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Chapters 4,5&6 multiple choice and true/ false.
Multiple Choice
1. The effect of a drug depends most fundamentally on __________.
a. body size
b. how much drug is taken
c. psychological set
d. the amount of food in the stomach
2. The presence of food in the stomach __________ absorption and __________ the maximum drug level achieved for orally administered
a. speeds up; increases
b. speeds up; decreases
c. delays; increases
d. delays; decreases
3. One characteristic of the subcutaneous route of injection is its associated __________ and __________ absorption rate.
a. slow, sporadic
b. rapid, sporadic
c. slow, constant
d. rapid, constant
4. A common street term for injecting a drug intravenously is __________.
a. freebasing
b. going cold turkey
c. mainlining
d. tripping
5. Which of the following is not an advantage of injecting drugs intravenously?
a. absorption rate can be controlled by using different solutions
b. drugs that irritate tissue can be taken
c. effects can be immediate
d. doses can be precisely adjusted
6. Which of the following conditions lead to more rapid drug absorption?
a. when there is more blood flow at the site of absorption
b. when the absorbing surface is smaller
c. when drugs are taken in suspension, rather than aqueous solution
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
7. Which of the following systems does not receive major portions of a drug rapidly due to a high volume of drug flow?
a. muscles
b. heart
c. brain
d. kidney
8. Which of the following drugs has no set range of elimination because its metabolites are used too efficiently in the body to be measured
a. marijuana
b. LSD
c. cocaine
d. alcohol
9. Which of the following drugs can be detected in the system for up to one month following chronic use?
a. LSD
b. benzodiazepines
c. marijuana
d. cocaine
10. The elimination of a drug from the body often is associated with changes that are opposite to those that were caused by the drug. These
are sometimes called __________.
a. flashbacks
b. rebound effects
c. delirium tremens
d. withdrawal symptoms
11. __________ is a term referring to the minimum dose of a drug that yields its efficacy.
a. Effective dose
b. Therapeutic index
c. Drug potency
d. Placebo
12. __________ means a state of equilibrium or balance.
a. Homeostasis
b. Potentiation
c. Cell adaptation
d. Tolerance
13. Which of the following accurately describes the influence that age has on drug effects?
a. susceptibility to a drug's effects declines over the life span
b. susceptibility to a drug's effects increases over the life span
c. children and the elderly are more susceptible to a drug's effects
d. age has no effect on susceptibility to drug effects
14. Setting factors are particularly important in the effects of __________.
a. alcohol
b. marijuana
c. hallucinogens
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
15. In the development of new drugs, how long does the animal testing phase typically last?
a. 6 months
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 10 years
16. Learning not to touch a hot stove after having been burned by it is an example of learning through __________.
a. positive reinforcement
b. negative reinforcement
c. punishment
d. none of the above
17. Drug self-administration studies indicate that __________.
a. animals do not self-administer drugs that humans do not abuse
b. reinforcers are more effective when there is some delay between them and the behavior
c. the psychiatric drugs chlorpromazine and imipramine are high in reinforcement value
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
18. When given __________, the usual disruption in behavior produced by introducing the punishment component in "conflict paradigm"
experiments does not occur.
a. marijuana
b. benzodiazepines
c. LSD
d. amphetamines
19. When people are exposed to conditioned stimuli many times without the drug they are associated with, the feelings of discomfort or
craving these stimuli produce dissipate. This is a process known as __________.
a. extinction
b. withdrawal
c. rebound
d. reverse tolerance
20. A __________ is a consequence of a behavior that increases the likelihood that it will occur in the future.
a. conditioned stimulus
b. punisher
c. reinforcer
d. rebound effect
21. __________ tolerance is a type of functional tolerance that is measured within the course of action of a single dose or first few doses of a
a. Acute
b. Cross
c. Protracted
d. Dispositional
22. The cell adaptation-homeostasis theory of drug tolerance is most helpful in explaining __________ tolerance.
a. dispositional
b. protracted functional
c. acute functional
d. none of the above
23. A specified dose of a drug administered to a man and a woman on average will have greater effects on the woman. This is because of
differences in __________.
