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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ________
Directions: Answer all questions using your notes from quarters one and two.
Quarter I
Reconstruction Era
Describe the Reconstruction Era Amendments (13, 14, and 15).
How were the 14th and 15th Amendments restricted in the South?
Westward Expansion
What was the Homestead Act designed to do? Who was it designed for?
What was an underlying theme of Frederick Jackson Turner’s thesis?
Why was the American Federation of Labor (AFL) more successful than other labor unions?
Why did big businesses form corporations?
The major strikes of the industrial period demonstrated what characteristic of labor unions that made
them unpopular?
Immigrates from which countries comprised the new wave of immigration to the U.S.?
How were immigrants assimilated into American culture?
What are the similarities and differences between Washington and DuBois?
Why did Populists support the Pendleton Act?
What was the underlying cause of farmers’ discontent during the Populist movement?
Describe the goals of the Omaha Platform and the Grange Movement.
The Senaca Falls Convention and many female muckrakers contributed to…
What gave rise to the Progressive movement?
List some of the legislation that resulted from muckrakers’ efforts.
What are the similarities between Presidents Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson as progressive presidents?
Women were finally granted the right to vote due to a:
What is philanthropy?
American Imperialism
What caused the Spanish-American War?
How might social Darwinism be used as an excuse for taking over or heavily influencing other
Describe President Roosevelt’s foreign policy in Central America.
Why did President Roosevelt support the Panamanian rebellion against Colombia?
Describe the United States’ foreign policy with China.
What is the Platt Amendment?
Quarter II
World War I
Most of the fighting along the Western Front occurred in what two countries?
What were the causes for U.S. entry into World War I?
List the hardships soldiers faced in trench warfare.
List three new weapons introduced in World War I.
President Wilson’s Committee on Public Information was designed to:
The Allied Powers who attended the Treaty of Versailles or “Big Four” are:
The primary goal of Wilson’s Fourteen Points was:
Why did the Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles? What kind of foreign policy does this reflect?
How did the government diminish our civil liberties during the World War I Home Front?
How were Americans nativists towards the Germans during World War I?
Nativism and the Red Scare
What factors contributed to the Red Scare?
Give two examples of nativism in the 1920s.
The Culture of the Roaring Twenties
What did President Harding’s slogan “a return to normalcy” mean for many Americans?
What was the foreign policy practiced by the United States during the 1920s?
What were modern aspects of the roaring twenties?
Give two examples of a clash between traditional and modern values during the roaring twenties.
Describe American’s buying habits during the 1920s.
Marcus Garvey and the American Colonization Society both supported what movement?
Name some of the key figures involved in the Harlem Renaissance.
How did the Harlem Renaissance affect African Americans?
Why did prohibition fail in the U.S.? What does this tell you about proper and improper regulatory
measures in the U.S.?
John Scopes was being tried (Scopes Trial) for teaching what scientific theory?
What is the Great Migration?
The Stock Market Crash
Describe some of the economic problems that led to the stock market crash in 1929.
The Republican Presidents of the 1920s supported what economic policy?
What is the name of the day the stock market crashed?
What ideal did Hoover adhere to that prevented him from assisting those in need during the Great
Describe the business cycle.
The Great Depression
Describe the economic conditions during the Great Depression.
What would need to happen for banks to recover from the Great Depression?
Describe U.S. foreign policy between World War I and World War II.
Describe U.S. foreign policy between World War I and World War II.