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Download US History Fort Burrows Review Semester Exam II Chapter 11 1
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US History Fort Burrows Review Semester Exam II Chapter 11 1. The Monroe Doctrine declared that the US would remain neutral in European wars. It also … 2. List the effect from the War of 1812, during the Era of Good Feelings… 3. The invention of interchangeable parts had what affect on industry in the US in the 1800s ? 4. How did Robert Fulton’s steamboat aid the economic development of the US ? 5. What type of industry started the Industrial Revolution ? 6. List changes that were a result of the Industrial Revolution ? 1. 2. 3. 7. How did Western farmers ship goods to New York City ? 8. Which document warned European nations to leave Latin America countries alone…? 9. What depended largely on the development of the factory system for its success ? 10. How did the US gain Florida from Spain ? 11. What agreement resulted in the US taking possession of Florida ? 1 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 12. List what daily life was like in a factory in the early 1800s ? Chapter 12 13. 14. 15. Describe President Andrew Jackson’s policy toward Native Americans… In 1828, the U.S. Congress increased taxes paid on imports to protect newly established Northern industries from foreign competition. The Southern economy was hurt by this protective tariff because it – List the ‘nicknames’ used during Jackson’s Presidency ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 16. What is the definition of suffrage ? 17. Why did the Political parties of the mid-1800s become more democratic ? 18. What conclusions did President Jackson have regarding the Bank of the US ? 1. 2. 19. How were people’s voting rights affected by the growing democratic point of view in 1820s ? (H) 20. Which group thought of Andrew Jackson as their champion ? (H) 21. What was South Carolina’s reason for passing the Nullification Act ? (H) 2 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 22. Which group most suffered financially from the Tariff of Abominations ? (H) Chapter 13 1803 – Louisiana Purchase 1806 – Zebulon Pike’s expedition to the Rocky Mountains 1821 – Santa Fe Trail opens 1835 – Texas revolts against Mexico 1843 – John C. Fremont maps trails to Oregon and California 1845 – United States annexes Texas 1849 – California Gold Rush 23. Describe the time line above… EVENTS … 24. What did Manifest Destiny mean Americans should do in the US ? 25. What territory did the US gain after defeating Mexico in the Mexican War ? 26. What 3 things led settlers and trappers to move to the Oregon territory in the 1820s ? 1. 2. 3. 27. What Mexican cultures did American settlers use in the Southwest ? 28. What was a direct result of the Texan victory at the Battle of San Jacinto ? (H) 29. What benefit would Manifest Destiny contribute to the US ? (H) 30. How did California develop such a diverse population ? 31. How was Texas admitted to the Union ? (H) 3 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 32. What is the significance of the siege at the Alamo ? ***** Daily News ***** 1848 California Territory Added to the United States 33. What event caused this newspaper to print the headline shown above ? Chapter 14 U.S. Immigration, 1840-1860 200 150 Immigrants 100 (thousands) 50 Germany Great Britain Ireland 0 1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 Year 34. What is the reason for the change in immigration in 1850 shown on this graph ? 35. What factors led to the development of plantation agriculture in the South ? 36. Communications were improved significantly by the invention of the telegraph. Who invented it ? What year ? 37. Why was there a lack of factories in South ? 1. 2. 4 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 38. List the effects of the cotton gin… 1. 2. 3. 39. What made it possible for southern planters to boost their profits after 1793 ? 40. List problems about the earliest American railroads… 1. 2. 3. 41. How was the South dependent on the North ? 42. Describe factory conditions in the 1840s ? 1. 2. 3. 43. What was the primary purpose of the slave codes ? 44. McCormick’s reaper did the work of __________ people using hand tools. 45. What products did southerners buy largely from the North ? Semester Exam II – Part 2 Chapter 15 46. Know the 18 Presidents, Order and Terms. 5 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows Chapter 16 We think the people of African ancestry are…..not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word “citizens” in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States. 47. This excerpt is taken from which landmark U.S. Supreme Court case ? 48. The 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision caused what effect in the North ? 49. Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin an important book ? 50. What were the causes of the Civil War ? 1. 2. 3. 51. What was Henry Clay’s specific proposal for admitting Missouri to the Union ? 52. List the parts of the Compromise of 1850 ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 53. Summarize the effects of the Missouri Compromise in one statement. 54. What caused some southern states to secede in protest from the Union ? 6 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 55. How did the Civil War begin ? 