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What new technologies facilitated European overseas expansion?
Technology that facilitated European overseas expansion:
 The Cannon
 The Caravel Ship
 The Magnetic Compass
 The Astrolabe
Why is Prince Henry of Portugal significant?
Prince Henry of Portugal is significant because he commanded the advancement of exploration past the
northern coast of North Africa and inspired later explorers and contributed to Portugal’s great wealth and
early lead in exploration.
How did medieval Arab chroniclers tend to describe people from sub-Saharan Africa?
Arabic chronicles and traditions described sub-Saharan Africans as sub-human people. When Europe’s
need for slavery lead them to Africa, the Islamic and Christian beliefs excused their enslaving of the subSaharans.
Who controlled trade in the Indian Ocean before the Portuguese gained control?
The Muslims controlled the Indian Ocean trade before the Portuguese over-powered them by taking over
the Muslim forts in India. Diaz da Gama and Cabral initially created the trade routes to the Indian Ocean.
Which European kingdom took the lead in overseas exploration?
Portugal took an early lead in overseas exploration due to an encouraging government, breaching of the
seemingly limitless riches in the East, and social/religious problems at home. After Portugal established the
largest gold income, Spain soon followed with its overseas expansion, claiming north of Portuguese Brazil
in present day Mexico. With limited economic mobility and renaissance curiosities, Portuguese and
Spanish exploration lead took lead of the European expansion.
What country’s trade did the Dutch East India Company basically take over?
The Dutch East India Company dominated the American exchange with Africa. The Dutch trading routes
brought slaves mostly to Brazil but to Northern America as well.
What were the primary motivations for European Explorers?
The primary motivations for European explorers were mostly economic, but also encompassed political and
religious. Europeans (Spanish) had limited economic mobility and took quick notice to the lucrative Indian
trade. Religiously, many Europeans sought to convert non-Christians and Muslims to help others achieve
salvation. The new centralized governments supported courageous explorers who could bring galleons of
gold back home.
What groups of people benefited the most from large price increases in the sixteenth century?
The large price increases benefited the merchants the most. Unlike the peasants who were left starving to
death, merchants were profiting from the price increases. The price increase was do to massive inflation
from the new economies overseas (for Spain).
What is a quinto?
The quinto was the beginning of the new mercantilist policies enacted by Spain upon its colonies. In the
monarchy’s point of view, the colonies existed for the mother country’s benefit. The quinto gave one-fifth
of all precious metals mined in its colonies directly to the crown. To follow up with its quinto and
mercantilist policies, Spain also highly discouraged foreign and independent economies to keep it’s
colonies dependant on the mother country.
Why hypotheses do scholars offer to explain the great witch-hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth
Some scholars say the witch-hunts were due to the instability of the social classes, while others say it was
for local governments to prove their religious values and strength by being able to beat the devil as it
controlled women. Some uneasy with an increase in the female population blamed the weak
What were the most significant changes brought about by the Columbian voyages?
The Columbian voyages set the way for Spanish imperialism in the Western world. When Columbus
founded colonies on the West Indies, he opened ports to both import African slaves and export Native
slaves. Columbus is also attributed to the killing of thousands of Natives and the enslaving of many more.
Where did the Portuguese bring the first African slaves?
The Portuguese first brought African slaves to Brazil, the new Portuguese colony in South America. In
Brazil, the slaves were used to grow sugar and clear the land for future Portuguese expansion.
What disease did the Amerindians give the Spanish?
The Amerindians gave the Spanish explorers both yellow fever and syphilis. However, the European
diseases brought to the Americas were much worse. Europeans brought small pox and rare cases of the
plague over in the ‘Columbian Exchange’ between the New and Old Worlds.
What is a caravel?
A caravel is a small boat used by the Portuguese and then the Spanish in exploration and overseas
expansion. The boats, being small, were capable of exploring up rivers and in shallow waters, enabling the
new colonies to be more inland by traveling by river. Also, the small caravels were fast and easily
maneuverable in the uncharted and potentially dangerous waters. The ships were later replaced by more
suitable ships for exploration, but left their mark in early expansion.