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U S History Final Exam REVIEW
Period:_______ Date:____________________
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. suffrage
b. nullification
c. spoils system
d. majority
e. kitchen cabinet
1. practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs
2. group of unofficial presidential advisers
3. right to vote
4. act of canceling a law
5. number equal to more than one-half
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. depression
b. mudslinging
c. nominating convention
d. caucus
6. meeting of delegates from all states to choose a party’s candidates
7. period of declining business profits and lost jobs
8. private meeting during which powerful party members pick candidates
9. use of insults to attack an opponent’s reputation
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Seneca Falls Convention
b. Underground Railroad
c. Hudson River School
d. Second Great Awakening
____ 10. first artists to study and paint American landscapes
____ 11. religious movement that stressed free will rather than predestination
____ 12. gathering at which delegates passed resolutions demanding equality for women
____ 13. network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to freedom
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. capitalist
b. Lowell girl
c. creole
____ 14. someone who invests to make a profit
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. cede
b. annex
c. lynch
____ 15. execute without a legal trial
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Battle of Shiloh
b. Battle of Chancellorsville
c. Battle of Fredericksburg
____ 16. one of the worst defeats for the Union
____ 17. one of the bloodiest Civil War battles
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 18. How did Congress help American industry after the War of 1812?
a. It closed the first Bank of the United States.
b. It established the second Bank of the United States.
c. It encouraged merchants to import British goods.
d. It lowered tariffs.
____ 19. What is one reason Lowell, Massachusetts, was called a model factory town?
a. Employees’ paychecks were sent to their families.
b. Factory owners refused to employ women workers.
c. It was built on the site of a farm community.
d. Factory owners housed and protected women employees.
____ 20. What agreement resulted in the United States taking possession of Florida?
a. the Monroe Doctrine
c. the Adams-Onís Treaty
b. McCullough v. Maryland
d. Gibbons v. Ogden
____ 21. What was daily life like in a factory in the early 1800s?
a. Adults worked 12 hours a day, and children worked shorter hours.
b. Children worked 6 hours a day with frequent rest breaks.
c. All employees, including children, worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.
d. All employees worked 6 hours a day with frequent rest breaks.
____ 22. What change did MOST eastern states make in voting requirements by the 1830s?
a. Voters no longer had to be 21 years of age or older.
b. A man no longer had to own property to vote.
c. Voting rights were no longer limited to white males.
d. Voters no longer had to be born in the United States.
____ 23. Why did American settlers in Texas come into conflict with Mexico in the 1830s?
a. Mexican laws prevented settlers from becoming Mexican citizens.
b. Mexico wanted to sell Texas to Spain.
c. Mexico feared losing Texas to the United States.
d. Settlers wanted to throw out the Mexican constitution.
____ 24. What development immediately followed the Texan victory at the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836?
a. Santa Anna made Texas a Mexican province.
b. Texas became an independent republic.
c. The United States annexed Texas.
d. American settlers were forced to leave Texas.
____ 25. Which of the following statements about mountain men is NOT true?
a. They showed Indian trails to settlers who headed west.
b. They led journeys up major rivers.
c. They were the first white Americans to settle permanently in Oregon.
d. They discovered mountain passes that later became major routes to the West.
____ 26. Nat Turner resisted slavery by
a. escaping to the North.
b. leading a major slave revolt.
c. writing antislavery literature.
d. refusing to pick cotton.
____ 27. Which of the following BEST summarizes the proposal of the American Colonization Society?
a. Freed slaves should be resettled in western territories.
b. Freed slaves should be given their own territory in the United States.
c. Freed slaves should be allowed to return to Africa.
d. Freed slaves should be resettled in northern states.
____ 28. Which of the following led some people in BOTH the North and the South to oppose the abolition of
a. They feared that former slaves would demand the same rights that white people had.
b. They saw abolition as a threat to their economic livelihood.
c. They feared that former slaves would demand education.
d. They thought that freed slaves would burden the economy with unemployed workers.
