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PreAP World Geography -MID TERM REVIEW
Thinking Like a Geographer and Handbook Skills
1. How do you plot coordinates using the grid system? (Locate a place using latitude and
2. What are the elements of a good map?
3. What are the different map projections and their distortions? (pages 6-7)
4. Define and give examples of absolute and relative location.
5. Identify and label the major lines of latitude & longitude. (0°latitude & longitude, 23 ½° N &
S, 66 ½° N & S, and 90° N & S latitude, 900 N & S)
6. What is the Global Grid System? What are Meridians and Parallels? Be able to find
locations using coordinates.
7. Identify the 3 major map projections. (conic, cylindrical, and planar/azimuthal)
8. Tell the uses of each of the 3 major map projections.
9. What is a Great Circle Route?
10. What are the types of maps? (pages 10-11)
11. What are the Earth’s Time Zones? How are they divided?
12. Explain Map Bias and Give one Example.
13. Define Geography and Identify the Two branches of geography.
14. What are the Five Themes of geography?
15. Define formal, functional, and perceptual regions. Give an Example of Each.
Planet Earth
16. Diagram and define the Layers of the Earth: Crust, mantle, Inner-Outer Cores.
17. Diagram and define the parts of the water cycle.
18. Diagram and define the parts of a river.
19. Describe the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift.
20. Explain the internal forces of change. (Convergence, divergence, faulting).
21. Define the terms: Subduction, accretion, Sea-Floor Spreading, Fold, fault, rift, ridge.
22. Explain what occurs at each type of plate boundary: rift valleys, mountain ranges,
volcanoes, faults, and earthquakes.
23. Explain the external forces of change. (weathering – physical, chemical - and erosionwind, water, glacial, Soil-Building).
 Be Able to Locate and Identify on a Map these 25 Landforms:
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Arctic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Amazon River
Bering Strait
Caribbean Sea
Great Lakes
Gulf of Mexico
Hudson Bay
Mississippi River
Baltic Sea
Black Sea
Euphrates River
Nile River
Tigris River
Andes Mountains
Appalachian Mountains
Mato Grosso Plateau
Rock Mountains
Alps Mountains
Atlas Mountains
Sahara Desert
Ural mountains
Be Able to define (definition) and identify (picture) each type of Geographic landforms listed
below: Use your Landform vocabulary sheet from the first Six-weeks.
24. Locate, describe, and give degrees for mid, low, and high latitudes (tropics, temperate, and
polar zones.)
25. Explain and diagram the Earth–Sun relationship. (seasons, tilt, direct and indirect rays,
revolution, rotation, equinox and solstice)
26. Compare Weather and Climate. What is the difference between the two?
27. Explain the factors that affect climate. (LACEMOPS)
28. What are the Earth’s prevailing wind patterns?
29. Explain how elevation, latitude, wind systems, ocean currents, position on a continent, and
mountain barriers influence temperature, precipitation and distribution of climate regions.
For Example: What is the climatic impact of the Gulf Stream with its Northern extension, the
North Atlantic Drift on the West Coast of Europe? Why is the Atacama Desert one of the
driest places on earth?
30. What is the difference between a Hurricane and a Typhoon? What direction do cyclonic
storm winds blow in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? Why do they spin different
31. What are Examples of Natural Disasters, and give examples of how humans modify their
environment to prevent damage?
32. What is El Nino?
33. If it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?
34. Explain and diagram the orographic /rainshadow effect.
35. Identify and describe the climate regions (location, temperature, precipitation, vegetation).
36. Define Biome and Describe each Biome of the Earth Below:
Tropical rain forest
Temperate deciduous forest
Temperate rain forest
Arctic tundra
Alpine tundra
37. If a mountain is 15,000 feet high what is the temperature at the top if the temperature at the
bottom is 70?
38. What is a Climograph? Be able to apply your knowledge of Climate/Climographs.
Distinguish what Hemisphere/Region of the World based on Climate information.
39. Define Leaching, Permafrost, desertification, Canopy, erg, reg, oasis, Polar Desert, taiga.
40. List the 10 most populated Urban Cities-Be able to locate on a map
Tokyo, Mexico City, Seoul, New York City, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Delhi, Los Angeles,
Shanghai, Jakarta
41. Define Cultural Hearth and describe its major elements.
42. Be able to locate the Early Cultural Hearths on a map: Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley,
Yellow River Valley, Nile River Valley, Middle America and Ganges River Valley.
43. What are factors that lead to the development of a city?
44. What comes after a city starts to develop?
45. What will happen to cities if a resource disappears?
46. What is an Urban Area?
47. Define Rural Area.
48. What are the Types of Urban Areas?
49. What are some of the functions of Urban Areas?
50. Describe the Earliest Cities?
51. What was the Earliest Great City?
52. Define each economic activity. Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary.
53. Describe the Industrial Revolution?
54. Describe the second Agricultural Revolution?
55. Urban Landscape: Describe the differences between a Site and a Situation.
56. What are the factors needed for a city?
57. What is confluence?
58. Define Hinterland
59. Explain the stages of the Burgess Model.
60. What is an Urban Heat Island?
61. What are some reasons for Urbanization?
62. What factors causes people to move to cities?
63. What are common problems in an urban area?
64. Why do countries trade?
65. Define Imports and Exports.
66. Why do countries try to balance their imports and exports?
67. How are trade routes changing with technology?
68. What is Free Trade?
69. Define WTO – World Trade Organization
70. Define NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
71. Define EU: European Union
72. What is agriculture?
73. How has technology impacted Agriculture?
74. High agricultural output, mechanized farming, and lower labor forces in agriculture would
be seen in ___________ _______________ countries.
