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Common Name of Plant: Downy Sunflower
Scientific Name of Plant: Helianthus_mollis
Average Height of Plant: 1.2 meters
Blooming Time: July to September
Ask the Botanist
What are the leaves like?
The soft, grayish leaves are covered with little hairs. That is why they call it “Downy
Sunflower.” The stems are also covered with hairs. The leaves are opposite; that means that
they are across from each and other. The leaves are about 12 cm long and 8 cm wide with a
slightly toothed edge. They are clasped to the stem without a petiole or leaf stem. The leaves
quickly turn black if they are removed from the plant.
What type of flowers bloom on this plant?
The flowers are butter yellow. The flowers bloom mid summer to early fall. They get up to 10
centimeters wide. The flowers have little to no scent with a dark brown center. The flower is a
like a daisy with ray flowers on the outside and disc flowers in the center.
What is unusual about the seedpods or seeds of this plant?
The seeds of this plant are shiny and smooth. The seeds are also dark and have no hairs or
tuffs on them too. Downy sunflowers also spread with underground stems called rhizomes.
How is this plant important to animals? Has it also been used by people?
It is a favorite for goldfinches. Flies, butterflies, and bees (short and long tongued) suck the
nectar out. The leaves have been used by people to make strong tea to reduce fevers. The
stems have also been used to treat malaria
Is there anything else unusual about this plant?
It prefers dry sandy soil but does well on well-drained soil. The stem of the plant has
greenish-gray colored hairs on it. This plant tends to droop in times of drought.
Whole Plant
Buds & Flowers