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“The Cradle of Civilization”
Earliest Civilization: the
Fertile Crescent
earliest of all civilizations as people formed
permanent settlements
Mesopotamia is a Greek word that means
“between the rivers”, specifically, the area
between the Tigris River and Euphrates River
(present day Iraq)
Lasted for approximately 3000 years
Its peoples were the first to irrigate fields,
devised a system of writing, developed
mathematics, invented the wheel and learned to
work with metal
The fertile crescent
In the spring, the rivers
often flooded, leaving
behind rich soil for
farming. The problem
was that the flooding
was very unpredictable.
It might flood one year,
but not the next. Every
year, farmers worried
about their crops.
Over time, the farmers learned to build
dams and channels to control the
seasonal floods. They also built walls,
waterways, and ditches to bring water
to their fields. This way of watering
crops is called irrigation. Irrigation
allowed the farmers to grow plenty of
food and support a large population.
Geographic Conditions
Little rainfall
Hot and dry climate
Windstorms leaving muddy river valleys in winter
Catastrophic flooding of the rivers
in spring
Arid soil containing little minerals
No stone or timber resources
Then why live in
NATURAL LEVEES: embankments produced by build-up of sediment
over thousands of years of flooding
Natural Levee
create a high and safe flood plain
make irrigation and canal construction easy
provide protection
the surrounding swamps were full of fish &
reeds provided food for sheep / goats
reeds also were used as building resources
History of Mesopotamia
Over the centuries, many different people
lived in this area creating a collection of
independent states
 Sumer- southern part (3500-2000 BCE)
 Akkad- northern part (2340 – 2180 BCE)
 Babylonia- these two regions were unified
(1830-1500 BCE and 650-500 BCE)
 Assyria- Assyrian Empire (1100 -612 BCE)
II. Religion Shapes Society
Sumerian polytheism was the basis for all
Sumerian society.
Polytheism is the worship of many gods.
Gods had enormous powers.
Priests had great statues built in Sumer.
Priests were people who performed religious
B. Sumerian Social Order
Social hierarchy: the division of society by rank or class
Kings were at the top of the order because they claimed to be
chosen to rule by the gods.
Social order
a. Kings
b. Priests
Skilled craftspeople, merchants, and traders
d. Large working class of farmers and laborers
e. Slaves
C. Men and Women in Sumer
Men generally held the political power and made laws.
Women generally took care of the home and children.
Education was generally reserved for men, but some upper
class women were educated.
Some women were priestesses in Sumerian temples.
a. Enheduanna, a priestess who wrote hymns, is the first
known female writer in history.
gods were worshipped at
huge temples called
Polytheistic religion consisting of
over 3600 gods and demigods
Position of King was enhanced
and supported by religion
Kingship believed to be created
by gods and the king’s power
was divinely ordained
Belief that gods lived on the
distant mountaintops
Each god had control of certain
things and each city was ruled
by a different god
Kings and priests acted as
interpreters as they told the
people what the god wanted
them to do (ie. by examining
the liver or lungs of a slain
Prominent Mesopotamian gods
Enlil (supreme god & god of air)
Ishtar (goddess of fertility & life)
An (god of heaven)
Enki (god of water & underworld)
Shamash (god of sun and giver of law)
Ziggurat of Ur -2000BCE
Large temples dedicated to
the god of the city
Made of layer upon layer of
mud bricks in the shape of
a pyramid in many tiers
(due to constant flooding
and from belief that gods
resided on mountaintops)
Temple on top served as
the god’s home and was
beautifully decorated
Inside was a room for
offerings of food and goods
Temples evolved to
ziggurats- a stack of 1-7
platforms decreasing in size
from bottom to top
Famous ziggurat was
Tower of Babel (over 100m
above ground and 91m
Creation Story
The archetypal creation story begins with
undefined matter. Then primeval parents
generate cosmic gods who, through
struggle and conflict, create the universe
and mankind.
Heroic Quest
The archetypal life journey of a hero includes
his struggle to prove his physical strength, win
political power, and gain spiritual wisdom.
