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World War II: Think-Tac-Toe Project
You will choose 3 (make sure you choose three in a row to have TIC TAC TOE) of the tasks
below, you will be able to complete these tasks in 3 class periods. You may need to work on it
on your own as well, use your time wisley. This project is worth 100 points. List any sources
you use.. Make sure that all of your products are creatively and neatly done-create something to
be proud of!
1. Historian
2. Venn Diagram
3. Insurance Adjuster
Create an illustrated timeline
of 5 events that lead up to or
that were during the
Use a Venn Diagram to
compare and contrast WWI
and WWII. You should include
information about causes,
events during the wars,
leaders, the fighting and
results of the wars.
Assess that aftermath of
WWII. Hand out blame and
penalties and estimation of
damages to all involved.
Provide evidence for your
reasoning. A couple of
sentences should be written
about each of the countries
5. Pretend that the United
States did not join the war.
Write 1-2 paragraphs that
explain what might have
happened. When would the
war have ended? Who would
have won? How would the
results have been different?
This may be typed or
6. Statistician
Include the location and the
numbers of people affected.
4. Create an original
propaganda poster
Your poster can be from the
perspective of any country that
participated in World War II. It
can be in color or black and
Create a map of Europe that
shows the estimated number
of casualties for each country
during WWII and the
Holocaust. Each country
should be labeled and include
an estimated number of
Also include other major
participants outside of Europe
in a list format.
7. Write and illustrate a
children’s ABC book.
Sketch an image that
represents each letter of the
alphabet relating to WWII.
8. Write a diary
9. Find a political cartoon
Write an entry from the perspective of
a major leader during the World War II
era. Your choices include:
Find a political cartoon from
WWII. Write a short analysis
of the cartoon.
Mussolini (Italy)
Hitler (Germany)
Stalin (Russia)
Churchill (Great Britain)
Roosevelt (USA)
DeGaulle (France)
Hirohito (Japan)
Your journal should be 2-3 paragraphs
long and focus on this person’s view
of a major event. It should include a
list of any sources you used.
-What is the cartoon showing?
Name 3 important details
-Does the cartoon have any
symbols? What are they and
what do they stand for?
-Is there a caption? What does
it mean?
-What is the message of the
I choose activities #_____, #_____, #_____.
World War II: Think-Tac-Toe Project
1. Historian
5 events ___/10 (2 pts each)
Location ___/5
Number of people ___/5
Detailed Illustrations ___/
2. Venn Diagram
3. Insurance Adjuster
Total of 10 elements on Venn
diagram ___/30
Blame ___/ 10
Evidence ___/ 10
Penalty ___/ 10
4. Create an original
propaganda poster
5. Pretend that the US did not
join the war
6. Statistician
Illustration ___/10
Message ___/ 10
2 Paragraphs long (total of 10
sentence) ___/10
Explains when the war would
end ___/5
Explains who the winner would
be ___/5
Explains how it would be
different ___/5
Presentation/ Neatness ___/ 5
Map used ___/5
Countries labeled ___/5
Number of casualties ___/10
Include info about Japan and the
US as additional participants
Presentation/ Neatness ___/5
7. Children’s ABC Book
8. Write a Diary
9. Political Cartoon
Letters used (2 pts each)
Pictures sketched (2 pts
each) ___/13
Presentation/ Neatness
2-3 Paragraphs (At least 10
sentences total) ___/10
Formatted like a diary ___/10
Includes details specific to the
Point of View ___/10
Sources used for the project listed ___/10
Analysis of cartoon ___/5
3 details about cartoon ___/5
Symbols explained ___/5
Caption explained ___/5
Overall message of the cartoon
expressed ___/10