Download 11th January 2017 Dear Parents, On 19th January we have booked

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11th January 2017
Dear Parents,
On 19th January we have booked a travelling theatre production to visit our school with
their production of
Beauty & The Beast
Sing, dance, laugh and cry as M&M take you on an action packed adventure with their spectacular
adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.
Meet a giant talking tea pots, and a huge burning candlestick! We boast catchy songs and a must see
finale transformation scene. Beauty and the Beast is sure to stay in the hearts of the children for a very
long time. Belle, a young girl who is tricked into the forest at night by the manipulative Gaston! Upon
being captured by the beast she soon learns of his softer side and that he can be kind and caring. Packed
with colourful sets, larger than life characters and fantastic effects, invite Belle and the cast of this
wonderful show to be your guest!
The children will watch the pantomime during the school afternoon.
The cost of this event is £7.50 per child.
The PTFA has generously offered to provide ice cream.
Please return slip and payment by 17th January.
Yours sincerely
Jane Prelogauskas
Head teacher
I do / do not give my permission for my child ………………………to watch Beauty & The Beast.
Please make payment of £7.50 in a marked envelope and return to office.
Please indicate any allergies to ice cream and contact the office about a alterative option.
Signed ………………….