Download 2015 oceans Study Guide with Answers

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Name _Answer Key__________________
1) What are the two most abundant elements in ocean water?
Sodium and chlorine
2) Where do benthos live?
On or in the ocean floor
3) What resources can be harvested from the ocean?
Minerals, food, energy
4) What is happening to the Pacific Ocean now?
It is getting smaller
5) The measure of the amount of dissolved salts in a given amount of liquid is called
6) The ocean’s surface temperatures vary with time of year and
7) Most plankton are what?
Most are microscopic
8) Describe nekton.
They swim actively in the open ocean.
9) Marine organisms are grouped by
Where they live and how they move
10) Tidal energy is generated from what?
The natural movement of tides.
11) Wave energy is what type of resource?
A clean, renewable resource
12) Why are drift nets a problem?
They can accidentally catch dolphins and turtles
13) Engineers drill in the ocean floor for what resource? Oil and natural gas
14) Why is nonpoint-source pollution difficult to trace?
Because it comes from different sources
15) An oil spill from a tanker is an example of what type of pollution?
Point-source pollution
16) Estuaries are important because they?
provide breeding grounds for migratory birds, filter out pollution from runoff before it reaches the ocean,
is a nutrient rich habitat for many species of aquatic and terrestrial animals
17) List the oceans in order of size. Begin with the largest.
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic
18) If sunlight warms only the top 100 m of ocean water, why does the surface zone extend to about 300 m below
the surface?
Surface currents mix the warmer water with the cooler water below.
19) Where would the temperature of the ocean probably be lowest? What latitude, what season?
Near the poles in winter
20) What underwater feature could become a volcanic island?
A frog eats a fly on land and then jumps into the water and is eaten by a water snake
21) The most abundant dissolved salt in ocean water is
Sodium chloride
22) The Earth’s oceans have changed over time.
23) Crabs, seaweed, and clams are all considered to be ?
Benthic organisms
24) What does a food web show?
The feeding relationships between organisms
25) Which of the following animals lives mainly in the oceanic zone?
a. zooplankton
giant squid
26) Coral reefs are found in the _neritic __ zone.
27) Farming and fishing are ways of harvesting the ocean’s __living___ resources.
28) Name two kinds of renewable resource from the ocean
. wave energy. Tidal energy
29) Desalination is the process of removing what from ocean water? salt
30) Wave energy in the North Sea is strong enough to produce power for?
Parts of Scotland and England
31) Why is plastic trash dangerous to marine animals?
Animals can mistake it for food and choke on it.
32) Most of the oil that pollutes the oceans is caused by?
Nonpoint-source pollution
33) What does the U.S. Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act do?
It prohibits dumping harmful materials into the ocean.
34) What are the two main food webs on Earth called?
Aquatic and terrestrial
35) Where is the neritic zone?
Where the water becomes deeper and the ocean floor slopes downward
36) Which marine ecosystem is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?
Sargasso Sea
37) According to continental drift theory, a single, huge continent once existed called
38) The fact that similar fossils are found on both sides of the ocean is evidence of
39) What is the idea that all continents were part of one big landmass?
Continental drift
40) Whales, dolphins, and porpoises are part of the _nekton_ group of marine life.
continental drift
41) Coral, sponges, and seaweed are all part of the _benthos group of marine life.
42) Drifting organisms that may be plant-like or animal-like are called _plankton_.
43) The constant motion of waves can be harnessed to produce _wave _energy.
44) People who live in hot, dry climates often rely on _desalination plants_ for their drinking water.
45) Energy generated from tides is called _tidal energy_.
46) Coastal waters in cool, humid areas where fresh water rivers run into the ocean tend to have lower salinity.
47) Sponges are _benthic_ organisms, which means that they live on the ocean floor.
48) There are two main _food webs_ on Earth: aquatic and terrestrial
49) Most _plankton are microscopic and float at or near the ocean’s surface.
Vocab Words and Terms – Write the word that matches the definition/description.
50) third-largest ocean Indian Ocean
51) largest ocean
Pacific Ocean
52) second largest ocean
53) smallest ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Arctic Ocean
54) area between the shoreline and the continental slope continental shelf
55) area between the continental shelf and the ocean floor
continental slope
56) base of the continental slope continental rise
57) broad, flat part of the deep-ocean basin
58) mountain chain on the ocean floor
abyssal plain
mid-ocean ridge
59) The area where fresh water meets salt water from the oceans estuary
60) This is the deep, dark water of the ocean floor.
Benthic zone
61) This is where dolphins and sea turtles live. Neritic zone
62) This is exposed to the air for part of the day. Intertidal zone
63) This contains the deep water of the open ocean.
64) species of alga
Oceanic zone
65) taking more fish than can be naturally replaced
66) resources that cannot be replenished nonrenewable resources
67) removal of salt from ocean water
68) pollution that comes from many places
nonpoint-source pollution
69) pollution that comes from a specific place
point-source pollution
70) is the solid part of raw sewage
71) is a form of point-source pollution trash dumping, sludge dumping, or oil spills
72) is a cause of nonpoint-source pollution boats and jet skis on a lake, agricultural or urban runoff
73) a long narrow valley that forms as tectonic plates separate
74) a huge crack in the deep sea floor
rift valley
ocean trench
75) the giant landmass that contained all the continents Pangaea
76) What causes ocean currents? Coreolis effect, winds, salinity, solar heating
77) Why is upwelling important? Provides for more abundant marine life
78) In what organism is the most energy in an oceanic ecosystem contained? plankton