____ 29. Which of the following was NOT a new educational opportunity for women in the mid-1800s?
a. studying medicine
c. studying math
b. studying drawing
d. studying science
____ 30. Who were the resolutions of the Seneca Falls Convention supposed to educate?
a. delegates to the convention
c. the whole society
b. women and girls
d. men and boys
____ 31. Which of the following statements BEST reflects a key belief of leaders of the Second Great Awakening?
a. “What I do doesn’t matter because one person cannot make a difference.”
b. “I cannot control my destiny; it has been decided in advance.”
c. “I can save my own soul, and my good works will improve the world.”
d. “Individuals must obey their religious leaders.”
____ 32. Which of the following is NOT among the terms of the Compromise of 1850?
a. Slavery is banned in New Mexico and Utah.
b. Northerners are required to help return runaway slaves to owners.
c. The slave trade is outlawed in Washington, D.C.
d. A border dispute between Texas and New Mexico is settled.
____ 33. What effect did Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 have on national unity?
a. It healed the nation’s political divisions.
b. South Carolina seceded, but other southern states remained in the Union.
c. Several southern states seceded in protest.
d. It caused the South to declare war on the North.
____ 34. What was the goal of the Free-Soil party?
a. to extend slavery in the western territories
b. to give settlers free land in western territories
c. to ban slavery in the western territories
d. to help runaway slaves reach freedom
____ 35. To what area did the Missouri Compromise apply?
a. lands in the Mexican Cession
b. lands in the Louisiana Purchase
c. lands east of Missouri to the Atlantic Ocean
d. lands from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean
____ 36. Which statement best expresses the reaction of many northerners to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?
a. “We don’t respect this law, and we won’t obey it.”
b. “This law justly protects the rights of property owners.”
c. “We disagree with this law, even though it does not affect us directly.”
d. “We agree with our southern neighbors that this is a fair law.”
____ 37. Which of these generalizations BEST describes the effect of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
a. The novel eased tensions between the North and the South.
b. The novel further heightened tensions between the North and the South.
c. The novel helped northerners understand why southerners supported slavery.
d. The novel helped southerners understand why abolitionists opposed slavery.
____ 38. Which of the following was a successful strategy for winning the Civil War?
a. The Confederacy prolonged fighting until the northern spirit broke.
b. The Union pursued the Confederates back to the South after the Battle of Antietam.
c. The Union took control of the Mississippi River.
d. The Confederacy continued to receive supplies from Europe.
____ 39. What was one effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?
a. It caused many European nations to come to the aid of the Confederacy.
b. It added the abolition of slavery in the South to the Union’s war goals.
c. It changed northern strategy from an offensive to a defensive plan.
d. It ended slavery in the Union.
____ 40. How did the South deal with economic problems during the war?
a. President Davis increased cotton shipments to Britain.
b. Plantations grew food crops.
c. The government cut prices so that people could afford to buy goods.
d. The government issued bonds.
____ 41. How did African Americans in the Union Army contribute to the war effort?
a. They fought alongside white soldiers from the beginning.
b. They served only as laborers throughout the war.
c. They fought in major battles by 1863.
d. They worked mostly in gun factories.
____ 42. What is one problem that northerners faced during the war?
a. Certain rights were suspended to preserve public safety.
b. Congress refused to approve an income tax to pay for the war.
c. Farm production decreased steadily.
d. Women refused to work in the factories.
____ 43. Why did Lincoln handle the slavery issue cautiously at the beginning of the Civil War?
a. because he believed in slavery
b. because most Union states were proslavery
c. because he planned to recruit freed slaves for the Union army
d. because he wanted the border states to remain with the Union
____ 44. Which statement accurately describes the early days of the Civil War?
a. Both sides realized that their hopes for a short war were unrealistic.
b. It soon became clear that the Union would win a quick victory.
c. It soon became clear that the Confederacy would win a quick victory.
d. George McClellan’s bold leadership gave the Union an early advantage.
____ 45. How did slaves in the South contribute to the Union war effort?
a. They refused to serve in the Confederate army when drafted.
b. They burned plantations.
c. They revolted against their plantation owners.
d. They refused to work on the plantations.
