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Stockdale Study Guide Chapter 11 to 14 Exam
World History
Know the following terms and people
canon law
Charles Martel
Urban II
Gothic style
First Crusade
Second Crusade
Third Crusade
Fourth Crusade
lay investiture
Romanesque style
St. Francis of Assisi
Richard the Lion-hearted
Answer the following Questions
1. Explain the main three abuses that most distressed church reformers.
2. What were the stages of becoming a knight?
3. What were the two most important accomplishments of the Mongol
4. What two main religions emerged out of the split in the Christian
5. What were the names and characteristics of the four parts of the
Justinian Code?
6. Who was Justinian’s wife and advisor?
7. What does Hagia Sophia mean in Greek?
8. How did the Byzantine’s keep their enemies at bay?
9. What is excommunication?
10. What does it mean to be a pastoralist?
11. The Treaty of Verdun ended what?
12. Who led the Norman conquest of England?
13. Which king was the first to claim all of England as his personal
14. To whom was Eleanor of Aquitaine married?
15. List the accomplishments of the Capetian kings.
16. Who forced whom to sign the Magna Carta?
17. As the emperor of China, Kublai Khan founded what dynasty?
18. Kublai Khan was the grandson of whom?
19. Unlike his ancestors, Kublai Khan lived most of his life where?
20. As the emperor of China, Kublai Khan built a new capital and palace
at the site of the modern-day city of?
21. What is the name of the body of civil law created for the Byzantine
22. During the 8th-century dispute over icons, who supported the use of
23. Who invented the alphabet that is used by many Slavic languages?
24. What was the Mongol Empire in Russia called?
25. This means universal ruler.
26. When did Genghis Khan die?
27. What was the period of peace and prosperity in the Mongol empire
28. Historically, peoples have tended to move west and south across the
steppe mainly for reasons having to do with
29. A pastoralist makes a living by
30. Membership in a Mongol clan was determined by the members' claim of
a common
31. Immediately following the death of Genghis Khan, what happened to
the empire?
32. What modern-day states were not parts of the Mongol Empire?
33. How did Genghis Khan succeed as a conqueror?
34. The leader who brought Christianity to the Franks was
35. A book of rules to be used for governing monasteries was written by
36. The person who was chiefly responsible for increasing the Church's
secular role during the Middle Ages was
37. Who were the Frankish leaders that were part of the Carolingian
38. Who was the most famous European to visit China during the lifetime
of Kublai Khan. Later, he described Kublai Khan and his court to
39. Up until World War II, the largest seaborne invasion in history was
one that the Mongols launched against who?
40. In 1368, the last Mongol khan of China was overthrown and power was
seized by who?
41. Name the four Khanates that the Mongol empire was divided into.
42. Explain the feudal system from the Middle Ages.
43. What were the three classes of the feudal system?
44. Which Crusade was the only successful one?
45. What were three effects of the Bubonic plague?