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 科學知識是什麼?幾種不同的觀點
1. Wallace (1979: 18): Elements in the Scientific Process
“There are at least four ways of generating, and testing the truth of, empirical
statement: ‘authoritarian,’ ‘mythical,’ ‘logico-rational’ and ‘scientific.’ A principal
distinction among these is the manner in which each vests confidence in the producer of
the statement that is alleged to be true (that is, one asks, Who says so?); in the procedure
by which the statement was produced (that is, one asks, How do you know?); and in the
effect of the statement (that is, one asks, What difference does it makes?).” (Wallace,
1979: 11)
“….. [A]mong these four modes of generating and testing empirical statements, the
scientific mode combines a primary reliance on the observational effects of the
statements in question, with a secondary reliance on the procedures (methods) used to
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generate them. Relatively little weight is placed on characteristics of the producer per se;
but when they are involved, achieved rather than ascribed characteristics are stressed not for their own sakes, but as prima facie certifications of effect and procedure claims.”
(Wallace, 1979: 13)
2. Collins (1979): Why is Sociology not a Science?
“My contention is that sociology can be a successful science and that it is well on
the way to becoming so. The problem is to understand just what is involved in this.
There are a number of different goals that have been set for sociology (and for the social
sciences generally); ..... As things stand now, we have badly confused the explanatory,
practical, ideological, and aesthetic aspects of the social sciences.” (Collins, 1979:1)
“The scientific ideal is to explain everything, and to do it by making causal
statements which are ultimately based upon experience. The most powerful scientific
theory is the one that can get the most explanatory mileage out of the most concise body
of principles. Science is a way of extrapolating from things we know to things we do not,
a way of seeing the novel as another arrangement of the familiar.” “This aim is no
different when applied to sociology than to physics, however different the empirical
materials may be.”(Collins, 1979: 2)
“The basic method of explanatory science is that of controlled comparison. The
essence of methodological empiricism - and that is what science is - is to explain a
phenomenon not by looking at it in isolation but by comparison and contrast to other
things. To understand a thing, we must compare where it occurs with where it does not
occur, and note the difference of in the accompanying conditions.” (Collins, 1979: 4)
3. Turner (1991: 2) : Types of Knowledge
Is knowledge to be empirical?
Is knowledge to
be evaluative?
Ideologies; or beliefs
that state the way the
world should be
Religions; or beliefs
that state the dictates
of supernatural forces
Science; or the belief
that all knowledge
is to reflect the
actual operation of
Logics; or the various
systems of reasoning
that employ rules of
the empirical world
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“….. [T]here are different ways to look at, interpret, and develop knowledge about
the world. Science is only one way. Science is based upon the presumption that
knowledge can be value free, that it can explain the actual working of the empirical
world, and that it can be revised on the basis of careful observations of empirical
events...... However, even this portrayal of science is questioned by many who regard it
as rather idealized. For these critics, values always figure into what we study. The
empirical world is not ‘just there’; rather, it is filtered through concepts and
presuppositions. And rarely are facts dispassionately collected to test theories; indeed,
there are always organizational politics, revolving around vested interests and resources,
that influence what ‘facts’ we collect and how we interpret them.” “Perhaps even more
fundamental than criticisms of science’s assertion of ‘neutrality’ and ‘objectivity’ is the
belief among many sociologists that the very nature of the social universe precludes
science as a useful mode of inquiry. Humans are creative and can change the nature of
their world; as a consequence, they can obviate and make obsolete or irrelevant theories
that purport to explain human interaction and organization. There are no timeless,
universal properties of human organization, and hence there can be no laws like that
those in natural sciences. Human constantly remake their universe in ways that render
scientific theories inappropriate.” (Turner, 1991: 3-4)
4. Alexander (1985: 632-633): Positivist and Post-Positivist Views of Science among
Social Scientists
A. The major postulates of the “positivist persuasion”:
(1) A radical break exists between empirical observations and non-empirical
(2) Because of this assumed break between general statements and observations, it is
widely believed that more general intellectual issues - philosophical or
metaphysical - are not fundamentally significant for the practice of an empirically
oriented discipline.
