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Review Project for 1450-1750.
Chapter 9 Global Interactions
This project is a major grade and is due Thursday, April 30th.
1. Create a chart giving the notable rulers, major accomplishments and/or characteristics, and decline of the
following empires.
a. Ottoman, Safavid, Mughals, Songhai, Kongo, Angola, Ming, Qing (Manchu), Tokugawa
2. Map
a. Plot the above Empires on the map.
b. Mark the countries of England, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy
c. Draw Arrows depicting the Columbian Exchange between the Americas and Europe and list
foods and diseases along the arrows.
3. List the great accomplishments of the following people. (Sorry this is a lot, but they are all important.)
They are all in Chapter 9.
a. The Medici family, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Johannes
Gutenberg, Machiavelli, Sir Thomas More, Erasmus, William Shakespeare, Martin Luther, Pope
Leo X, John Calvin, King Henry VIII, Ignatius Loyola, Nicolas Copernicus, Galileo, Francis,
Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Prince Henry, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus,
Amerigo Vespucci, Ponce de Leon, Vasco de Balboa, Ferdinand Magellan, Giovanni da
Verrazano, Sir Francis Drake, John Cabot, Henry Hudson, Francisco Pizarro, Hernan Cortez,
Ferdinand and Isabella, Charles V, Philip II, Elizabeth I, James I, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell,
Henry IV (France), Louis XIV, Ivan IV, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Suleiman the
Magnificent, Babur, Akbar, Aurangzeb, Zheng He
4. Answer the following questions in short essay format. (1-2 Paragraphs)
a. Explain the process of the development of Humanism in the Renaissance and give examples of
how it was portrayed through Art and Literature.
b. Explain the Reformation and how it leads to the Counter-Reformation.
c. Compare the Divine Right to the Mandate of Heaven.
d. Explain the new technologies used in Exploration.
e. Explain the Encomienda system and how it led to the African Slave Trade.
f. Explain the development of trade companies and joint stock companies during Exploration.
g. Compare England to France during the 17th century.
h. Explain Germany’s role as the Holy Roman Empire and how the Thirty Years War affected it.
i. What was the relationship like between the Ottomans, Mughals and Safavids?
j. Explain how the actions of the Ming led to the empire of the Qing or Manchus.
k. Describe the rule and new policies of the Tokogawa Shogunate in Japan.