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Biology Warm-Up Jan.19, 2007
1. Do a Punnett square to determine the
genotypes of the offspring of the following
crosses of blood types:
a. O, homo.Rh pos. X AB, Rh neg.
b.Hetero A, Rh neg. X O, homo. Rh
c. Homo B, hetero Rh pos. X hetero A,
homo Rh pos.
2. Which blood type is the universal donor?
3. Which blood type is the universal
receiver? Why?
4. Why can’t you give someone A blood if
they have O blood?
5. What are three ways viruses reproduce?
6. What happens in the end of each way?
7. How are bacteria helpful?
8. What are the three shapes of bacteria?
Bacteria Cont.
a. Binary fission – asexual, they split in half
on their own, just like mitosis. This is the
most common.
b. Conjugation – simple sexual
reproduction. Bacteria join and swap
DNA. Exp. E-coli in your intestine
c. Transformation – binary fission where
the bacteria picks up bits and pieces of
DNA from surrounding bacteria. Exp.
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Two types of bacteria
a. eubacteria – true bacteria. Have a thick
cell wall live in soil, living organisms and
some photosynthesize.
b. Archae bacteria – live where there is no
oxygen. Hot salt water, acid pools, hot
ocean vents etc.