a. brain chemistry
b. body fat
c. hormones
d. expectancies
24. __________ refers to an increase in the rate of the metabolism of a drug, so that the user must consume greater quantities of it in order
to maintain a certain level of the drug in his or her body.
a. Functional tolerance
b. Dispositional tolerance
c. Cross tolerance
d. Reverse tolerance
25. A drug's __________ name indicates the drug's structural formula.
a. chemical
b. pharmacokinetic
c. brand
d. generic
26. Which of the following is true regarding a drug's generic name?
a. It is the name most people would know.
b. It is the most useful name for chemists.
c. It is a shortened version of a drug's chemical name.
d. None of the above are true.
27. Hyperactive children are often treated with __________.
a. Ritalin (methylphenidate)
b. methaqualone (Quaalude)
c. chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
d. Valium (diazepam)
e. lithium
28. Both cocaine and the amphetamines __________.
a. increase brain levels of endorphins
b. block reuptake of dopamine
c. increase release of acetylcholine
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
29. The cocaine psychosis resembles the symptoms of __________.
a. manic-depression
b. paranoid schizophrenia
c. anxiety neurosis
d. catatonic schizophrenia
30. The ingredients in the original Coca-Cola included __________.
a. caffeine
b. cocaine
c. barbiturates
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
31. The earliest use of cocaine was __________.
a. chewing the coca leaf by the Inca
b. drinking Coca-Cola in nineteenth century United States
c. snorting cocaine in the fifth century
d. smoking crack by the Aztecs
32. Sigmund Freud advocated the use of cocaine for __________.
a. depression
b. drug addiction
c. schizophrenia
d. both a and b
33. The major current medical use for cocaine is as a(n) __________.
a. antidepressant
b. general anesthetic
c. local anesthetic
d. antianxiety drug
34. The abstinence syndrome produced upon cocaine withdrawal consists of which of the following symptoms?
a. seizures and convulsions
b. hallucinations
c. high fever and diarrhea
d. depression
35. The major difference between cocaine and amphetamine is __________.
a. cocaine is more rapidly metabolized
b. amphetamine is more addictive
c. tolerance develops to cocaine
d. amphetamine produces withdrawal symptoms
36. The depression that follows heavy use of cocaine is thought to be related to __________.
a. permanent brain damage
b. serotonin depletion
c. dopamine depletion
d. liver damage
37. Which of the following is a mechanism by which cocaine can cause death?
a. convulsions
b. heart failure
c. liver damage
d. both a and b
38. When cocaine is taken frequently, lower doses may induce convulsions and seizures. This phenomenon is called __________.
a. kindling
b. withdrawal
c. state-dependent learning
d. cross-tolerance
39. Which of the following is true regarding the relationship between stimulant drugs and performance?
a. they generally enhance complex intellectual performance
b. they increase resistance to fatigue and boredom
c. they cause blackouts
d. none of the above
40. "Base" is another name for __________.
a. heroin
b. marijuana
c. crack cocaine
d. LSD
41. The transdermal route of drug administration is an effective one for most drugs.
42. Metabolites of some drugs cause unwanted side effects while those of other drugs cause desired psychoactive effects.
43. Drug potency is another name for effective dose.
44. Expectancy effects are most prominent with behaviors or emotions that society proscribes from free expression.
45. Research subjects who drank in the company of others were more likely to report about physical changes related to drinking than were
subjects who drank alone.
46. A control group is an experimental group in which subjects can control the dose of a drug that is administered.
47. The high produced by cocaine is known as the formication syndrome.
48. Smoking crack produces a more intense effect than other routes of cocaine administration.
49. Cocaine is safe to take during pregnancy.
50. Cocaine is thought to activate the dopamine pathways of the medial forebrain bundle.
(c) 1999 by Harcourt Brace & Company. All rights reserved.