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Test: Ancient Greece
May 8, 2008
Everyone will complete Part I – you get to choose your own Part II, III and IV. The
remaining sections are categorized by title: War, Democracy, Art and Culture. Pick
the category upon which you will be basing one of your two essay outlines. I will allow
you to use this test when you write the essay portion on Friday. You cannot change your
mind half way through and once you’ve made a selection you must commit.
PART I: Please answer all questions directly on the bubble sheet provided.
The legendary ancestor of all Greeks was said to have sprung from a rock, which his father
Deucalion had tossed over a shoulder shortly after the great flood. The boy from the rock was
named …
a) Herakles
c) Mycenaean
d) Minoan
b) Helladic
c) Periclean
d) Macedonian
b) Crete
c) Knossos
d) Sardinia
b) indoor plumbing
c) elaborate mazes
d) all of the above
We know the Mycenaean’s used their palaces for strictly bureaucratic reasons because we have
found inventory ledgers written in this script …
a) Linear A
b) Helladic
The Minoans built elaborate palaces that contained …
a) running water
d) Homer
The Minoans settled on the island of …
a) Salamis
c) Thucydides
The period between Alexander’s conquest and the rise of the Roman Empire is known as the …
a) Hellenistic
b) Herodotus
The period between the emergence of the Minoans and their dominance by the Mycenaean’s is
called the …
a) Hellenistic
d) Hellen
Much of what we know about ancient Greece comes from the works of THIS man, considered the
first historian …
a) Ptolemy
b) Hephaestion c) Hemmingway
b) Linear B
c) Cuneiform
d) Phoenician
THIS is the term given to a Greek city-state …
a) polis
b) pythia c) metronome
d) oracle
_________ was a famous Greek poet who wrote The Iliad and The Odyssey.
a) Homer
b) Aesop
c) Hermes
d) Trojan
10. THIS was added to ten parts copper to create bronze …
a) brass
b) aluminum
b) coal
d) tin
11. The Greeks built important buildings on a hill by the name of the …
a) court house
b) acropolis
c) temple
d) Parthenon
12. The Athenians had the best …
a) crops
b) navy
c) clothing
d) tyrants
13. Which of the following was NOT a type of government used by the city-states?
a) Democracy with president
b) tyrant
c) priest ruler
d) family king
14. Pericles died as a result of …
a) a brain hemorrhage
b) a battle wound
c) plague
d) a broken heart
15. Alexander defeated Darius III at the battle of …
a) Marathon
b) Aegospotami
c) Guagemela
d) Salamis
Part II: Answer all questions directly on answer sheet provided.
16. Who could be a citizen in Athens?
a) A slave
b) a noble woman c) a metic
d) none of the above
17. The people of Athens were the first to believe in __________ .
a) tyrannical rule
b) democratic rule
c) aristocratic rule
d) theocratic rule
18. THIS term means ‘ruled by the best’
a) aristocracy
b) democracy
c) oligarchy
d) tyranny
19. Beginning in about 775 B. C. the people of Greece began holding athletic games every four year in
the city of __________ .
a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Olympia
20. The winners of the Olympic games won _________ .
d) Corinth
a) feathers
b) olive wreaths
c) trophies
d) medals
21. THESE fighting forces proved to be such a necessity over time that officers in Athens were the first
to demand political representation/ freedoms …
a) Helots
b) phalanxes
c) hoplites
d) ostraka
22. Spartans who did not belong to the ruling classes were called …
a) oligarchs
b) tyrants
c) helots d) aristocrats
PART III: Fill in the blanks on the answer sheet provided.
A one-man rule that arises when one man seizes power by appealing to the people is called
The term _ (democracy 2) _ means rule by many or ‘the common people.’
Once they were freed of the tyrannical Hippias_(3)_, the Athenians used the “hired guns”
(Spartans) to seek and destroy anyone who opposed democratic reform – thus setting the stage for
One of Solon’s reforms was that debtors could not be _sold into slavery(4)_.
