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Shoulder Injuries
 Anatomy of the Shoulder
 _____________________________ joint
 Relies on muscular _____________________ for stability
 Several _____________ link up at the shoulder
 Entire bony linkage of the shoulder referred to as the ____________________________
 Bones
 3 basic bony components
 _______________________
 __________________ (aka collarbone)
 _______________________ (aka shoulder blade)
 Muscles
 Rotator Cuff
 Consists of _____ muscles (SITS)
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 _____________________
 Responsible for ___________________ the arm ____________________ and
__________________ as well as ____________________
 Deltoid-lies over the head of the humerus.
 ____________________, ______________, and __________________ shoulder
 Anterior portion of shoulder-pectoralis major and pectoralis minor
 Biceps-______________________ the elbow
 Triceps-extends the ____________________ and _________________________.
 Joints
 Shoulder girdle composed of several joints
 Most commonly injured joints of the shoulder are:
 ___________________________ joint (Acromion process of scapula and the
distal end of clavicle
 ___________________________ joint (articulation of the head of the humerus
and the glenoid fossa)
**________________________-point of contact
**glenoid fossa-________________________ portion of scapula
 What causes most shoulder injuries?
 ________________________________
 ________________________________
 _________________________________
 Addressing muscle weakness
 “Out of sight, out of mind”-weight training
 Athletes often __________ weights only for the _________________ they can
___________ in the mirror which leads to _______________________ in
___________________ muscles
 Athletes with __________________ shoulders, tight ___________________, or weak
________________________ shoulder muscles may be predisposed to injuries.
 Supraspinatus muscle, nerve, and blood vessel run through a very narrow space
and narrowing that space can cause those tissues to become pinched
 Using arm ______________________ in one ________________________
 Ex. Freestyle swimming or throwing
 Need to _______________________the muscles ___________________ the
motion in order to prevent injuries.
 Otherwise, it creates a muscle ____________________.
 Ex. A swimmer who swims 300 strokes freestyle must swim 300 strokes
backstroke to balance the strength of the muscles.
 Acromioclavicular Ligament Sprain
 Referred to as a ________________________________
 Can be injured by ________________ to the top of the shoulder or by ______________
on an _________________________ arm
 Athlete will indicate _______________ with ______________________________
 More serious sprains cause the clavicle to move superiorly
 3rd degree separation-large ________________ bump caused by __________________
upward _________________________ of clavicle.
 ______________ to move arm and will hold it tight _______________ body
 Treatment
 1st degree-__________________
 2nd & 3rd –PRICE initially and then _______________ to an
 2 courses of action to treat 3rd degree tear:
 __________________-joint wired or screwed together
 ___________________-straps the clavicle ____________________ in an
attempt to hold the joint together long enough to allow the ligament to heal.
 Glenohumeral Ligament Sprain
 Especially vulnerable when in ___________________ and _________________ rotation.
 If a 3rd degree sprain, __________________ or ______________________ is likely
 Will have pain with motion
 Treated by _________________ and referred to a ___________________
 Muscle and Tendon Injuries
 Most muscle and tendon injuries are caused by _________________
 Athletes who ______________, ________________, or repeat a swim stroke prone to
overuse injuries
 Require ___________, ice application, ______________________, and
_________________ referrals
 Rotator Cuff Strain
 Occur from _______________________ motion beyond the normal range
 __________________________ is most often injured
 Pain ________________ motion and ____________________ when shoulder is not
 Pain generally _____________________ with _______________________________
 If unable to abduct, complete tear or 3rd degree strain is suspected
 Impingement Syndrome
 Develops from ______________________ overhead types of movement
 Supraspinatus and biceps muscles run together through a space beneath
_______________ process
 If space __________________ due to swelling, tendinitis, weak posterior muscle
strength, or poor posture, the muscles become __________________ in the
 Creates pain and _____________________ with overhead movements.
 Treatment-modified ____________________, strengthening ____________________
muscles, improving ____________________ of tight pectoralis muscles.
 Bicipital Tendinitis
 Common in athletes who are ___________________ raising their arms above their
 Repetitive nature of the movement causes _________________ of the tendon in
__________________ groove
 _________________________ in a sling will make athlete more comfortable
 Physician may prescribe ___________________ therapy and ___________________
 Biceps Tendon Rupture
 Can rupture from a __________________ blow or severe _____________________
 Unable to __________ elbow
 _____________________ change in ____________________ of muscle (look like a golf
ball under the skin)
 Arm must be _____________ and _______________________
 Referred to ____________________
 Tendon must be _______________________ repaired
 Clavicular Fractures
 Most often fractured at its ______________________ point (distal 3rd)
 Caused by a ________________ blow or _________on the tip of shoulder
 Experience _______________ and will hold arm _____________ to body to prevent
 Ice used to ____________________ swelling and pain
 Sling __________________ arm movement
 Physician can set the ___________________ in place using a ___________________
 Fracture takes ____ weeks to heal
Humeral Fracture
 _______________ fractures easy to locate
 Humeral _________ fractures sometimes hard to find if ___________ behind shoulder
 Shoulder ___________ can mimic a _____________ so it’s important to ensure proper
 Unable to _____________ arm and will _____________________ pain
 May report _______________ or ___________________ a pop
 Will hold arm against body
 Easiest way to _________________ a fracture: ________________ circumference of
 Painful on all sides, most likely a fracture
 Physician ________________
 __________________ determines treatment-could just be a ____________ or
_____________ with long arm cast
 Takes at least 6 ___________ to heal
Epiphysis Injury
 Growth plate susceptible to ______________and _________________ blows
 Same signs and symptoms as _______________ fractures
 Can cause _______________________ growth ________________________
 Ice, splinting, and a sling-what an ATC should do
 ____________________ will determine ___________________ of injury and treatment.
 Some injuries require ________________ to hold the __________ of humerus to the
______________ of humerus
 Teenage _________________ prone to epiphyseal injury from _________________
 Limited in number of ____________allowed to play as well as number of
_______________ thrown
Avulsion Fractures
 May ___________________ a glenoumeral or acromioclavicular sprain
 Ligament or tendon _____________ away a small portion of ___________
 When humerus is ________________ from glenoid fossa, capsular ligament can pull on
 Athlete will ___________________ pain ___________________ with the dislocation
and avulsion fracture
 __________________ to know if avulsion fracture exists: ATC must _______________
until X-ray reveals otherwise
Glenohumeral Dislocations and Subluxations
 Glenohumeral dislocation means that ______________ of humerus is out of its
 ___________________ means that head of humerus came ________ of socket and then
went back _________
 _______________ for both is the same: excessive _____________ and external
 ________________ are completely ___________________
 Both require attention by ____________ and team ____________________
 Dislocation sometimes ________________ the humerus head to _______________ the
capsular ligament _____________________
 __________________ of capsular ligament allows the humerus head to shift
________________ (most common type of shoulder dislocation)
 Experience ___________ and __________________ to use shoulder
 ATC will see a __________________ at deltoid muscle
 Shoulder will be _______________, not ____________________
 ___________________ needs to __________________ a dislocation
 For a _____________________, athlete may __________ his shoulder “pop out and
then pop back in”
 ________________ necessary to determine ______________ of the dislocation or
 Athlete needs to ______________________ the muscles of ________________ and
internal ______________________
 If athlete experiences ____________________ subluxations or dislocations will require
______________________ to repair capsular ligaments.