56. Which debate caused violence to erupt on the Senate floor ? 57. What outcome did Abraham Lincoln expect regarding the solution of the slavery issue in the United States ? 58. What event caused the formation of the Confederate States of America ? Chapter 17 59. What city was the capital of the Confederacy ? 60. List each public official’s job/task during the Civil War. Robert E. Lee – Abraham Lincoln – Ulysses S. Grant – Jefferson Davis – 61. In the Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln said that soldiers had sacrificed their lives to ensure that “government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” What type of government was Lincoln referring to ? 62. Which southern state was the first to secede from the Union ? 63. How was General Grant planning to end the Civil War ? 64. List the main effect of the Emancipation Proclamation. 7 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 65. Why was the Battle of Vicksburg so important in guiding the direction of the Civil War ? 66. List the dates of the Civil War… 67. What was the MAJOR result of the Civil War. 68. List the goals of the Union during the Civil War ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 69. Why was the Civil War a major turning point in American history ? CHAPTER 18 70. Why did northerners travel south after the war ? 71.. List reasons why the South economy declined during the Civil War ? 1. 2. 3. 72. How did Southern states try to prevent blacks from voting ? 73. Explain the meaning of Nativism ? 74. What government agency was created before the war ended to help former slaves ? 8 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 75. The Wade-Davis Bill served as an alternative to what previous plan for Reconstruction ? 76. What was Congresses reaction when the South passed the Black Codes ? 77. How would Reconstruction been affected, if the Democrats would have had power ? 78. Why was there such importance in the Hayes-Tilden presidential election of 1876 ? 79. Describes Thaddeus Steven’s beliefs ? 1. 2. 3. 80. List some of the effects of ‘unity’ in the United States ? 1. 2. 3. 81. What was the purpose of literacy test ? 82. Which “pre-Appomattox” government agency was created to help former slaves ? 83. What southern laws were the first passed after the South ratified the 13th Amendment ? 84. What was the political platform, both candidates ran on, in the Presidential Election of 1876. 85. List 3 court cases that dealt with equal protection… 1. 2. 3. 9 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 86. Who did Hiram Revels replace in the US Senate ? 87. Why did the North bounce back quickly after the war ? 1. 2. 3. 88. Which is NOT a reason that the South opposed Reconstruction ? 1. 2. 3. 89. Who was the first African American to serve a full term in the Senate ? 90. Why did the Supreme Court, in the case United States v. American Tobacco Co. the Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the company ? 91. Why did many of the average northerners lose faith in the Republican party and its policies ? 92. Who was Hiram Revels ? 93. List the post-Civil War results in the South ? 1. 2. 3. 94. According to the Brown v. Board of Education, having separate schools for black and white children, violations what ? 95. List the 5 districts that the South was divided into during Reconstruction ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 96. What would have been different in the US if Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated and finished his 2nd term ? 97. Who was the leader of the Radicals in the House of Representatives ? 98. The Radical Republicans proposed which bill, after Lincoln’s assassination ? 99. What caused average northerners to NOT support the Republican Party ? 1. 2. 3. 100. Which 2 groups reached a compromise to end Reconstruction ? 1. 2. 101. List the restricted under the black codes ? 1. 2. 102. List the parts of Lincoln’s 10% Plan ? 1. 2. 3. 103. List the affects from the Supreme Court ruling of the Plessy v. Ferguson case ? 1. 2. 3. 104. How did Hayes win the 1876 election ? 11 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 105. How did the political forces in the South impact (slow) the growth of the South ? 106. Why did the KKK come to power ? 107. What were some of the problems that Freedman faced directly after the war ? 1. 2. 3. 108. What was so ‘harsh’ about the Wade-Davis Bill ? 109. List in order the Freedman Bureau’s most important tasks after the Civil War ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 110. What was similar in the proposed Reconstruction Act of 1867 as compared to the Johnson Plan of 1865 ? 111. Which was a philosophy the KKK followed ? 1. 2. 3. 12 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18 US History Fort Burrows 112. What were Lincoln’s views on slavery ? 113. What caused an expansion of sharecropping during the South’s Reconstruction ? 114. Which court case supported segregation and made it legal throughout the US ? 115. List the issues the Republicans had with Johnson ? 1. 2. 3. 116. What caused the white southerners to be afraid of supporting Reconstruction ? 117. Who said, “I was imprisoned in Missouri in 1854, for preaching the gospel to Negroes, though I was never subjected to violence.” ? 118. What caused the Fourteenth Amendment ? 13 of Review Semester Exam II Chapter 10 – 18