Solon’s reforms would not have been enforced had it not been for a sympathetic tyrant named
Part IV: On the back of your answer sheet, identify and describe one major contribution to the development
of Athenian democracy for each of the following …
Part II: Answer all questions directly on answer sheet provided.
Homer’s works offered Greeks …
a) a past
b) a collective identity
c) common spiritual beliefs
d) all of above
The Odyssey, by Homer, is about Odysseus’ adventures on his way home after the …
a) attack on Sparta
b) Olympic Games
c) Persian War
d) Trojan War
The type of play where a man was brought down by a flaw in his character.
a) comedy
b) Minos
c) Alcibiades
d) Xerxes
b) Spartans
c) Macedonians
e) Peloponnesian
The development of classical realism in Greek art was intimately related to what trade?
a) pottery
d) satire
So important was the oracle of Delphi that THESE warriors agreed to help the Athenians after the
Pythia (head priestess) told them it would bring them good fortune …
a) Corinthians
c) susperia
THIS Ionian leader from Lydia was told that if he attacked the Persians he would destroy a great
empire …
a) Croesos
b) tragedy
b) olive oil
c) wine
d) all of the above
THIS beloved pupil of Socrates opened the Academus where his students wrote dialogues …
a) Pythagoras
b) Archimedes
c) Plato
d) Aristotle
PART III: Place answers directly on answer sheet provided.
_(1 philosopher ) means “lover of wisdom.”
Socrates was charged with _( corrupting the youth of Athens, not believing in the Gods of the city
2) .
When his defense ended the jury cast their vote – he was found guilty by a vote of 280 to 220. The
Athenian jury decided death would be his penalty. This was administered by the drinking of
_(hemlock 3) .
The type of play referenced in multiple-choice question # 2 was influenced by Egyptian musical
dramas and followed a formula reminiscent of a Dionysian legend about witches who consume a
goat once every year. This is why the term in question literally means _(goat song4)_.
The (Parthenon) atop the acropolis was one of many projects put forth by Pericles. Historians
estimate that the construction of this engineering masterpiece would have exceeded a modern day
equivalent of 3 billion dollars.
Part IV: On the back of your answer sheet, identify and describe one major contribution to the development
of Greek art/ culture for two of the following …
Alexander the Great
Part II: Answer all questions directly on answer sheet provided.
The Greeks won the Trojan War by getting inside the walls of Troy. They did this with the help of a
a) hot air balloon
c) catapult
d) giant aluminum seagull
THESE fighting forces proved to be such a necessity over time that officers in Athens were the first
to demand political representation/ freedoms …
a) Helots
b) wooden horse
b) phalanxes
c) hoplites
d) ostraka
THIS army was defeated by the Athenians at Marathon.
a) Cyrus’
b) Persian
c) Macedonian
d) Spartan
Xerxes fought the Spartans at Thermopylae and won.
a) True
b) False
THIS final land battle convinced his army to follow Xerxes back home …
a) Marathon
b) Plataea
c) Thermopylae
d) Salamis
Alexander the Great was carrying out his father's plan when he invaded Persia.
a) True
b) False
The Spartans won the war by …
a) killing every Athenian
c) tearing down the acropolis
b) cutting off the Athenians' food supply
d) holding their breath
PART III: Fill in the blank on the answer sheet provided.
A successful military strategy used by the Macedonian army was the _phalanx (1)_, a large group
of foot soldiers trained to charge the enemy as a group.
Athens formed the _Delian (2)_ League to prevent another Persian invasion and promote trade
among the fragmented states.
To multiply her strength, Sparta formed the _ Peloponnesian (3)_ League.
The Spartans attacked the Athenians because the Athenians took money that was supposed to be
used for Greek naval defenses and used it to __build the Parthenon(4)__.
The __Peloponnesian (5)__ War between Athens and Sparta lasted 27 years.
Part IV: On the back of your answer sheet, identify and describe one major contribution to the development
of Greek military strategy, training, or technology for two of the following …
Philip II