Download World History Mr. Lucker 600 TO 1450 Islam

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World History
Mr. Lucker
600 TO 1450
-Muhammad (570-632CE)
-Mecca, Medina
-5 Pillars
-Sunnis and Shiʼites
-The 5 Pillars
-Umayyad caliphate--first four caliphs, Damascus--expanded to Spain
-Abassid caliphate (750-1258)--Baghdad
-role of women
-caliphates end with Mongol invasions (13th century)
Byzantine Empire (4th century to 1453)
-Justinian (527-565)--Justinianʼs Code, replacement of Latin with Greek
-1054--schism between Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church
-East vs. West: In the East, Church is central authority, political authority decentralized
In the West, political authority centralized, church localized
-Russia converted to Christianity by St. Cyril--Cyrillic alphabet
Carolingian Dynasty--8th century Europe
-Charlemagne, crowned by Pope in 800
-Holy Roman Empire (962-1806)
-nobles, vassals, peasants (serfs)
-code of chivalry
-Hanseatic League
Crusades (1095-1204)
-armed pilgrimages
-Pope Urban II
Emergence of Nation States
-Magna Carta, 1215
-Hundred Years War (1337-1453)-centralized royal power of France
-Ferdinand and Isabelle, the Inquisition, infidels expelled.
Tang Dynasty (618-907)
-equal field system
-spread of Buddhism
-800s--anti-Buddhist campaign
Song Dynasty (960-1279)
-economic revolution-flying money
-footbinding of women
-Chinese junks
-rapid population growth
-600s-Yamato clan
-700s-Fujiwara clan--Chinese influence
Feudalism: shogun, daimyo, samurai, Code of Bushido
-Shintoism and Zen Buddhism
-Tale of Genji, womenʼs role in literature
Vikings: 800s to 1100
The Mongols (1200-1550)
-Genghis Khan (Temujin)--unites Mongol tribes
-1227, Genghis Khan dies, empire is divided
1. China, Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan.Increase of foreign influence in China, Marco Polo
2. Ilkhanate, Middle East, Helegu, Abassid Caliphate defeated
3. Jagadai Khanate, Central Asia
4. The Golden Horde, Batu--(Alexander Nevsky)
-Pax Mongolica
-failed attempts to conquer Japan (1274,1281)
West African Kingdoms
Ghana: trans-Saharan trade.
-converted to Islam in 900s
Mali: (1235-1400s)
-Mansa Musa (1312-1337)--hajj
East African States: Swahili city-states
-trade in gold, slaves and ivory for pottery, glass and textiles
-Zimbabwe (1200s)
The Plague: (1340s to 1600s)
Consequences: labor, anti-Semitism, weakening of feudal system
The Americas
The Mayans (300-800)--Tikal, Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Tulum
-ball game
-no draft animals
The Aztecs ((1400-1521)--Tenochtitlan
-12 million
-ritual sacrifice
Incas (1400-1540)--Cuzco
-alpacas and llamas
-road system
-sacrifice, children on mountaintops