(3) Since such an elimination of the non-empirical (purely intellectual) reference is
taken to be the distinguishing feature of the natural sciences, it is believed that
any objective study of society must assume a natural ‘scientific’
(4) Questions which are of a theoretical or general nature can correctly be dealt with
only in relation to empirical observations. There are three important corollaries to
this fourth point: (a) Regarding the formulation of scientific theories, the
positivist persuasion argues that the process of theory formation should be one of
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construction through generalization, a construction consisting of inductions from
observation. (b) Regarding the problem of theoretical conflict, the positivist
persuasion argues that empirical tests must in every case be the final arbiter
between theoretical disputes. It is ‘crucial experiments’ rather than conceptual
dispute that determine the outcome of competition between theories. (c) If the
formulation of theories and the conflict between them can be entirely reduced to
empirical material, there can be no long-term basis for structured kinds of
scientific disagreement. Social-scientific development is viewed as a basically
progressive one, that is as linear and cumulative, and the segmentation or internal
differentiation of a scientific field is viewed as the product of specialization rather
than the result of generalized, non-empirical disagreement.
B. The fundamental postulates of the ‘post-positivist persuasion’, which all point to the
rehabilitation of the theoretical:
(1) First, all scientific data are theoretically informed. The fact/theory distinction is
not concrete, does not exist in nature, but is analytic. Calling statements
‘observational’ is a manner of speech. We use some theories to provide us with
the ‘hard facts’, while we allow others the privilege of ‘tentatively’ explaining
(2) Empirical commitments are not based solely on empirical evidence. The
principled rejection of evidence is often the very bedrock upon which the
continuity of a theoretical science depends.
(3) The elaboration of general scientific theory is normally dogmatic rather than
skeptical. Theoretical formulation does not proceed, as Popper would have it,
according to the law of fiercest struggle for survival ....., when a general
theoretical position is confronted with contradictory empirical evidence which
cannot be simply ignored (which is often the first response), it proceeds to
develop ad hoc hypotheses and residual categories which allow these anomalous
phenomena to be ‘explained’ in a manner that does not surrender a theory’s more
general formulations.
(4) Fundamental shifts in scientific belief will occur only when empirical challenges
are matched by the availability of alternative theoretical commitments. ..... The
struggle between general theoretical positions is among the most powerful
energizers of empirical research, and it must be placed at the heart of major
changes in the natural sciences.
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5. Sayer (1992): A Realist Approach of Knowledge
A. Some important claims of the realist view of knowledge:
(1) The world exists independently of our knowledge of it.
(2) Our knowledge of that world is fallible and theory-laden. Concepts of truth and
falsity fail to provide a coherent view of the relationship between knowledge and
its object. Nevertheless, knowledge is not immune to empirical check, and its
effectiveness in informing and explaining successful material practice is not mere
(3) Knowledge develops neither wholly continuously, as the steady accumulation of
facts within a stable conceptual framework, nor wholly discontinuously, through
simultaneous and universal changes in concepts.
(4) There is necessity in the world; objects - whether natural or social - necessarily
have particular causal power or ways of acting and particular susceptibilities.
(5) The world is differentiated and stratified, consisting not only of events, but objects,
including structures, which have power and liabilities capable of generating
events. These structures may be present even where, as in the social world and
much of the natural world, they do not generate regular patterns of events.
(6) Social phenomena such as actions, texts and institutions are concept-dependent.
We therefore have not only to explain their production and material effects but to
understand, read or interpret what they mean. Although they have to be
interpreted by starting from the researcher’s own frames of meaning, by and large
they exist regardless of researchers’ interpretations of them. In view of 4-6, the
methods of social science and natural science have both differences and
(7) Science or the production of any other kind of knowledge is a social practice.