____ 46. Why did conflict erupt shortly after the assassination of President Lincoln?
a. Southern Congressmen pushed President Johnson’s Radical Reconstruction plan.
b. Republicans disapproved of President Johnson’s Reconstruction plan.
c. Republicans enacted the black codes against the wishes of southern Congressmen.
d. Southern Congressmen set up a Joint Committee on Reconstruction.
____ 47. What did the Amnesty Act do?
a. It restored the vote to most white southerners.
b. It allowed southern African Americans to vote.
c. It gave African Americans the right to a fair trial.
d. It restored southern states to the Union.
____ 48. Why did sharecroppers become trapped in a cycle of poverty?
They did not understand farming.
Prices for farm products fell during Reconstruction.
They did not earn enough cash to pay their debts.
State laws prevented sharecroppers from owning land.
____ 49. What state laws unfairly used economic status to deny African Americans their right to vote?
a. grandfather clauses
c. Jim Crow laws
b. poll taxes
d. literacy tests
____ 50. How did Germany’s sinking of the Lusitania increase the risk of war with the United States?
a. The deaths of many American passengers on the British ship outraged President Wilson.
b. The sinking hurt the United States economy by halting United States trade with Britain.
c. American ships responded by blockading German ports.
d. American ships responded by attacking German submarines.
____ 51. Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points included all of the following EXCEPT
a. an end to secret agreements.
b. a limit on arms.
c. the principle of national self-determination.
d. the principle of international alliances.
____ 52. Why did the United States government create the War Industries Board?
a. to ensure that factories produced enough military supplies for the war
b. to educate soldiers
c. to ensure that young men registered for the military draft
d. to boost food production
____ 53. Which of the following nations would have entered World War I if the Zimmerman plot had succeeded?
a. Serbia
c. Switzerland
b. Spain
d. Mexico
____ 54. Which of President Wilson’s goals for the Paris Peace Conference was successful?
a. the formation of Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia
b. peace without victory
c. Senate acceptance of the Versailles Treaty
d. a limit on punishment for the defeated powers
____ 55. Which of the following was an effect of the other three?
a. high winds
c. overgrazed pasture
b. Dust Bowl
d. drought
____ 56. Which of the following was NOT a way in which Americans were affected by the depression?
a. Farmers were unable to grow food.
b. Pressures caused some families to split up.
c. Many people lost their homes.
d. One in four workers lost their jobs.
____ 57. Which of the following was a direct effect of the Wagner Act?
a. Sit-down strikes were outlawed.
b. Management was given the right to fire workers who joined unions.
c. Workers could contribute to a pension fund for their retirement.
d. Workers gained the legal right to collective bargaining.
____ 58. A common theme among painters and photographers in the 1930s was
a. happier times in the past.
c. the future.
b. escapism.
d. the hard times of the present.
____ 59. Which of the following summarizes the IMMEDIATE cause of the stock market crash of 1929?
a. Investors continued buying stocks on margin.
b. Investors who were unable to repay loans tried to sell stocks.
c. Brokers asked investors to repay loans.
d. Speculators bought stocks at greatly reduced prices.
____ 60. The Great Depression affected American workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT that
a. they worked fewer hours.
b. they left families to find work.
c. they lost faith in labor unions.
d. they took pay cuts.
____ 61. Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Social Security Act?
a. setting up a pension program for older people
b. giving workers the legal right to strike
c. establishing an unemployment insurance system
d. providing support for dependent children and people with disabilities
____ 62. In the United States, people from which of the following groups were sent to “relocation camps” solely
because of their ethnic background?
a. Mexican Americans
c. Japanese Americans
b. African Americans
d. Chinese Americans
____ 63. What prompted FDR to call December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in infamy”?
a. the German attack on the Soviet Union
b. the invasion of Poland by Germany
c. the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
d. the German bombing of London, England
____ 64. How did the D-Day invasion of France affect the war in Europe?
a. It forced the Germans to keep large numbers of troops in the Soviet Union.
b. It allowed the Allies to carry out their planned invasion of Italy.
c. It forced the Germans to split their armies between two different fronts.
d. It forced the Allies to abandon their bases in North Africa.
