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Paper I (Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry)
Time : 2 Hrs
Marks : 100
Section – A
(10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer All Questions: Tick the correct answer
1. The enzymes involved in the citric acid cycle are located in
a) Mitochondria
b) Lysosome
c) Cytoplasm
d) Nucleolus
2. Palmitic acid is – fatty acid
a) Saturated
b) Unsaturated
c) Polyunsaturated
d) Monounsaturated
3. During severe muscular exercise when the blood lactic acid content rises over 100 mg per
100 ml, the PH of blood
a) Slightly increases
b) Slightly decreases
c) Highly increases
d) Markedly decreases
4. The cells involved in bone formation are
a) osteoclasts
b) osteoblasts
c) mesenchyme cells
d) parietal cells
5. Reaction between an amino acid and sugar is known as
a) denaturation
b) hydrolysis
c) maillard reaction
d) browning reaction
6. Under ideal conditions one bacterium divide into two every
a) 10 mins
b) 15 mins
c) 20 mins
d) 30 mins
7. Lymph is formed from
a) Tissue fluids
b) Blood
c) Plasma proteins
d) Acinus of a gland
8. Mould growth in bread is prevented by the use of
a) Sodium benzoate
b) Calcium propionate
c) Potassium metabisulphite
d) Calcium carbonate
9. Which combination is most likely to result in hemolytic disease of the new born
a) Both Parents are Rh negative
b) Rh positive mother, Rh negative father
c) Rh negative mother, Rh positive father
d) Both parents are Rh positive
10. Pasteurisation of milk makes it safe because
a) All organisms are destroyed
b) Milk is sterile
c) Milk is clean
d) Pathogenic organisms are destroyed
(25 x 2 = 50 MARKS)
Answer all questions:
1. What is “deglutition”?
2. How is urine formed?
3. Explain about any two hormones primarily involved in reproduction.
4. What is Homeostasis?
5. Explain the forms in which carbon-dioxide is transported in the blood.
6. Differentiate between a bacteria and a virus.
7. Write the effects of water deprivation on water balance.
8. Why is the iodine number of coconut oil less than that of gingelly oil?
9. List the monosaccharides produced upon hydrolysis of sucrose, maltose & lactose.
10. Define the term “smoking” in food preservation.
11. List the three physical methods of microbial control
12. What is melanin and melatonin.
13. Explain the term “food spoilage”
14. What is the recommended intake of iron for an adolescent girl?
15. Differentiate between jam and marmalade.
Fill in the Blanks:
16. The normal haemoglobin level in women is _________________
17. Saliva contains chiefly _________________ which acts on starch
18. ________________ factor is essential for absorption of vitamin B12
19. Cells of liver produce ______________________ which is needed to emulsify fat
20. ________________ cells of Islets of Langerhans secrete the hormone glucagon
21. Aldosterone is the hormone produced by __________________
22. Carotene is provitamin _____________
23. Lipids are transported in the blood in the form of _______________
24. The functional unit of kidney is ________________
25. The pacemaker of the heart in the human being is _________________
Section – C
(2 x 15 = 30 Marks)
Answer any Two questions:
1. a) Discuss any five food borne illnesses?
b) What are the factors affecting the microbial growth in foods?
2. Give the composition and functions of pancreatic juice. Explain how proteins are
digested and absorbed in the body.
3. List of hormones of anterior pituitary gland and describe their functions.
Paper II
(Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Service Mgt.)
Time : 2 Hrs
Marks : 100
Section – A
(10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer All Questions: Tick the correct answer
1. The “Consumer Protection Act” was passed in
a) 1982
b) 1984
c) 1986
d) 1988
2. If the food cost of a snack is Rs. 1, and the food cost percentage is 45, the selling price would
a) Rs. 2.50
b) Rs. 1.45
c) Rs. 1.42
d) Rs. 2.22
3. Microwave cooking involves use of
a) Ultra violet rays
b) Infra red rays
c) Gamma radiation
d) Electro magnetic waves
4. The optional dietary Ca : P ratio for infants is
a) 1:1
b) 1:2
c) 1:2:5
d) 1:1:5
5. Which of the following has the highest potassium content
a) Cucumber
b) Potato
c) Cabbage
d) Green Peas
6. The sodium intake of a CRF patient with hypertension and odema should be
a) < 2 g / day
b) < 4 g / day
c) < 3 g / day
d) < 5 g / day
7. There is high ammonia output in the urine in
a) Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
b) Cirrhosis of the liver
c) Uremia
d) Nephritis
8. The amino acid containing hydroxyl group is
a) Alanine
b) Arginine
c) Isoleucine
d) Threonine
9. The Eskimos have a low plasma concentration of
a) Cholesterol
b) LDL
c) Triacylglycerol
d) All of the above
10. A bain marie is used for
a) Washing vegetables
b) Keeping food hot
c) Basting meat
d) Pot washing
(25 x 2 = 50 marks)
Answer all questions:
1. What is the formula for converting mEq to mg.
2. What is MNT in relation to clinical dietetics.
3. Name the long chain derivatives of n-3 fatty acids.
4. Name the four sites at which skin fold thickness is measured for assessment of nutritional
5. Milk is deficient in _______________ and ________________
6. Selling price per unit minus variable cost per unit equals _____________________
7. What is the protein content of: a) Groundnuts
8. Give the desirable level of HDL for women
b) Panneer
9. What is sucrose polyester.
10. What are the three types of food production systems.
11. Define catering management.
12. How much Na is there in 5g salt.
13. What is the amount of milk secreted by a rural Indian woman.
14. List the antioxidants found in Tea.
15. Give a commercial formula which could be used for enteral feeding and give the calorie
and protein composition.
16. What should be the lactometer reading of good quality milk.
17. What is human insulin.
18. Give the fasting plasma glucose level diagnostic of diabetes mellitus.
19. What is the waist-hip ratio for men which is a risk factor for obesity – related diseases.
20. Expand “SOAP” in terms of nutritional care.
21. List the methods of nutritional support.
22. Give the normal levels of SGOT and SGPT.
23. What is portal hypertension and what are its complications.
24. What is the nutritional management in acute pancreatitis.
25. What is the dietary modification for hypertriglyceridemia.
Section – C
(2 x 15 = 30 Marks)
Answer any Two questions:
1. A 22 year old nursing student is admitted with fever of 101F, nausea, vomiting, and
elevated levels of SGOT and SGPT. Plan and calculate the diet you would recommend.
2. Plan and calculate the diet you would recommend for a 50 year old man with chronic
renal failure undergoing CAPD.
3. Give the incidence of various malnutrition problems in the country & discuss briefly the
national programmes introduced to alleviate the problems.