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You must turn in this rubric with your poster. Do not staple them together.
Name: __________________________________________
Due Date: _____________________
The Giver
Propaganda Poster
Applying your knowledge of The Giver and propaganda, create a poster that achieves one of the
following objectives:
(1) This poster should bring out pride in the citizens of Jonas’s community. It should make them
pleased that they are living in such a society. It should support Sameness or some aspect
related to it. For this poster, you will most likely use the bandwagon, fear, or euphemism
propaganda techniques. The audience of this poster is current citizens of the community.
Only black ink may be used on this poster.
(2) This poster should convince people that they should go to Sameness and join the citizens of
Jonas’s community. It should support Sameness or some aspect related to it. For this poster,
you will most likely use the name calling, plain folks, or bandwagon propaganda techniques.
The audience of this poster is future citizens of the community. Color ink may be used on
this poster.
(3) This poster should convince the citizens in Jonas’s community that they should abandon
Sameness and return to the world that we know. The message of this poster can either be that
Sameness is wrong or that our world is better. For this poster, you will most likely use the
name calling, testimonial, or fear propaganda techniques. The audience of this poster is
current citizens of the community. Only black ink may be used on this poster.
This poster should be at least 8 ½” x 11”, which is the size of regular computer paper. You may make
your poster larger if you desire. If you cannot find an appropriate graphic, then you may draw it yourself.
Most posters are visual, so do not overwhelm your poster with text. Still, you must include some text.
Grab your audience’s attention right away with a stunning graphic or bold word. On the back of you
poster, write your name, which of the above objectives you chose, and which propaganda technique(s)
you used.
_____ Poster contains an appealing graphic (20 points)
_____ Poster achieves objective (20 points)
_____ Appropriate ink is used (10 points)
_____ Propaganda is identified (10 points)
_____ Objective is identified (10 points)
_____ Poster contains readable text (10 points)
_____ Poster meets size requirements (10 points)
_____ Poster is signed (10 points)
_____ Total (100 points)
You must turn in this rubric with your poster. Do not staple them together.