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Humans effecting the environment test bank questions
In 1500, between 60 million and 125 million American bison roamed the plains. These bison
were used by Native Americans as a primary food source, but this did not have much
effect on the bison population. A few hundred years later, railroad crews and settlers moving west
also depended on the bison for food. By 1829, it is estimated that less than 100
bison were left. What were the two main causes of the near-extinction of the bison?
A Disease and over hunting
B Loss of habitat and disease
C Over hunting and loss of habitat
D Loss of habitat and starvation
The graph shows the amount of pollutants removed by trees. During October, the trees
were able to remove the greatest amount of —
A ozone
B particulates
There are many factors that influence the population changes of an ecosystem. Which of
these does not influence population size in an ecosystem?
A Birthrates of animals
B Number of animals in habitats
C An animal’s weight
D The size of a habitat
Wherever civilizations have flourished, forests have been destroyed. Hundreds of years ago
in England, rivers and seaports began to fill with silt after the forests were destroyed. What
caused the silt to fill the seaports?
A Eutrophication
B Succession
C Erosion
D Irrigation
Which of the following is considered a nonrenewable resource?
A. sunlight
B. corn
C. coal
D. trees
Which of the following is considered a renewable resource?
A. iron
B. sunlight
C. oil
D. coal
A change to the environment that has a negative effect on living things is called
A. a renewable resource.
B. a nonrenewable resource.
C. population growth.
D. pollution.
Which of the following is an example of a global environmental choice?
A. a student deciding to ride a bicycle to school
B. a family deciding to recycle their newspapers
C. a town meeting about a new nature refuge.
D. nations meeting to discuss the ozone layer
Which of the following is NOT one of the three main types of environmental issues?
A. resource use
B. population growth
C. pollution
D. climate control
The study of the natural processes that occur in the environment and how humans can
affect them is called
A. resource management.
B. environmental science.
C. preservation.
D. conservation.
During the last 3,000 years, the human population has
A. decreased.
B. increased.
C. remained the same.
D. shown huge increases followed by decreases.
Which of the following would be a cost of drilling for oil in Antarctica?
A. The supply of heating fuel would be increased.
B There would be a greater opportunity to study wildlife there.
C. An oil spill could harm food sources for penguins.
D. Many new jobs would be created.
Which of the following might be a benefit of building an incinerator in a town?
A. It would be expensive to build.
B. It would cause some air pollution.
C. It would be safer than an existing open dump.
D. It might reduce the beauty of the natural landscape.
Cutting down only some trees in a forest, leaving a mix of tree sizes and species standing, is
A. selective cutting.
B. clear-cutting.
C. certified cutting.
D. patch cutting.
Which of the following products can be harvested only by cutting down trees?
A. maple syrup
B. pulp for paper
C. nuts
D. rubber
The number of trees that can be harvested from a forest without reducing the future supply
is called a
A. clear-cut.
B. selective harvest.
C. certified harvest.
D. sustainable yield.
The practice of raising fish and other water-dwelling organisms for food is called
A. overfishing.
B. aquaculture.
C. sustainable yielding.
D. selective cutting.
An area with a large population of ocean organisms harvested for food is called a(n)
A. aquaculture.
B. sustainable yield.
C. fishery.
D. reservoir.
If fish are caught faster than they can breed, the population will
A. increase.
B. decrease.
C. remain the same.
D. move to other waters.
The number of different species in an area is referred to as its
A. niche diversity.
B. climate.
C. habitat fragmentation.
D. biodiversity.
The most diverse ecosystems on Earth are
A. tropical rain forests.
B. coral reefs.
C. deep-sea areas.
D. fisheries.
A species that influences the survival of many other species in an ecosystem is called a(n)
A. niche species.
B. extinct species.
C. keystone species.
D. endangered species.
All of the following factors affect an area's biodiversity EXCEPT
A. area.
B. genes.
C. climate.
D. diversity of niches.
In the last few centuries, the number of species becoming extinct on Earth has
A. decreased dramatically.
B. decreased slightly.
C. increased slightly.
D. increased dramatically.
If all members of a species disappear from Earth, the species is said to be
A. extinct.
B. endangered.
C. threatened.
D. keystone.
The loss of a natural habitat is called
A. habitat destruction.
B. habitat fragmentation.
C. pollution.
D. poaching.
The exhaust fumes from automobiles are an example of
A. habitat destruction.
B. poaching.
C. pollution.
D. exotic species.
All of the following are threats to biodiversity EXCEPT
A. habitat destruction.
B. gene pool diversity.
C. pollution.
D exotic species.
The mating of California condors in zoos is an example of
A. habitat preservation.
B. captive breeding.
C. biodiversity.
D. habitat destruction.
Laws can help protect endangered species by prohibiting
A. captive breeding.
B. habitat preservation.
C. diversity of genes.
D. products made from the species.
Yellowstone National Park, the world's first national park, is an example of
A. captive breeding.
B. habitat preservation.
C. habitat destruction.
D. poaching.
What is true about species that lack a diverse gene pool?
A. They impact the survival of other species in an ecosystem.
B. They form a niche within a community.
C. They are more resistant to disease or parasites.
D. They are less able to adapt to disease or parasites.
The illegal killing or removal of wildlife species is called
A. pollution.
B. poaching.
C. habitat fragmentation.
D. captive breeding.