75. Explain the difference between subsistence and commercial farming
76. Define: deforestation, slash and burn.
77. Give examples of nonrenewable and renewable resources
78. Define sustainability.
79. What are the three things that sustainability must consider?
80. What are the six-principles of sustainability?
81. Developed countries are in the best position to promote sustainable development. Why?
82. Developing countries struggle with sustainable practice. Why?
83. What is the Kyoto protocol? Why is it an example of sustainability conflict between
Developed and Developing Countries?
84. What is the United Nations? Where is it located?
85. Define Migrant
86. Most people migrate from Rural to ______________ areas.
87. Define Immigrant
88. Define Emigrant
89. Define refugee
90. Define an Internally displaced person?
91. What are Push and Pull Factors?
Population and Demographics
92. What is the population on Earth today?
93. The earth’s population is expected to double in _________ years.
94. Explain why the Earth’s population is not distributed evenly.
95. Give examples of why the world’s population is growing.
96. What problems can arise when population increases too rapidly?
97. Define characteristics of a developed and developing country.
98. The world's population growth rate since the Industrial Revolution is graphically illustrated
as a ______________ curve.
99. What is the Human Development Index?
100. Define Most Economically Developed Country, Least Economically Developed, Newly
Industrialized country
101. What is the Brandt Line?
102. Describe the Demographic Transition model? Describe the four stages?
103. What is one of the problems with the Demographic Transition model?
104. What are Population Pyramids? Be able to determine characteristics or events of a
place based on deciphering information from population pyramids.
105. Know these definitions: Annual, Annual Growth Rate, Arable Land, Birth Rate, Capital,
Carrying Capacity, Commodity, Death Rate, Demographics, Doubling Rate/Time,
Energy Consumption, Exchange Rate, Export, Fertility Rate, Foreign Aid, Gross,
Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Product, Human Development Index, Import,
Industrialization, Infant Mortality, Inflation, Infrastructure, Landlocked, Least Developed
Country, Life Expectancy, Literacy Rate, Mass Production, Median Age, Migration, More
Economically Advanced Country, Natural Increase, Natural Resources, Negative
Population Growth, Net, Newly Industrialized Country, Non-renewable resource,
Per Capita, Per Capita Income, Population Density, Postindustrial Economy, Poverty
Line, Primary Industry, Pull Factor, Push Factor, Quaternary Industry, Renewable
Resource, Rural Population, Secondary Industry, Services, Standard of Living,
Suffrage, Telecommunications, Tertiary Industry, Third World Country, Unemployment,
Urban Population, Zero Population Growth
106. What regions of the world have the highest populations? Lowest?
107. Infant mortality rates are consistently lowered by?
108. What do indicators like a high infant mortality rate, limited access to decent
sanitation facilities, and short life expectancy say about the quality of life in a region?
109. How will population growth affect the amount of arable land available per person? What
% of land is arable?
110. What Country consumes the most energy?
111. Why do countries want to control their population growth?
Government and Economic Systems
105. Approximate number of countries in the world?
106. What are the features of a Government?
107. Explain the differences between a Nation, State, or Country.
108. What are the Levels of Government?
109. What are the Types of Government?
110. What type of Government is the United States?
111. Describe and give examples of the three economic systems (command, Free Enterprise,
and traditional).
112. Who was Karl Marx?
113. Know these Government terms: Autocracy, Totalitarian Dictatorship, Monarchy,
Colonialism, Compulsory, Constitution, Constitutional Monarchy, Democracy, Direct
Democracy, Representative Democracy, Dictatorship, Federal Government,
Oligarchy, Parliamentary Government, Republic, Sovereignty, Theocracy,
Totalitarianism, and Unitary System.
114. Know these Economic Terms: Command Economy, Communism, Commercial
Agriculture, Commercial Industries, Private Property, Free Enterprise, Supply and
demand, Goods, Mixed Economy, Socialism, Subsistence Agriculture, Traditional
Economy, needs vs. wants, commodity.
112. Define Culture
113. Define Custom
114. Define culture hearths and describe early civilizations.
115. What are the four stages of development in early cultures?
116. What is a Cultural Region?
117. What are the two types of Culture?
118. What are the seven elements to consider when studying about culture?
119. Define a social group.
120. Define Ethnic Group
121. What is pop Culture?
122. How do cultures change?
123. What is Cultural Diffusion?
124. What are the factors that affect diffusion?
125. What is cultural convergence?
126. Define Cultural divergence.
127. Define Cultural Assimilation
128. What is ethnocentrism?
129. Explain why people trade?
130. Define Language, Language family, Language Group, Dialect, Indo-European
131. Define spatial Diffusion.
 Bubonic Plague- The epidemic experienced during the middle ages, which killed nearly
1/3 of Western Europe. Also known as the Black Death.
 Columbian Exchange- The exchange of crops, animals, and disease and ideas of
different cultures after Europeans landed in the Americas. An example of Spatial
The Columbian Exchange
The Americas Contribution
 Maize, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts, most beans and squash
 Environmental preservation
European Contribution
 Horses, pigs, goats, and cattle
 Disease such as small pox, influenza and the measles
 Wheat, oranges, onions and lemons.