Political structure an early form of
Frequent wars led to the
emergence of warriors as leaders
Eventually rise of monarchial
Co-operation was the basis of
Followed leadership of god of the
city which was interpreted by a
council of leading citizens > or >
priests > or leader of the city (ie.
Social, economic and intellectual basis
Irrigated fields and produced 3 main
crops (barley, dates and sesame seeds)
built canals, dikes, dams and drainage systems
develop cuneiform writing
invented the wheel
Abundance of food led to steady increase of population (farm, towns, cities)
first city of the world, Uruk
Developed a trade system with bartering: mainly barley but also wool and clot
for stone, metals, timber, copper, pearls and ivory
Individuals could only rent land from priests (who controlled land on behalf of
gods); most of profits of trade went to temple
However, the Sumerians were not successful in uniting lower Mesopotamia
The Sumerians loved music, and it was
important for in both religious and civic
 They had created harp and lyre.
Established the social, economic and
intellectual basis of Mesopotamia
 First to develop writing in the form of
 Sumerians are credited to have invented
the wheel
 Became the first city of the world
 However, the Sumerians were not
successful in uniting lower Mesopotamia
Leader: Sargon the Great
Sargon unified lower Mesopotamia (after conquering Sumerians in
2331 BCE)
Established capital at Akkad
Spread Mesopotamian culture
However, short-lived dynasty as Akkadians were conquered by the
invading barbarians by 2200 BCE
• Babylonians reunited Mesopotamia in
1830 BCE
• central location dominated trade and
secured control
• YET AGAIN, Mesopotamia was not
unified for long…
(6th Amorite king) who conquered
Akkad and Assyria (north and south)
He build new walls to protect the city
and new canals and dikes to improve
Economy based on agriculture and
wool / cloth
individuals could own land around
Artisans and merchants could keep
most profits and even formed guilds /
Grain used as the medium of
exchange > emergence of
measurement of currency: shekel =
180 grains of barley; mina = 60
Mina was eventually represented by
metals which was one of first uses of
money (but it was still based on
Hammurabi’s Legacy: law code
Hammurabi's Code
The Louvre, Paris
Code of Hammurabi
To enforce his rule, Hammurabi collected all the laws of
Babylon in a code that would apply everywhere in the land
Most extensive law code from the ancient world (c. 1800
Code of 282 laws inscribed on a stone pillar placed in the
public hall for all to see
Hammurabi Stone depicts Hammurabi as receiving his
authority from god Shamash
Set of divinely inspired laws; as well as societal laws
Punishments were designed to fit the crimes as people must
be responsible for own actions
Hammurabi Code was an origin to the concept of “eye for
an eye…” ie. If a son struck his father, the son’s hand
would be cut off
Consequences for crimes depended on rank in society (ie.
only fines for nobility)
Babylonian Empire
 Hanging Gardens
 Ishtar Gate
Babylon’s Hanging Gardens
Assyrians, A Warrior Race
10th century BCE, Assyria emerged as dominant force in the
City of Assur- became important trading and political centre
After Hammurabi’s death, Babylon fell apart and kings of Assur
controlled more of surrounding area and came to dominate
Made conquered lands pay taxes (food, animals, metals or
Rule by fear as kings were first to have a permanent army
made up of professional soldiers (estimated 200 000 men)
Made superior weapons of bronze and iron
iron changed lifestyles in Mesopotamia in weapons and in daily
life ie. replaced wooden wheels and applied to horse drawn
• Assyrian reunited Mesopotamia and
established the first true empire
• However, states began to revolt and
ONCE AGAIN, Assyrian Empire collapsed
by late 7th century BCE
• By 539 BCE, Mesopotamia part of the
vast Persian Empire (led by Cyrus the
• Persian Empire dominated for 800 years
until Alexander the Great
The winged creature (right)
was found at the palace of
Sargon II right at the entrance
to his throne-room standing 14
feet tall. Their were four
statues on each side and they
faced each other. It was
believed that the lamassu
could frighten off demons.
[Oriental Institute, Chicago)
Gold of Nimrud
The gold of
Nimrud is a
collection of more
than 1,000 pieces
of gold jewelry
and precious
stones from the
eighth and ninth
centuries B.C.
