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8th Grade Science—
Ch. 26-30 Study Guide
DIRECTIONS: Using the word bank, fill in the missing terms. Fold your paper & quiz yourself.
The point in a planet’s orbit when it is furthest from the sun.
The point in a planet’s orbit when it is closest to the sun.
Large, gaseous celestial body that emits light.
A star that suddenly becomes brighter.
An explosive release of energy from the sun that is associated with magnetic
A collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity.
The spin of a body on its axis.
The motion of a body that travels around another body in space.
A large cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space where stars are born.
A dark, cooler area of the photosphere of the sun with a strong magnetic field.
The outermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere.
When the moon passes between the Earth and the sun.
When the moon passes through Earth’s shadow at full moon.
Word Bank
solar flare
Coronal mass ejection
Coronal mass
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
8th Grade Science—
Ch. 26-30 Study Guide
DIRECTIONS: Using the word bank, fill in the missing terms. Fold your paper & quiz yourself.
The ___________________ planets are also called gas giants.
The sun is powered by ___________________ reactions.
Our sun is ______________ & _______________ than most stars in the
An Astronomical Unit (AU) is the average distance between Earth and the
Night and day provide evidence that Earth __________ on its axis.
Pluto is now considered a ____________ planet.
People ___________________ breathe in Earth’s early atmosphere.
Our sun is a ___________ star.
We live in the ___________________ galaxy.
Earth is one of the _____________ planets.
The ________________________ is proof of the seasons.
Word Bank
distance from sun
could not
Milky Way
nuclear fusion
8th Grade Science—
Ch. 26-30 Study Guide
DIRECTIONS: Using the word bank, fill in the missing terms. Fold your paper & quiz yourself.
The northern lights are:
9.46 trillion kilometers, or the distance light travels in one year:
The ________________ is the region of space that is affected by Earth’s magnetic field when it extends
into space.
Most of the stars on the H-R diagram are found:
An object so massive and dense that even light cannot escape its gravity:
Length of the average sunspot cycle:
The brightness of a star as it appears from Earth:
About 99% of all matter that was contained in the solar nebula now composes the _________.
The 2 elements that make up most of the sun’s mass:
What color are the hottest stars?
These make up most of the universe:
The Milky Way is this type of galaxy:
The hottest layer of the sun is called:
The view that the Earth is the center of the solar system and that everything revolves around it is this
kind of view of the universe:
Word Bank
dark energy
light year
11 years
dark matter
Main sequence
apparent magnitude
spiral galaxy
black hole
8th Grade Science—
Ch. 26-30 Study Guide
Describe the three main features of Earth that make life possible here.
The three main features of Earth that make life possible here are oxygen, water, and
Provide at least two examples of evidence that Earth rotates on its axis
One example that provides evidence that Earth rotates on its axis is the fact that we have day & night. Another
example is stars appear to move.
Summarize the “big bang” theory.
All ___________________ and _________________ in the universe were contained in a _________________
space. There was a large explosion _______ to _______ billion years ago. It has been
_________________________ ever since.
Is the amount of hydrogen in the sun likely to increase or decrease over the next few million years?
Explain your reasoning.
The amount of hydrogen in the sun is likely to ____________________________ over the next few million
years. This is likely to happen because nuclear ___________________ uses up ____________________ to
make __________________.