____ 65. Which of the following statements describes Adolf Hitler?
a. He ruled from the city of Rome.
b. He used Jews as scapegoats.
c. He invaded Manchuria.
d. He defended the Treaty of Versailles.
____ 66. Which of the following lists military campaigns of World War II in their correct sequence?
a. North Africa, Italy, France, Germany
b. Italy, North Africa, France, Germany
c. North Africa, France, Italy, Germany
d. France, Italy, North Africa, Germany
____ 67. Which statement BEST describes the Cold War in Africa and Asia?
a. Newly independent nations avoided involvement in the superpowers’ struggle.
b. The superpowers paid little attention to the newly independent nations.
c. Each superpower tried to win allies in the newly independent nations.
d. Newly independent nations refused to accept aid from either superpower.
____ 68. Which statement BEST describes results of the Vietnam War in the United States?
a. The American people were united in their support for the Vietnam War.
b. The United States government repealed the draft and used a volunteer army in Vietnam.
c. Many Americans protested against the nation’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
d. Most Americans supported the government of North Vietnam during the war.
____ 69. Which of the following increased worker productivity in the 1950s?
a. baby boom
c. new technology
b. 40-hour workweek
d. suburban development
____ 70. The growth of the suburbs in the 1950s led to a decrease in
a. automobile manufacturing.
c. the growth of city centers.
b. family savings.
d. the size of families.
____ 71. Which of the following MOST directly led to the increase in protest movements in the 1960s?
a. the GI Bill of Rights
b. the counterculture movement
c. the increase in the number of Asian immigrants
d. the desegregation of public schools
____ 72. How did discrimination affect the lives of African Americans and Latinos in the United States after World
War II?
a. They were barred from most public facilities.
b. They were not allowed to attend public schools.
c. Adults were prevented from learning adequate job skills.
d. Children were prevented from attending schools with white children.
____ 73. Which of the following declared that “separate but equal” public schools were unconstitutional?
a. Hernández v. Texas
c. Brown v. Board of Education
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
d. Civil Rights Act
____ 74. Which of the following accurately describes an influence on the American lifestyle during the 1950s?
a. Beatniks influenced the majority of Americans.
b. “Fitting in” by dressing and acting like others became more important.
c. The growth of suburbs encouraged racially integrated neighborhoods.
d. Portrayals of lower economic classes on television won sympathy for the poor from
middle-class populations.
____ 75. Which of the following statements about water transportation is TRUE?
a. Steamboats experienced few operational problems.
b. It was too expensive for merchants to ship goods by steamboat.
c. The first steamboat was an instant success.
d. Steamboats allowed farmers to ship goods more quickly and cheaply.
____ 76. Which of the following statements about John C. Calhoun is TRUE?
a. He supported strong central government.
b. He opposed the War of 1812.
c. He was a close ally of Daniel Webster.
d. He supported slavery.
____ 77. Which of the following caused Texans to seek revenge against Santa Anna’s troops?
a. the Battle of San Jacinto
c. the fall of the Alamo
b. the Texan victory in Gonzales
d. the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
____ 78. Which of the following did BOTH the South and the North experience during the Civil War?
a. economic ruin
c. inflation
b. increased industrial production
d. severe food shortages
____ 79. What event of the 1830s is shown by the heavy black lines on the map?
a. the expansion of suffrage
c. the Trail of Tears
b. the spoils system
d. battles of the Seminole War
____ 80. Which statement BEST describes the trek represented by the heavy black lines on the map?
a. It began in Oklahoma and ended in Georgia.
b. It began in the Southeast and ended in Indian Territory.
c. It began in Missouri and ended in Arkansas.
d. It began in Georgia and ended in Tennessee.
____ 81. Which of the following is represented by the dotted area on the map?
a. free states
c. western territories
b. slave states
d. Canada
____ 82. What law divided the dotted area on the map into two separate territories?
a. the Compromise of 1850
b. the Wilmot Proviso
c. the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
d. the Fugitive Slave Act
____ 83. What two new territories were created in 1854 from the dotted area?
a. New Mexico and Utah
c. Kansas and Nebraska
b. Maine and Missouri
d. Oregon and Washington
____ 84. In the dotted area, how many new territories allowed popular sovereignty?
a. 1
c. 4
b. 2
d. 5
chorus from “John Brown’s Body,” a folk song
“John Brown’s body lies a-mouldering in the grave,
But his soul goes marching on.”
