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Study Sheet - Exam 4 – Geology 2 – Chapters 8, 9, 14
Mass wasting is __________.
Gravity is the controlling force of mass wasting.
Which of the following will promote mass wasting?
The combined effects of mass wasting and running water produce stream valleys.
Which one of these materials has the steepest angle of repose?
Mass wasting processes are classified according to the __________.
The free descent of detached individual rock pieces of any size is called fall.
A slope built of angular rock fragments is called a(an) __________.
A movement of fairly coherent material along a well-defined surface is called a
The most rapid type of mass movement is a(an) __________.
A relatively rapid movement of water-rich soil and regolith found primarily in
semiarid regions is called __________.
During slump, movement of the material is along flat surfaces.
Heavy rainfalls that erode volcanic deposits often produce this type of mass
Liquefaction most often occurs in association with __________.
Liquefaction occurs during an earthquake when water-saturated materials lose
their strength and behave as fluidlike masses that flow.
The slow movement of soil and regolith caused by expansion and contraction of
material is referred to as __________.
This type of mass wasting occurs in association with permafrost.
Mass wasting processes are confined to the land.
The unending circulation of Earth's water supply among the hydrosphere,
atmosphere, solid Earth, and biosphere is called __________.
Since Earth's water cycle is balanced, the average annual precipitation worldwide
must equal the quantity of water infiltrated.
In geology, the word stream is used to denote __________.
Much of the water that flows in rivers is not direct runoff from rain or snowmelt,
but originates as groundwater.
The primary factor that determines whether water in a stream will flow in a
laminar or turbulent manner is __________.
Which of the following factors contributes to a stream's velocity?
The discharge of a stream is equal to __________.
The downward limit of a stream's erosion is referred to as __________.
Lowering base level will cause a stream to gain energy and erode.
Any change in base level will cause a corresponding readjustment of stream
Which one of the following is NOT a means by which streams transport sediment?
Capacity, the maximum load of solid particles that a stream can transport, is
determined by the stream's __________.
Sorting of sediment occurs because each particle size has a critical settling
Which of the following statements best describes a delta?
A broad, flat valley floor, or floodplain, often occurs in narrow valleys.
A(n) __________ is a meander that has been competely separated from a river.
Two different drainage basins are separated from each other by an imaginary line
called a(n) __________.
Floods occur when __________.
The greatest number of storm-related deaths are the result of __________.
Examine this short article on the Mississippi
annual flow rate of the Mississippi?
According to the information at
River flood of 1993. What is the average
this site, what caused the Mississippi River floods of
Examine this image of sediment thickness in the Indian Ocean. (red=thickest
sediment, blue=thinnest sediment)
The thickest sediment is most associated with __________.
The Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, which begin in the Himalayas and flow into
the Bay of Bengal (illustrated on the image), carry more sediment than the Congo
River of Africa, even though the Congo has a larger discharge of water.
What fact most likely accounts for the large amount of sediment in these central
Asian rivers?
Most earthquakes are produced by the rapid release of elastic energy stored in
rock that has been subjected to great stress.
Earthquake body waves are divided into two types called primary (P) waves and
secondary (S) waves.
The location of the source of an earthquake is referred to as its __________.
The "springing back" of rock to its near-original shape after an earthquake is
called __________.
Following a major earthquake, a series of smaller earthquakes, called
__________, often occurs.
P waves are "push-pull" waves.
Of the seismic waves produced by an earthquake, which type travels fastest?
The instruments used to record earthquakes are called seismographs, and the
records they produce are called seismograms.
To locate an epicenter, the distance from six or more different seismic stations
must be known.
Most earthquakes occur __________.
The Mercalli intensity scale ranks earthquakes according to __________.
The damage caused to a building by an earthquake depends on the __________.
In unconsolidated materials saturated with water, earthquake vibrations can
generate a phenomenon called liquefaction.
Large seismic sea waves produced by earthquakes are called __________.
The slow, continual movement along many faults is referred to as __________.
The best prospects for making useful earthquake predictions involve forecasting
magnitudes and locations on time scales of years, or perhaps even decades.
Examine this site about the San Andreas fault. What might be a good explanation of
the fact that vegetation is locally different on opposite sides of the fault?
According to the information at this San Andreas fault site, up to how much
displacement occurred in the Point Reyes area in 1906?
Using the information at this
site, determine which of the following statements is
According to the information at this site, most of the world's largest earthquakes
occur as a result of which type of stress?
According to the information at this
result of __________ faults.
site, most earthquakes in Nevada are the
Most of our knowledge of Earth's interior comes from the study of earthquakes.
Of the materials listed below, which one will transmit seismic waves most rapidly?
Fluids (gases and liquids) cannot transmit P waves.
Which of the following statements is NOT true of S waves?
P waves arrive at a recording station after S waves.
A seismic wave may change direction, without bouncing back, when crossing the
boundary between two rock types. This phenomenon is called __________.
The velocity of seismic waves depends on the density and elasticity of the
intervening material.
Which one of the following is NOT one of Earth's main layers based on mechanical
The lithosphere is situated below the asthenosphere.
The rocks of the oceanic crust are __________ and __________ than continental
The seismic boundary between the crust and the mantle is referred to as the
Which type of seismic wave travels through Earth's core?
Based on seismic studies, which of the following statements is true of Earth's
S waves cannot pass through Earth's outer core.
Current estimates suggest that Earth's core is composed primarily of __________.