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Preproduction Rubric: The Script and the Storyboard of the Commercial
Identify, organize, plan, and
allocate time, money, material,
facilities, and human resources
to accomplish a task.
Group did not submit
script, storyboards or
drafts of
Writing-Demonstrate control
of standard writing
Grammatical and/or
spelling errors
present which make
meaning unclear.
Rhetoric-Select and use
delivery style to achieve
desired audience response(s).
Advertisement has no
propaganda or
persuasive technique
emotional appeal,
ethical appeal,
statistics, pathos,
logos, etc.)
Advertisements does
not appeal and
convince viewers
why they should treat
the environment well.
appeals or
convinces all
viewers why they
should treat the
environment well.
The script lends itself
towards an
advertisement that
will effectively
appeal to its viewers
and convinces its
viewers why they
should treat the
environment well.
The ability to recognize and
produce quality performance
and quality products
Product shows
potential. However,
created with no
thought or effort.
Little visual or audio
Product created
with thought
and/or effort.
Some visual or
audio appeal.
Product shows
thought or effort,
showing strong visual
or audio appeal.
Students develop skills and
attributes that are critical to a
person’s ability to successfully
navigate the world in and out
of school, at work, and at
home: thinking and reasoning
skills, personal qualities, skills
for managing resources,
interpersonal skills, skills for
managing information, and
skills and knowledge related
to systems.
One member of the
group worked on the
According to the
reflections other
members had no
input or did not
contribute to create
the medium (poster
and, web page or
radio commercial or
One person
dominated the
input and creation
of the script.
Other members did
what the
dominating person
The script was a
collaborative and
cooperative creation
of the members in the
group. According to
the reflections all
group members did
not have a nearly
equal part in putting
the script together.
Most members
performed or created
the medium (poster
and, web page or
radio commercial or
Composing processesUse writing processes and
strategies appropriately and as
needed to construct meaning
and communicate effectively.
Groups submitted
parts of a script,
storyboards or
drafts of
Despite several
drafts, spelling or
grammatical errors
detract somewhat
from the meaning.
Groups submitted
typed script,
storyboards and
rough drafts of
Several drafts result
in minor grammar
and spelling errors
that do not detract
from the meaning
Groups submitted
typed script,
storyboards and
rough drafts of
No spelling or
grammatical errors
result in a clear,
fresh, vivid language.
Advertisement has an
easily identifiable
propaganda or
persuasion technique
emotional appeal,
ethical appeal,
statistics, pathos,
logos, etc.)
With outstanding
effectiveness, the
script lends itself
towards an
advertisement that
will effectively
appeal to its audience
and convince its
viewers why they
should treat the
environment well.
Product is created
with thorough
thought and effort.
Appeals visually and
auditorily to the
intended audience in
an exemplary
The script was a
collaborative and
cooperative creation
of the members in the
group. According to
the reflections, all
group members had
an equal/nearly equal
part in putting the
script together.