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Homework #1
1. When did Shakespeare write?
2. What was the Renaissance?
3. Where was Shakespeare born?
4. What were playhouses?
5. Describe The Globe theatre:
6. What was it also known as?
7. Where did the poor people stand?
8. Why was there so much violence in Shakespeare’s plays?
9. Who played the roles in Shakespeare’s plays?
10. Where did Shakespeare take most of the story of Romeo & Juliet from?
11. Was Shakepeare popular while he was alive?
12. Why is Shakespeare considered one of the most influential writers ever?
13. What form did Shakespeare write his poetry in?
14. What’s the difference in the language between the high characters and low characters in Shakespeare?
15. What are ACTS, SCENES, and the PROLOGUE?
16. What does “Star-crossed” lovers mean?
17. What is the setting of Romeo and Juliet?
18. What is one of the possible themes of Romeo & Juliet?
1) THE BRAWL - Who starts the brawl in the beginning of the play?
2) What is the difference between Benvolio’s reaction to the brawl and Tybalts?
3) Describe Tybalt.
4) What’s the difference between the reactions of the women to the brawl and the men?
5) What has been happening in Verona? What is the Prince’s decree?
6) Where is Romeo during the fight? Why is he so upset? How would you compare his behavior and character to
his friends? How is he different?
7) What does Romeo say about love in his speech? Is he talking about a person or about love itself?
8) What advice does Benvolio give him about women? How does Romeo react? What do you think about Romeo at this
point in the play?
Homework #2
ACT I- Summary & Questions
Answer the questions below as we read Act I, Scene i of the play.
1) THE BRAWL - Who starts the brawl in the beginning of the play?
2) What is the difference between Benvolio’s reaction to the brawl and Tybalts?
3) Describe Tybalt.
4) What’s the difference between the reactions of the women to the brawl and the men?
5) What has been happening in Verona? What is the Prince’s decree?
6) Where is Romeo during the fight? Why is he so upset? How would you compare his behavior and character to
his friends? How is he different?
7) What does Romeo say about love in his speech? Is he talking about a person or about love itself?
8) What advice does Benvolio give him about women? How does Romeo react? What do you think about Romeo
at this point in the play?
Movie Questions:
1) Look at the chart on page 3 of this package showing the difference between how Juliet and Romeo were
allowed to behave. How do the movies and the play show these differences? What does Juliet get to do
compared to Romeo?
2) Act I, Scene I: Compare Act I of the 1968 version of Romeo & Juliet with the newer Baz Lurmann version?
How are they the same? How did the modern version change the play? (For example: How are the families
represented in the new movie?
Famous Quotes: Read the following quotes from Romeo & Juliet, then identify: a) who spoke, b) to
whom, and c)what is being said (in your words)
Act I, Scene ii
1. “But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, My will to her consent is but a part.”
Study Questions for Act I, Scene 4 of the play.
1)Foreshadowing - A literary term that you need to know while reading the play. Foreshadowing refers to the
clues an author provides to suggest what will happen in the story. Shakespeare uses this device to create an
ominous tone in the play as we saw when we read in the prologue when the first speech declares that Romeo
and Juliet are doomed to die and “star-crossed.” Find the example of foreshadowing in this scene and write it
2) Mercutio’s Queen Mab speech is a one of the most famous in the play. What do you think it means? What kind
of person is Mercutio?
Movie Question:
1) How is this scene similar in the two movies? Different? Write down 2 ways they are similar and 2 ways they are different.
Study Questions for Act I, Scene 5 of the play. Answer in complete sentences!!
1. What does Romeo think of Juliet the first time he sees her?
2. When Tybalt is ready to seize Romeo and throw him out of the party, what does Capulet say to Tybalt?
3. Explain what the conversation is between Romeo and Juliet.
Movie Questions:
1) In the new movie, think about the costumes? What costumes are Romeo & Juliet wearing? Why do you think
they are wearing them? What do they mean?
ACT I - Summary & Questions - Scene 5
Famous Quotes: Read the following quotes from Romeo & Juliet, then identify: a) who spoke, b) to
whom, and c)what is being said (in your words)
Act I, Scene v
1. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For ne’er saw true beauty til this night.”
To B
2. “What, dares the slave come hither, covered in an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?
To B)
Homework #3
Act II, Scenes 1-2
Theme Questions
1. Romeo has been talking about the “power” of love since the beginning of the play. What does he say about
love in this scene? What is he willing to do to be with the one he loves?
2. How does the new movie mimic the motif of light and dark? What symbols and images contrast with each
other in this movie?
Famous Quotes: Read the following quotes from Romeo
Act II, Scene ii
1. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.
2. ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.”
3. ‘My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.”
4. ‘Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too
5. ‘If thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow...”
ACT II, Scene 3 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
*Soliloquy - This speech begins with a speech by Friar Laurence in which he seems to be talking to himself? How
does what he’s saying connect to the play?
ACT II, Scene 4 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
Act II, Scene 5 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
Act II, Scene 6 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
Study Questions for Act II, Scene 3-6 of the play.
1)Why does Friar Lawrence criticize Romeo when he hears about his love for Juliet? Compare and contrast the attitudes toward love held by Romeo and Friar Laurence.
2) What advice does Friar Laurence give to Romeo? How might his words explain the tragedy to come (foreshadowing?)
3) How are the Nurse’s and Mercutio’s ideas of love different from Romeo & Juliet?
4) When the nurse returns, how does she infuriate Juliet? Why is Juliet so impatient?
Act II, Scene vi
1. “These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as
they kiss, consume.”
Homework #4
Act II, Scenes 1-2
Theme Questions
1. Romeo has been talking about the “power” of love since the beginning of the play. What does he say about
love in this scene? What is he willing to do to be with the one he loves?
2. How does the new movie mimic the motif of light and dark? What symbols and images contrast with each
other in this movie?
Famous Quotes: Read the following quotes from Romeo
Act II, Scene ii
1. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.
2. ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.”
3. ‘My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.”
4. ‘Although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too
5. ‘If thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow...”
ACT II, Scene 3 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
*Soliloquy - This speech begins with a speech by Friar Laurence in which he seems to be talking to himself? How
does what he’s saying connect to the play?
ACT II, Scene 4 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
Act II, Scene 5 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
Act II, Scene 6 - Summary: What is happening in this scene?
Study Questions for Act II, Scene 3-6 of the play.
1)Why does Friar Lawrence criticize Romeo when he hears about his love for Juliet? Compare and contrast the attitudes toward love held by Romeo and Friar Laurence.
2) What advice does Friar Laurence give to Romeo? How might his words explain the tragedy to come (foreshadowing?)
3) How are the Nurse’s and Mercutio’s ideas of love different from Romeo & Juliet?
4) When the nurse returns, how does she infuriate Juliet? Why is Juliet so impatient?
Act II, Scene vi
1. “These violent delights have violent ends, And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as
they kiss, consume.”