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Protist Lab
In this lab, you will observe a variety of living protists. Protists do not easily fit into the
definitions of plant, animal, bacteria, or fungi because they are unicellular. Some of the
organisms you will see will have animal-like characteristics; some will have plant-like
traits, and other will have both. This is a great opportunity to see many of the organelles
we have been discussing in class.
If you have a smart phone or iPad use the QR reader app (available free for any device in
your app store) to go directly to a YouTube of that organism. This will help you know
what you are looking for. Turn your volume off!
Focus on low power first. For each organism that you observe, make a drawing under the
highest power you can clearly see. Use shading and colored pencils to add as much detail
as you can. Try to label and identify any organelles you think you see. You are most
likely to see, the nucleus, contractile vacuole, chloroplast, flagella, cilia, and cell
membrane. If you see green, that means photosynthesis Chloroplast! Answer the
questions about each organism.
1. Chlamydomonas
Is this protist more plant like or animal like?
Describe the movement of this organism.
2. Blepharisma
Is this protist more plant like or animal like?
Describe the movement of this organism.
3. Paramecium caudatum Look on pg. 501 of your book.
What are the little hairlike projections all over the outside of
this organism called?
Compare this organism to #2. Describe some similarities
and differences
What are the star shaped structures inside called (see pg.
4. Amoeba proteus
Watch carefully. Amoebas “ooze” forward slowly.
See pg. 500. What are the long “arms” that ooze
Forward called?_________________________
Is this protist more plant like or animal like?
5. Stentor
Watch carefully. Describe the movement of this
6. Volvox globator
See pg. 512. Is this organism unicellular, multicellular,
or colonial?_________________________________
7. Euglena
Describe characteristics of this organism that could be
used to argue that this protist is both like a plant and
like an animal?
See pg. 507. What does the red spot in this organism
Help it to do?
8. Peranema
Peranema has a flagella. What is unique about its movement?
9. Spyrogyra
Describe the unique arrangement of this organism’s
Chloroplasts.Label the chloroplast in your drawing.
10. Closterium
In what way might this organism be related to
11. Spirostomum
Is this protist more plant like or animal like?
Describe the movement of this organism.
12. Dileptus
Is this protist more plant like or animal like?
Watch carefully to see how this
protist moves. Describe:
13. Dindinium
Describe how this organism is able to move.
14. Euplotes
Is this protist more plant like or animal like? Explain.
15. Scenedesmus
Is this protist more plant or animal like? Explain.
16. Vorticella
Is this protist more plant or animal like? Explain.