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Worksheet - Alcohol and the Human Body
Open the website at . Answer the
following questions.
1. How many links are listed under the college student section?
2. What are the links?
Click on the Interactive Body link. At the Interactive Body page click on each of the six buttons
and read the information that pops up. Make sure to scroll down to read all the info.
4. What is the category for each button?
5. Which organ systems can be affected by alcohol?
6. What are some heart problems that heavy drinking can lead to?
7. What are some liver problems that even moderate social drinkers can experience?
8. What is the most interesting/shocking thing you learned on the Interactive Body page?
Return to the main page. Using your handout: “A Snapshot of Annual High-Risk College
Drinking Consequences, ” answer the following questions:
9. How many students between the ages of 18 and 24 report having been too intoxicated to know
if they consented to having sex?
10. What percent of college students met criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse?
11. How many students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual
assault or date rape?
12. How many college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related
unintentional injuries, including motor vehicle crashes?
Click on the Alcohol Myths link. A small window will pop up and a flash presentation will
begin. Advance through the 7 myths. Answer the following questions:
13. Of the 18-24 year olds admitted to emergency rooms for serious injuries; what percentage
was intoxicated?
14. Do men and women process alcohol differently?
Which gender gets intoxicated easier?
15. Which of the myths do you think high school age students are told most often? Why? (Watch
the presentation again if necessary)
Close the alcohol myth window. Return to the main page. Click on the “Facts About Alcohol
Poisoning link. Answer the following questions.
16.What are the six critical signs for alcohol poisoning?
17. What should you do if you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning?
18.What can happen to someone with alcohol poisoning if they go untreated?