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Confidence Interval for a Population Mean
1. A physician wanted to estimate the mean length of time  that a patient had to wait to see him after
arriving at the office. A random sample of 36 patients showed a mean waiting time of 23.4 minutes and a
standard deviation of 7.2 minutes. Find a 96% confidence interval for  .
2. The owner of a small computer company wished to estimate the mean download rate  for the
company's update to one of its programs. Forty-nine downloads gave a mean rate of 3.1 and a standard
deviation of 1.6 kilobits per second. Find a 98% confidence interval for  .
3. Barbara wanted to estimate the mean connection time  to the Internet. She connected 25 times with a
mean of 42 and a standard deviation of 5.2 minutes. Find a 90% confidence interval for  .
4. A study was done to estimate the mean annual growth  in a population of Conuspennaceus trees in
Hawaii. For those with an initial size of 2.41-2.60 centimeters, a sample of size 12 yielded a mean annual
growth of .72 centimeter and a standard deviation of .31 centimeter. Find a 90% confidence interval for
the population mean  of annual growth (of those trees with an initial size of 2.41-2.60 centimeters).
5. 16 pieces of a plastic are randomly selected, and the breaking strength of each piece is recorded in
pounds per square inch. Suppose that: X = 26 and s = 1.5 pounds per square inch. Find a 99%
confidence interval for the mean breaking strength  . If you were to obtain 200 those 99% confidence
intervals for the mean breaking strength, about how many can be expected to contain  ?
6. A city assessor wished to estimate the mean income per household. The previous mean income was
$25,300. A random sample of 40 households in the city showed a mean income of $29,400 and a standard
deviation of $6325.
(a) Find a 95% confidence interval for  , the population mean income per household in the city.
(b) Based on your answer in part (a), would the assessor conclude that the mean income had increased
over the previous estimate of $25,300?
7. A 90% confidence interval for the mean percentage of airline reservations being canceled on the day
of the flight is (3.2 %, 7 %). What is the point estimator of the mean percentage of reservations that are
canceled on the day of the flight?
8. Suppose a 90% confidence interval for μ turns out to be ( 110, 260). Based on the interval, do you
believe the average is equal to 270?
9. During the last Super-Bowl Sunday, Adrian and his buddies ordered 27 pizzas from Pizzas To Go at different
times. The average delivery time proved to be 23.7 min, with a standard deviation of 10.7 min. Assume a normal
distribution. Feeling this was far too long a delay, Adrian and his friends decided to buy the 28th pizza elsewhere if
it appeared that the delivery time for Pizzas To Go exceeded 30 min. Set alpha at 1%. Will they order elsewhere?
Answer: (18.0, 29.4) min. Interpretation: You can be 99% confident that the pizzas from Pizzas To Go will
arrive in less than 30 minutes, since 30 does not fall in the interval. Continue ordering from Pizzas To Go
One hundred 16-ounce jars of Homemade Hot Sauce average 15.2 ounces. The population standard deviation is
known to be 0.96 ounces. At the 95 percent level of confidence, can you assert the jars are filled with a mean of 16
ounces? Would you suggest that company needs to put more hot sauce into the jars to insure labeling accuracy?
11. To estimate the mean expenditure of customers at a local Sonic, students sample 200 customers and find a
mean expenditure of $5.67 with a standard deviation of $1.10. What is the 95 percent confidence interval for the
mean expenditure of all the customers? Interpret the results.
12. A sample of 121 calls to the 900 number you operate has a mean duration of 16.6 minutes and a
standard deviation of 3.63 minutes. You offer a discount, which will be discontinued unless the mean call
duration exceeds 18 minutes. At the 90 percent level of confidence, what is your decision? Based on this
study, do you think the service discount should be discontinued?
13. A 95% confidence interval is constructed such that it yields a lower confidence limit of 62 and an
upper confidence limit of 69. Can you conclude from the above that there is 95 percent confidence that
the parameter is between 62 and 69? Explain.
14. Jose has a thriving business in Acapulco selling authentic plastic Inca relics to tourists. He selects
n = 60 days to estimate his daily profit. However, Jose does not know whether the population of daily
profits is normally distributed and is uncertain of how to proceed. Does he proceed with the sample?
Why or Why not?
15. Georgia Pacific (GP), a major U.S. paper company, decides to harvest a timber stand if it can get an
average of at least 700 board feet per tree (bf). A sample of 1,000 trees yields a mean of 695 bf, with a
standard deviation of 22.1 bf. At the 94 percent level of confidence, what is your decision? Should GP
harvest the stand or we should let the stand of trees grow for a longer period of time?
16. Your product requires that a certain component used in your manufacturing process must average
15.2 grams. If you purchase 100 components and find X = 14.8 g with s = 3.2 g, what would a
confidence interval tell you about the advisability of buying more from this supplier? Your product is very
delicate and you can tolerate only a 1% alpha error. Should you continue purchasing from this supplier?
17. A researcher found that a sample of 100 with X = 50.3 and s = 10.1 generated a confidence interval
of 48.3204 to 52.2796. What level of confidence can be attributed to this interval?
