1778, the fighting
resulted in the British forces achieving several important victories but failing to crush the Americans
because of
14. During 1777, British General Burgoyne attempted to implement a plan for dividing the colonies by
capturing the
15. The 1777 victory that marked the major turning point of the Revolutionary War occurred at the Battle
16. An important outcome of the Battle of Saratoga was an alliance between America and
17. For the Iroquois Confederacy, the American Revolution led to a weakening of the tribes, because the
Confederacy split up, and the Americans attacked those who sided with the
18. During the American Revolution, the United States received military and financial assistance from
19. During the final phase of the American Revolution, between early 1778 and late 1783, the fighting
resulted in the British forces moving their major efforts into the South, where their forces were finally
worn down and
20. During the final phase of the American Revolution, General Cornwallis was surrounded and forced to
surrender his entire force at
21. The Treaty of Paris included a provision that awarded the Americans with a generous
22. In discussing the American Revolution, the basic controversy among historians involves the question:
23. During the American Revolution the religious group that most improved its position was the
24. The Revolutionary War affected religious and social groups in all of the following ways:
it weakened the position of the Quakers
it strengthened the position of the Catholics
it weakened the position of the Anglicans
it led to freedom for some blacks who were emancipated by the British
25. For most African-Americans, the American Revolution had limited but
By 1786, even those who feared a strong centralized government agreed that the Confederation
needed the power to
27. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison joined forces in an attempt to call for a convention to correct
the defects in the
28. When Thomas Jefferson said, “I hold that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as
necessary in the political world as storms in the physical,” he was referring to
29. Most of the people who wrote the Constitution distrusted any concentration of
30. One of the major differences between the Virginia and New Jersey plans for the new United States
Constitution was whether states would have
31. The “Great Compromise” at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 resulted in all of the following
representation in the lower house of Congress would be based on population
each slave would be counted as three-fifths of a free person in the determination of representation
and direct taxation
each state would have an equal number of votes in the upper house of Congress
an assumption that slave labor was not as productive as free labor
32. For the Constitutional Convention to reach agreement on the power of the federal government to
regulate commerce, the members agreed that the government would not be permitted to stop the slave
trade for
33. The men who wrote the Constitution resolved the question of sovereignty by deciding that in the
United States political power rested ultimately with the
34. Supporters of the Constitution enjoyed all of the following advantages:
they were better organized than their opponents
supporters such as Franklin and Washington were greatly admired
their label “Federalists” was more appealing than the name of their opponents
leading supporters included some of the ablest political philosophers of the time
35. The element of the Constitution most representative of the anti-federalist perspective is the
36. To protect the nation from the “tyranny of the people,” the original U.S. Constitution provided that
the people would directly elect only one part of the national government, the
37. For the new U.S. Constitution to go into effect, it had to be ratified by
38. The authors of The Federalist Papers wrote them for the purpose of explaining the meaning and
positive qualities of the
39. The Antifederalists argued that the Constitution had all of the following faults:
it provided for a national government that was too strong
it did not list the natural rights of its citizens
it favored the aristocratic and wealthy interests over those of the common people
it gave taxation powers that were too broad
40. The Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was significant to the distribution of power because it
reserved to the states and the people all powers not specifically delegated
41. The Federalists of the 1790s believed that the United States should have
42. Alexander Hamilton believed in all of the following ideas:
the country should be governed by an elite ruling class
a large and permanent national debt is a good idea
the federal government should assume state debts incurred during the war
one bank should have a monopoly of the federal governments own banking business
43. Alexander Hamilton succeeded in persuading Congress to pass all of the parts of his financial plan
the national bank
the assumption of state debts
the excise tax on whiskey
calling in bonds from wealthy speculators
44. To win support for the federal assumption of state debts, Hamilton’s supporters negotiated a bargain
that called for the construction of a new national capital on the banks of the
45. Alexander Hamilton’s programs and influence led to the creation of an opposition group known as the
46. When Thomas Jefferson looked to the future, he hoped that the United States would become a
country dominated by
47. The start of the French Revolution caused the Republicans in the United States to applaud the
revolution as being democratic and copy French
48. The Federalist Party enjoyed widespread support in the
49. In response to the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794, President Washington personally led an army of nearly
15,000 men into
50. The Constitution failed to address an issue concerning the Native Americans that would dictate their
future relationship with the whites. This issue was