____ 85. Which statement BEST describes a probable reaction to the lyrics of this song?
a. Northerners were outraged, but the song was popular with southerners.
b. Both northerners and southerners agreed that John Brown was a martyr.
c. Southerners were outraged, but the song was popular with northerners.
d. Both northerners and southerners were appalled that a song praised a convicted murderer.
 had larger free population
 fought mostly a defensive war
 had greater manufacturing capability
 fought for their property
____ 86. Which of the following headings fits the left column of the chart?
a. Northern Weaknesses
c. Northern Strengths
b. Southern Weaknesses
d. Southern Strengths
____ 87. What effect did the war have on BOTH regions?
a. financial system wrecked
c. central government disbanded
b. infrastructure ruined
d. economy disrupted
____ 88. Which of the following could be added to the problems that the South faced?
a. much of the population moved to the North
b. no amnesty for Confederates
c. major cities were ruined
d. no public school system for decades
____ 89. What effect did the war have on BOTH regions?
a. Economic difficulties were temporary.
b. Depositors lost savings when financial institutions closed.
c. Returning soldiers faced economic uncertainty.
d. The prewar economic base was destroyed.
____ 90. Which of the following is the BEST interpretation of Sumner’s opinion?
a. By his actions, President Johnson is eliminating the last traces of slavery in the South.
b. There is not enough evidence to impeach President Johnson.
c. By his actions, President Johnson is allowing slavery in the South to continue.
d. By his harsh policies toward Southern states, President Johnson is acting like a dictator.
____ 91. Which two members of the Allies shown on the graph suffered the greatest number of deaths during
World War I?
a. France and Austria-Hungary
c. Germany and France
b. Russia and France
d. Russia and the British Empire
____ 92. Which Allied nation shown on the graph suffered the greatest number of armed forces deaths during
World War I?
a. Germany
c. France
b. Russia
d. Austria-Hungary
____ 93. In which states was the Dust Bowl located?
a. South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Colorado
b. Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas
c. Oklahoma, Kansas, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas
d. Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas
____ 94. According to the map, which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Lands to the north of the Dust Bowl also suffered from erosion.
b. Lands to the north of the Dust Bowl did not suffer drought.
c. Lands to the south of the Dust Bowl did not suffer from wind erosion.
d. Lands to the north of the Dust Bowl were not suited to farming.
____ 95. Which of the following could be added to the circle titled Critics?
a. did not protect farmers
b. government played too small a role
c. increased the national debt
d. followed too many laissez faire policies
Japan attacks China
Germany annexes Austria and _____
Germany attacks Poland
Britain and France declare war on Germany
____ 96. What other act of aggression that occurred in 1939 could be added to the chart?
a. The Soviet Union attacks Poland.
b. Japan attacks the United States.
c. Germany invades France.
d. Germany attacks the Soviet Union.
____ 97. Which of the following BEST shows the impact of geography on the war in the Pacific?
a. The Philippine Islands were American territory prior to the war.
b. Navajo code-talkers sent secret messages between American units.
c. In the Pacific, vast stretches of ocean lie between certain land areas.
d. Fishing is one of the chief economic activities on most Pacific islands.
____ 98. Which statement is supported by the information on the map?
a. North Korea gained a vast amount of territory as a result of the war.
b. South Korea gained a vast amount of territory as a result of the war.
c. Neither side gained much territory as a result of the war.
d. The war reunited North Korea and South Korea.
____ 99. What famous pioneer route is represented by the dotted line on the map?
a. the Oregon Trail
c. the Mormon trail
b. the Santa Fe Trail
d. the forty-niner trail
____ 100. Which of the following happened at the location labeled A?
a. Confederate General Stonewall Jackson was killed.
b. A Union victory gave the North control of the Shenandoah Valley.
c. A Union victory ended the Confederate invasion of the North.
d. The battle at this location began Sherman’s “March to the Sea.”