The Queen’s Gold
Whoever … removes me
from my tomb, or places
anyone else with me, or
lays hand on my jewelry
with evil intent, or breaks
open the seal of this
tomb, let his spirit
wander in thirst in the
open countryside.
Below, in the
Netherworld, let him not
receive any libation of
pure water, beer, wine, or
flour as an offering! May
the great gods of the
underworld impose on
his corpse and spirit,
restlessness for all
Darius, king of Persia
Ruled with justice and tolerance.
Adopted a standardized coinage
Established a road system
Zoroaster, Persian prophet started a
new monotheistic religion, good vs.
evil and a final judgement, linked to the
Ancient seafarers
• The Phoenicians inhabit the region of
modern Lebanon and Syria from
about 3000 BC (Palestine and
Phoenicia). They become the greatest
traders and the best sailors and
navigatorsof the pre-classical world.
They are also the first people to
establish a large colonial network
based on seafaring. In all these skills
they build on the example of their
maritime predecessors,
the Minoansof Crete.
• An Egyptian narrative of about
1080 BC, the Story of Wen-Amen,
provides an insight into the
scale of this activity. One of the
characters is Wereket-El, a
Phoenician merchant living at
Tanis in the Nile delta. As many
as 50 ships carry out his
business, plying back and forth
between the port of Sidon and
the Nile.
• "Phoenicia" is a term used by historians for the
o Name was given to the Canaanites by the ancient
• Migrations and invasions of Phoenicia left small traces
of the civilization
• Phoenicians wrote on perishable products (papyrus)
• Records of Phoenicia come mostly from Greek &
Roman records
• Mass migration and destruction of Canaanite
settlements (about 1200 B.C.E., Eastern Mediterranean)
forced Phoenicians to a small territory on the coast to
the west by 1100 B.C.E.
• Present day Lebanon, includes parts of Israel and Syria
• Expanded trade and established colonies throughout
the Mediterranean
• Colonies included:
o Cyprus- off the Lebanese-Syrian coast
o Northern Africa- parts of Libya and Morocco
o Southern Spain
o Sicily, Sardinia, and Malta- off the Italian coast
• Rivers and divides of Mount Lebanon made areas for
different city-states on the Phoenician coast
• Important city states include Byblos, Berytus, Sidon, and
Tyre. Dominance of a particular-city state changed over time
• Trade gave Phoenician city states wealth & a political role in
the Mediterranean
• City-States are believed to have been controlled by kings or
leading merchant families
• Phoenicia was often in conflict with Greece over colonies,
particularly Sicily
• Phoenician colonies in and around Carthage, Tunisia were
powerful political powers in the western Mediterranean
o Carthage warred with Greeks and Romans
o Protected other Phoenician colonies in the west
o Became one of the world's largest cities in 500 B.C.E.
• Phoenicia was a major trading power of the
• Traded many raw & manufactured goods with food,
such as cedar & pine, metals, wine, fish, textiles, ivory,
glass, etc.
• Traded a valuable purple dye that was extracted from
murex snails on the Phoenician coast
o Greeks gave the Canaanites the name Phoenicia for
their purple dye
o Used in Persian, Roman, Hellenistic cultures
• Carthaginian religion was polytheistic, similar to
Mesopotamian religions
• Carthaginian gods had to be pleased with devout
worship & sacrifice
• Western Phoenicians in Carthage were believed to have
practiced child sacrifice to gods
• Tophets (enclosed gravestones) contained urns and
burned remains of sacrificed children
• Developed the first alphabetic system of writing
• Early Canaanite models were made into symbols
representing sounds
• Phoenicians made symbols representing consonants,
vowel sounds were to be inferred
• Greeks added symbols to represent vowel sounds
Failure and Transformation
• The Assyrian Empire rose to power over the Middle East
and dominated civilizations such as Phoenicia,
Mesopotamia, and Israel by 650 B.C.E.