18. The Pizza Parlor is considering increasing the price of its large sausage pizza if the average price
of its competitors exceeds Pizza Parlor's price of $12.95. Thirty-six other pizza places report a mean
price of $12.50 with a SD of $1.01. Pizza Parlor wants to be 92% confident in the decision to raise
prices. Can they raise prices?
19. Fat Harry's, a popular student hangout, sells 16-ounce glasses of beer. Ten students purchase a total
of 22 glasses and, using their own measuring cup, estimate the mean contents. The sample mean is
15.2 oz with s = 0.86 oz. At the 95% level of confidence, are the students getting their money's worth?
Answer: (14.8, 15.6) oz. Possible Interpretation: You are 95% confident that these students are not
getting the 16 oz of beer (too much foam), since the 16 oz does not fall within the interval. There needs to
be a boycott of this pub or at least an organized picket. Demand your rights to a full mug!
Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion
1. The Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program has an overall error rate of 4%
in determining eligibility. The state of California uses sampling to monitor its counties to see
whether they exceed the 4% error rate, which can result in economic sanctions. In one county, 8
cases out of 150 were found to be in error.
(a) Find a 92% confidence interval for the error rate for the county (proportion of all cases in
(b) The California legislature mandated that a 92% confidence interval be used in studying error
rate. Based on your answer in part (a), would you conclude that the error rate for the county is
above the 4% ?
2. To estimate the proportion p of passengers who had purchased tickets for more than $400 over
a year's time, an airline official obtained a random sample of 75. The number of those purchasing
tickets for more than $400 was 45.
(a) What is a point estimate for p?
(b) Find a 90% confidence interval for p.
3. A city council commissioned a statistician to estimate the proportion p of voters in favor of a
proposal to build a new library. The statistician obtained a random sample of 200 voters, with 112
indicating approval of the proposal. What is a point estimate for p? Find a 99% confidence
interval for p.
4. A union official wanted to get an idea of whether a majority of workers at a large corporation
would favor a contract proposal. She surveyed 500 workers and found that 240 did not favor the
(a) Find a 96% confidence interval for the proportion of all the workers who favor the contract
(b) Find the maximum error of the estimate.
(c) Based on the results of part (a), can we conclude that the contract will be ratified by the
5. A coin is tossed 1000 times and 540 heads appear. Find a 96% confidence interval for the true
proportion of heads.
6. Increasing numbers of businesses are offering child-care benefits for their workers. However,
one union claims that more than 80% of firms in the manufacturing sector still do not offer any
child-care benefits to their workers. A random sample of 500 manufacturing firms is selected, and
only 80 of them offer child-care benefits. Find a 98% confidence interval for the proportion of all
the businesses who do not offer any child-care benefits to their workers.
7. A recent study claimed that more than 15% of junior high students are overweight. In a sample
of 160 students, 18 were found to be overweight. Find a 94% confidence interval for the
proportion of all the junior high students who overweight.
8. The Washington Post reported that 68% of all high-school students had computers at their
home. If a sample of 1,020 students is taken, which reveals that 673 students have computers at
home, does a 99% confidence interval support The Washington Post?
9. In order to curtail insider trading, the SEC requested information on the proportion of bank
holding companies whose officers directly hold more than 50% of the bank's outstanding stock. Of
the 200 banks selected at random, 79 reported that insiders held a majority of their stocks. What
is the 90% confidence interval for the proportion of all bank holding companies whose officers
hold at least 50% of the outstanding stock?
Sample Size Examples
1. If you wish to estimate a population mean within 0.2 using a 98% confidence interval and you
know from prior sampling of sample size n = 500 that s is equal to 5.0. How many more
observations would you have to include in your sample?
2. Results of a random sample of 1500 registered voters across the U.S.A. showed that 52 % of
them would prefer a “ Super morally straight person” to be the president of United States. How
many more registered voters are required in the sample to reduce in half the bound within which
we need to estimate the true proportion of voters who prefer a “ Super morally straight person”
to be the president of United States with a 99 % confidence?
3. Allen is an appliance salesman who works on commission. A random sample of 49 days showed
that the sample standard deviation for value of sales was S = $202. How many days must be
included in the sample to be 99% sure the population mean μ
is within $45 of the sample mean X-bar?
4. A nurse at a local hospital is interested in estimating the birth weight of infants. How large a
sample must she select if she desires to be 90% confident that the true mean is within 2 ounces of
the sample mean? The standard deviation of the birth weights is known to be 10 ounces.
5. A town official wants to estimate the proportion p of voters who favor the granting of a
permission to construct a health spa in a residential area. How large a random sample is required
to estimate p to within 4 percentage points with 95% confidence?
6. To estimate the proportion p of voters favoring a nuclear freeze in your voting district, how
large a random sample is needed to estimate p to within 2 percentage points with
(a) 90% confidence?
(b) 99% confidence?
7. Holiday Inn wants to develop a 97% interval for the mean number of rooms occupied each night at
its locations around the nation. How many nights must be included in the sample if an error of 50 rooms
can be tolerated and a pilot sample reveals s = 165 rooms?