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Personal Development Test Notes (Chapter 10) Contemporary Living Textbook
1. Body language uses body movements to communicate inner feelings.
Offering no sign of hearing or understanding a message is passive listening.
Feedback is communicating to another person how you feel about what was
Communication involves a sender and a receiver of messages.
You statements are not good to use when problems exist in a group or
Sexual harassment often occurs in schools.
Listeners who read meanings into what is being said and feel like they are being
attacked are know as defensive listeners.
If you want to improve communication with your parents, you should use Imessages as you take responsibility for the feelings you are stating.
Sexual harassment is sometimes confused with flirting or teasing.
10. Writing a letter is an example of verbal communication.
11. Violence is negative communication that is a learned behavior.
12. Employers have the right to demand certain standards of grooming as they evaluate job
13. Verbal communication is using words to send and receive messages.
14. Communication is any means by which you share a message with another person.
15. Conflict resolution is a way of resolving problems in a positive way.
16. When you cross your arms across your chest, you are setting up barriers to further
17. Teens often join gangs because they seek structure and discipline, which they think is a
sign of power.
18. Boys sometimes misinterpret girls’ behavior as sexual even though this is not intended.
19. Conflict resolution includes active listening in a risk-free environment.
20. An example of the weakest level of communication, which is often called the cliché level,
is “How are you?”
21. The process of seeing things from another person’s view is known as empathy.
22. Lack of trust is often mentioned as a problem between parents and teens. Teens can help
solve this problem by demonstrating that they can be trusted by fulfilling everyday
obligations and being honest with their parents.
23. Indicating in various ways that you have received a message is active listening.
24. Expressing your feelings directly asking for what you want and refusing what you don’t
want is being assertive.
25. Bullying is a form of violence that inflicts physical, verbal, or emotional abuse on another
26. Sympathy means that you feel as another person feels when he or she is upset or sad.
27. You-messages are usually accusing and blaming, and they can hinder communication.
28. Thumping fingers is a sign of tenseness.
29. Assertiveness in communication means you express your feelings honestly and directly.
30. Using factors other than words to communicate is nonverbal communication.