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The Circulatory System Webquest
Veins and Arteries
1. We said that blood carries oxygen and nutrients in it, what are 3 other functions of the
circulatory system?
2. What is the difference between the direction of blood flow in the veins and arteries?
3. Which type of blood vessel has valves and why?
4. How does the pressure under which blood flows through the artery compare to
pressure in the vein?
5. Arteries almost always carry what type of blood?
6. Veins almost always carry what type of blood?
7. Blood going to or from what organ changes the type of blood in arteries and veins?
8. Why are capillaries only 1 cell thick?
9. If we put every capillary end to end, how long would it stretch?
10. Draw a diagram of how veins, arteries, and capillaries look together.
11. Semilunar valves allow blood to flow out of the heart into what 2 main arteries?
12. What are the 2 main veins that lead into the heart called?
13. How much does a heart weigh?
14. Describe or draw the path blood takes through the heart (include ALL valves).
15. Why are the walls of the left ventricle thicker and stronger?
16. What do the kidneys do to the blood?
17. What are the blood vessels that go in and out of the kidneys called?
18. What are the blood vessels that go in and out of the liver called?
19. What are the blood vessels that go in and out of the lungs called?
20. What controls the pumping action of the heart?
21. “A heartbeat is a two-part pumping action that takes about a second.” What does this
statement mean, what chambers are contracting while which are relaxed?
22. What causes the “lub” sound of the heartbeat?
23. What causes the “dub” sound of the heartbeat?
24. What is blood pressure?
25. What are 2 effects of smoking on the circulatory system?
26. What are 2 effects of diet on the circulatory system?
27. What are 2 effects of exercise on the circulatory system?