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Name _________________________________________
Date __________________
Period __________
Station Notes and Mini Labs
Station 1: Theory of Plate Tectonics
Lithosphere is broken up into many ___________.
Interaction between the plates causes _____ to move and __________ to expand
Earthquakes, __________, and other plate movement all caused by heat trying to escape from the Earth’s core
Lithospheric (Tectonic) Plates---Look at picture on slide
List the 7 major plates:
(From your webquest) What is a boundary? _________________________________________
(From your webquest) What are the 3 main types of boundaries?
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
Station 2: Transform Boundary
Plates move _______ past each other
Many __________________
All these _______________ faults are called ____________________
(Use your webquest) A fault is_____________________________________________________
Example of transform boundary: __________________________________________
Example of transform boundary from your webquest:______________________________________________
Mini Lab: How would you move 2 graham crackers to simulate a transform boundary?
Describe the direction of the plate movement.
Describe what happened to the graham crackers (did they easily move past each other or was there some
Why do earthquakes occur here often? (Use your webquest to answer)
Why don’t you think volcanic eruptions happen here?
Name _________________________________________
Station 3: Divergent boundary
Date __________________
Period __________
Plates move _______
Seafloor ___________ at the _____________________ is most common divergent boundary
A lot of __________ activity in the rift valley (opening between crust where magma pushes through).
Example of a seafloor divergent boundary is ______________________________.
Magma in the ________________________________ starts to push through and form a “break” called a
What is a rift? (Use your webquest) ______________________________________________________
Mini Lab: How would you move 2 fruit roll ups to simulate a divergent boundary?
Describe the direction of the plate movement.
Would there be earthquakes? Why?
Is there volcanic activity? Why?
label the parts
_________________________ boundary can form on a continent too.
Less common
When this happens a new _______________ forms.
Example is the _____________________________ in Africa.
What is Evidence of Sea Floor Spreading? —Think about your seafloor diagram to answer
1. Older rocks are ____________________ from the mid oceanic ridge on either side.
2._________________ ________________ is recorded in the rocks as iron is always pointed in the direction of
magnetic north, even when magnetic north switches directions.
Name _________________________________________
Station 4: Convergent boundary
Date __________________
_________ are pushed together
Features formed depends on which types of _______________ are converging
Period __________
A. Convergent (oceanic/continental crust)
________________ goes under _________ due
to greater ________ of oceanic crust.
__________ is created off the coast
__________ created on continental crust due to
rising magma.
Example of this type of convergent boundary is _______________________.
Mini Lab--How would you use a fruit roll up piece and a graham cracker piece to simulate this type of convergent
What type of crust is the fruit roll up? Graham cracker?
What land form would form here?
Would there be earthquakes?Why?
Would there be volcanic activity?Why?
Station 5:
B. Convergent (oceanic/oceanic)
The _______________ oceanic plate will sink beneath the other
______________ is created in between the plates
An ___________________ is created due to the rising
What is an island arc? (Use your webquest)
An example of this type of convergent boundary is
Name _________________________________________ Date __________________
Station 6: Subduction Zones (Use your webquest to answer questions)
Subduction Zones
What are they?
In ocean/continental plate collisions, which plate is subducted?
Period __________
In oceanic/oceanic plate collisions, which plate is subducted?
What occurs at subduction zones that is the opposite of seafloor spreading at divergent boundaries?
Place the terms next to the correct arrow: Subduction, Trench, Magma, Volcanic Mountain
Station 7:
C. Convergent (continental/continental)
Both plates collide and ______________.
The crust thickens as ________ are pushed upward.
_________________ ___________________ takes place.
An example of this type of convergent boundary would be ___________.
Mini Lab: Use two graham crackers and simulate this boundary.
What landform would form here?
Would there be earthquakes? Why?
Would there be volcanoes? Why?
Why is there no subduction zone here? (Use webquest for help)
Name _________________________________________
What causes the plates to move?
Date __________________
Period __________