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Study Advice Service
Student Support Services
Grammar: Parts of speech checklist
A handy list of parts of speech, with examples of their use
If you want to know more about parts of speech, see the Study Advice Service leaflet:
“Grammar Series 1 - Word Classes”
Part of
When to use it
To describe things, people or
Tells more about a noun (see
For example
Small, square, blue, old, beautiful, broken,
dangerous, terrible.
It is a beautiful day. The brown dog wagged its
short tail. The tall man won the race.
Comparative To compare two things or
Quicker, more expensive, easier.
I am taller than Jim. The vase is more expensive
than the teapot.
To compare more than two
things or people.
Tallest, fastest, most interesting, best.
Peter is the tallest in the group. I am the eldest of
five sisters.
To describe the way an action
is carried out or how someone
does something — how, why,
when, or where.
Tells more about a verb (see
Slowly, carefully, often, never, high, shyly, loudly.
The arrow flew upwards and straight. I often go to
the cinema. The postman runs quickly when he
sees the dog. The driver sounded the horn angrily.
Later, the snow stopped.
Used with a noun (see below)
to define a particular thing or
person (definite) or any thing
or person (indefinite).
The describes a particular thing. This is the car I
would like (a specific car).
A, An describe any thing. I would like a car
(any car).
To join two sentences, two
phrases or two words.
And, because, or, but, although, whereas, if, as, for,
yet, that, when, since, while, until, though, unless,
Men and women. I was late because I missed the
bus. The wind was cold although it was May.
To name or label things, places, Dog, elephant, hospital, cupboard, girl.
people, animals, ideas, groups The dog buries the bone.
of things etc.
To name or label a specific item Mary, John, Wednesday, Birmingham.
(usually one of a kind). Starts Shall we go and visit Carolyn at her home in
with a capital letter no matter
Scarborough on Tuesday?
where it occurs in a sentence.
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To name or label a group of
people or a collection of things
(more than one).
Committee, team, class, group, collection, set.
To link a noun (see above) to
other words to give a sense of
time, place, direction etc.
In, at, on, from, to, until, since, for, before, after,
during, by, with, without, about, above, of.
I will see you on Tuesday. The purse is on the
Look at those children. I have been waiting since
To replace a noun (see above) I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
that is a subject in a sentence to When George got up he had his breakfast. She
avoid repetition.
phoned to cancel the appointment.
To replace a noun (see above) Me, him, her, us, them, it, you.
that is an object in a sentence to We met them when we were on holiday.
avoid repetition.
To replace a noun (see above)
that shows ownership to avoid
Ours, mine, yours, his, hers, theirs.
This handbag is mine. Yours is the correct
To state what is going on/action/
doing/ being in the past, present
or future: what is, what has gone
on or what was and what will go
on or will be.
I like the film (present tense). The dog catches the
ball (present tense). She sang in the choir (past
tense). Mike thought about Sue (past tense). Philip
will post the letter tomorrow (future tense). He will
see his friends next week (future tense).
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The information in this leaflet can be made available in an alternative
format on request. Telephone 01482 466199.
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