Download Important Progressive reformers and movements

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Mr. Walter
AP US History 2
Progressive Era Quiz Review Guide
Early next week, you will take an AP-style multiple choice quiz on the Progressive Era and a
more thematic AP-style FRQ (free response question).
Let’s help each other get ready. The unit started on October 1.
I would advise you to look at the following:
 Film notes: Triangle, The Presidents, Iron Jawed Angels
 Textbook and handouts
 Progressive museum presentations
Topics to Review:
Big questions
 What exactly was Progressivism?
What caused, or brought about the need for, a Progressive Era?
How did the Progressive Era transform the role of government?
Who were the Progressives? What were their backgrounds and issues?
Important Progressive reformers and movements
 Who were the “muckrakers,” and what impact did they have on American society?
How were municipal (city) governments reformed, improved, and in some cases even
transformed around the country during the Progressive Era?
How were state governments reformed during the Progressive Era in order to make
them more democratic and accountable to the people?
What steps were taken to protect women and children during The Progressive Era?
How did organizations like the Anti-Saloon League and the Women’s Christian
Temperance Union (led by Frances Willard) change America in significant ways?
Compare and contrast Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois’ approaches to African
American civil rights issues during The Progressive Era. What was their fundamental
disagreement and difference of opinion?
Compare and contrast the approaches of NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage
Association) led by Carrie Chapman Catt and the National Women’s Party (led by Alice
Paul). In what ways were their goals similar? In what ways did their methods and
strategies differ?
Why were settlement houses important centers of Progressivism?
How did the Progressive Era change the field of law and the way that the courts
What role did labor unions play in the Progressive Era?
How did the conservation movement begin, and what did individuals and organizations
National Progressivism: How did each of the Progressive Presidents capitalize upon the spirit
of Progressivism? What notable domestic achievements are each responsible for?
T. Roosevelt
W. H. Taft
W. Wilson
Illustrative case studies from the Progressive Era
Iron Jawed Angels
The Socialist Challenge (Zinn-A Peoples’ History)
 Notable Socialist writers and activists and their analysis/activism
The socialist critique of early 20th Century America
Unionism: AFL, IWW, etc.
Eugene Debs and the Socialist Party
African Americans
Zinn’s alternative assessment of the Progressive Presidents
Other significant events and details