• During Assyrian dominance, powers of Neo-Babylonian
(Chaldaean dynasty of Babylonia) and Medes (Iranian
people) rose to conquer Assyria
• Assyrian homeland fell to Medes; other territories fell to
• Babylonia & its culture was revived and thrived in the
6th century B.C.E. under efforts of King Nabopolassar
and King Nebuchadnezzar
The First Alphabet
First to use gold & silver coins
The Lydian lion, the world’s
oldest coin
Describe how smaller civilizations such as
Phoenicia and the Lydians could exert their
influence on the ancient world.
Smaller civilizations such as Phoenicia and
Lydia could exert their influence on the ancient
world by developing ideas and distributing the
ideas to the rest of the world. With the
Phoenicians, it was their alphabet and with the
Lydians, it was their idea of a money economy.
The Phoenicians were great traders and as they
traded from port to port, they brought their
culture to the people they traded with. This
allowed them to influence the rest of the world.
Development of Writing
Click here to see the
development of writing
from pictograms to
Pictograms: picture to show meaning
 Ideograms: signs to represent words / ideas
 Phonetics: signs to represent sounds
*Phonetics are the basis of most writing systems
Greatest contribution of Mesopotamia to
western civilization was the invention of
allowed the transmission of knowledge,
the codification of laws, records to
facilitate trade / farming
Sumerians wrote on wet clay tablets
with the point of a reed > then dried in
the sun to make a tablet
Scribes were only ones who could read
and write and served as priests, record
keepers and accountants
As society evolved, the first form of
writing was developed called
CUNEIFORM (meaning “wedge
shaped”), dating to 3500 BCE
Cuneiform spread to Persia and Egypt
and became the vehicle for the growth
and spread of civilization and the
exchange of ideas among cultures
Gilgamesh is an ancient story or epic
written in Mesopotamia more than
4000 thousand years ago
Gilgamesh is the first known work of
great literature and epic poem
Epic mentions a great flood
Gilgamesh parallels the Nippur Tablet,
a six-columned tablet telling the story
of the creation of humans and animals,
the cities and their rulers, and the
great flood
Gilgamesh and the Nippur tablet both
parallel the story of Noah and the Ark
(great flood) in the Old Testament of
the Jewish and Christian holy books
Modern science argues an increase in
the sea levels about 6,000 years ago
(end of ice age)
the melting ice drained to the oceans
causing the sea level to rise more than
ten feet in one century
Royal Tombs
of Ur
From 1922 to 1934, excavation of
the ancient Sumerian city of Ur
City famed in Bible as the home of
patriarch Abraham
discoveries such as extravagant
jewelry of gold, cups of gold and
silver, bowls of alabaster, and
extraordinary objects of art and
opened the world's eyes to the full
glory of ancient Sumerian culture
Great Death Pit
mass grave containing the bodies of
6 guards and 68 servants
 grave was a great funeral procession
 drank poison, choosing to
accompany the kings and queens in
the afterlife
Interesting Facts!
Mesopotamia, specifically Babylon used a
mathematical system based on sixty as all their
numbers were expressed as parts of or multiples
of sixty
 Some parts of the ‘base-sixty’ system still remain
today: 360 degrees in a circle, 60 seconds in a
minute and 60 minutes in 1 hour
 Devised a calendar base on cycles of the moon
(number of days between the appearance of two
new moons was set as a month; 12 cycles made
up a year
Who was the best?
Closely tied to
techniques for
Trade- bartering
Writing- cuneiform
Religion tied to
government as
priests and kings
made decision for
Production of food
through farming
 Private ownership
of land vs
ownership by the
 Developed
mathematics and
calendar system
and system of units
for currency
 Hammurabi’s law
Kings conquered
lands to create
empire of Assyria
 Cooler climate could
produce crops with
little irrigation
 Deposits of ore
allowed for
development and use
of iron
 Assyrian army
became most
effective military
Legacies of Mesopotamia
Revolutionary innovations emerged in
Mesopotamia such as:
 codified laws
 ziggurats
 Cuneiform
 Irrigation
 Metal working, tools
 Trade
 transportation
 wheel
 Writing
 mathematics
 prosperous living based on large scale agriculture