For better or worse (not just worse) the conditions and social relations of the
production of knowledge influence its content. Knowledge is also largely - though
not exclusively - linguistic, and the nature of language and the way we
communicate are not incidental to what is known and communicated.
Awareness of these relationships is vital in evaluating knowledge.
(8) Social science must be critical of its object. In order to be able to explain and
understand social phenomena we have to evaluate them critically (Sayer, 1992:
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B. Knowledge in context:
“..... I shall argue that knowledge is primarily gained through activity both in
attempting to change our environment (through labour and work) and through
interaction with other people, using shared resources, in particular a common language.
Although the development of knowledge may be furthered through passive
contemplation of the world, it always presupposes the existence of these two contexts,
which provide a kind of feedback or test for our ideas and a language in which and with
which to think.” (Sayer, 1992: 15)
“To develop ‘knowledge’ we need raw materials and tools on which and with
which we can work, These are linguistic, conceptual and cultural as well as material. .....
Science is not a thing but a social activity.” (Sayer, 1992: 16)
“I shall argue that different types of knowledge are appropriate to different
functions and contexts; for example, engineering for the task of making nature move to
our designs, ethics to the harmonization of the conduct of people in society. But these
contexts are not mutually exclusive but overlapping. Scientific practice embraces
several types of knowledge, including some which are generally excluded as
non-science or even anti-science by scientism. For example, many philosophers who
have adopted this stance of ‘scientism’ have treated ethical decisions as a-rational,
purely with matters of fact, with rational and objective questions of ‘what is the case’.
Yet science is also a specialized type of social activity and as such it requires rules
governing what is proper and improper conduct; without ethical principles such as those
concerning honesty of reporting and refusal of illogical argument, science could not
exist.” (Sayer, 1992: 17)
“Knowledge is developed and used in two main types of context - work (or
‘labour’) and communicative interaction.” (Sayer, 1992: 17)
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“Understanding social phenomena is by no means just a question of understanding
concepts in society and the meanings of practices. ..... Social phenomena have crucial
material dimension and are closely associated everywhere to relationships with nature,
both in its virgin and its artificially transformed states.” (Sayer, 1992: 28)
“..... the situation in social science is more complex for two reasons: 1 the
unavailability of experiments makes it more difficult to use such material interventions
for scientific purposes; 2 social phenomena can be changed intrinsically by learning and
adjusting to the subject‘s understanding.” (Sayer, 1992: 27-28)
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二、生命及社會雖有物質基礎,但生命與社會都有 emergent phenomena,不是物
解這種 emergent 現象。譬如說,人類語言之複雜繁多,即為一種 emergent
合。正如 Turner et al. (1995:10)所說“Through concepts, speculation, and
logic, the facts of the empirical world would be understood; and through the
accumulation of facts, reason could be disciplined and kept from fanciful
flights of speculation.” 依此觀點看邏輯學及數學就不一定是科學。但若理
性是可經驗的(此不只是個人主觀的經驗,也是一種 intersubjective 的經
及感官可經驗到之 referents,故可稱之為理論科學 (theoretical science),
而不同於前述之實証科學 (empirical science)。
影響的社會結構(一種 emergent 的現象)等。要瞭解這方面的現象,就必
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Alexander, Jeffrey C. 1985. “Positivism.” Pp. 631-633 in The Social Science
Encyclopedia, edited by A. Kuper and J. Kuper. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Collins, Randall. 1975. Conflict Sociology: Toward an Explanatory Science. New York:
Academic Press.
Sayer, Andrew. 1993. Method in Social Science: A Realist Approach. London:
Turner, Jonathan H. 1991. The Structure of Sociological Theory. Belmont, CA:
Turner, H. J., L. Beeghely, and C. H. Powers
1995 The Emergence of Sociological Theory. Belmont: Wadsworth.
Wallace, Walter L. 1979. The Logic of Science in Sociology. 台北:儒林.