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Monday 4/29/2013
Finish biographical sketches.
Read pages 422 – 423
Tuesday 4/30/2013
Abuses of People in Asylums
In need of exercise
Closely confined
Held in a stall
Jailed inappropriately
Denied employment
Denied companionship
Read pages 424 – 429
Wednesday 5/1/2013
Quiz on reading
Abolitionist calls for ending slavery
David Walker Colored Citizens of the World
William Lloyd Garrison newspaper The Liberator
Angelina and Sarah Grimke southern abolitionist lectured
Theodore Weld Angelina’s husband also abolitionist antislavery petition to
John Quincy Adams ignored gag rule and read the order defended the Amistad
Fredrick Douglas speaker African American antislavery newspaper
Sojourner Truth former slave speaker escaped slavery and lived with Quakers
James Russell Lowell poet
Underground Railroad
Series of hiding places
Travel by night hide by day
Harriet Tubman
Conductor on the Underground Railroad. 19 trips
$40,000 reward
Female reformers face Barriers
Lucretia Mott abolitionist and women’s rights
Elizabeth Cady Stanton abolitionists and women’s rights
Denied World Anti-slavery Convention
Garrison joined them
Hold a convention at Seneca Falls Convention 7/19&20/1848
A document Declaration of Sentiments
Suffrage was controversial and passed by slim margin
Continued calls for Women’s Rights
Sojourner Truth spoke at Ohio Convention
Maria Mitchell Ass. For the Advancement of Women astronomer
Susan B. Anthony temperance, antislavery and women’s right
Married women to be able to keep property and earning’s
Miss 1st 1839
NY 1848 wage law in 1860
1865 29 states passed
Read pages 422 – 423 and do the questions and page 430 - 431
Thursday 5/2/2013
Do page 432 terms and names and 1-10 Review questions
Friday 5/3/2013
Chapter 14 test
Monday 5/6/2013
Look at the painting on page 438. What is the opinion of the painter of the
picture? How is the crowd responding to Lincoln’s speech?
Now look at the picture on page 439. Why would members of Congress get angry
about a political issue? Do you think the debates over slavery made the splitting
of the nation more likely?
How would you keep the nation together?
Look at the timeline on page 439. What are some events that might show a
peaceful way to solve the problem? What are some of the events that signal
violent end to the slavery debate?
Do you think that Lincoln’s election might have been a cause of the formation of
the Confederacy?
Read pages 441- 445 and do the questions on 445
Tuesday 5/7/2013
How did the economies of the North and the South differ?
What factors caused the rapid growth of Northern cities?
Why was there so little investment in industry in the South?
Why did free workers in the North oppose slavery?
What reasons did Southern slaveholders offer in defense of slavery?
Why did slaveholders claim that the Wilmot Proviso was unconstitutional?
Why was the formation of the Free-Soil Party so important to national politics?
What made California’s admission as a state controversial?
Why were Southerners opposed to the admission of California to the Union as a
free state?
What compromise allowed California to join the Union? What were it
What roles did Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun and Stephan
Douglas play in passing the Compromise of 1850?
Make two Venn diagrams Wilmot Proviso and the other Compromise of 1850
Read pages 446 – 449
Wednesday 5/8/2013
Why did Southerners feel that the Fugitive Slave Act force Northerners to face?
Why did white Southerners resent Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
What is popular sovereignty?
What groups of people supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act? What groups
opposed it?
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act change decisions about slavery?
How did proslavery forces ensure that Kansas would elect a proslavery
What effects did John Brown’s actions have on the situation in Kansas?
How did Northerners react to the beating of Senator Charles Sumner?
In what ways did the beating of Senator Sumner represent what was happening in
the nation
Draw a cause and effect chain to summarize the events surrounding the violence
in Kansas.
Read pages 450-454
Thursday 5/9/2013
Look at the map on page 457. How many states voted for Lincoln? How many
voted for Douglas? for Breckinridge? for Bell?
Where did Lincoln have strong support? Where did he have no support?
Read pages 455-459
Do questions on page 459
Friday 5/10/2013
Do chapter review on page 460
Monday 5/13/2013
Chapter 15 test
Read pages 465 – 471 and do questions on page 469
Tuesday 5/14/2013
Why did Lincoln decide to risk war by re-supplying Fort Sumter?
How did states in the upper South respond to Lincoln’s call-up of militia?
How did Virginia’s decision to secede improve the South’s chances of winning?
Why were the border states important?
What were the strengths of each side?
What did the Confederacy expect to gain by withholding cotton from the market?
What was the goal of the Anaconda Plan, and what were its drawbacks?
How did each side’s strategy change as the war continued?
What was the Union army’s strategic goal in the summer of 1861?
What conclusions id each side draw from the Northern defeat at Bull Run?
You are an advisor to Lincoln and to Davis write two reports of the weaknesses
and the strengths for the other side.
Read pages 470 - 476
Wednesday 5/15/2013
What were the characteristics and background of a typical soldier?
What obstacles did African Americans face who wanted to serve?
Why did so many men volunteer?
What training did soldiers receive?
Why did both armies have problems providing food, clothing, and shoes for their
What were the major causes of widespread sickness in army camps?
How did scientific ignorance contribute to the spread of disease?
What effect did changes in weapons have on the way war was fought?
What contributed to the high casualty rate in the Civil War?
Why were ironclads better than wooden warships?
Read pages 477-481
Thursday 5/16/2013
Why was control of rivers important?
How did Shiloh signal a change from earlier battles of the war?
Why did Lincoln refuse to replace grant?
Why was naval power crucial in capturing New Orleans?
How did the fall of New Orleans advance Union strategy?
How was Lee able to gain the advantage in the East?
Why did Lee decide to invade the North?
Why was Antietam called the bloodiest day in all of American history?
Suggest some generalizations about military action in the Civil War that can be
drawn from the Battle of Antietam.
Why did Lincoln fire McClellan despite the Union victory at Antietam?
Do Page 482 terms and names and review questions
Friday 5/17/2013
Chapter 16 test
Read pages 484 - 490
Monday 5/20/2013
How would you respond to soldiers whose attitude about the war differed from
Ask students to discuss the many ways their actions as soldiers might affect the
rest of their lives?
For what reasons did Lincoln hesitate to abolish slavery?
What was Lincoln’s first priority throughout the war?
Why did Lincoln decide in favor of emancipation?
What did the Emancipation Proclamation accomplish, and why was it important?
Why did Lincoln free slaves only in the South?
How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect African-American enlistment in
the Union Army?
What obstacles did African Americans soldiers face?
Why did the 54th Massachusetts Regiment become famous?
Read pages 491 – 495
Tuesday 5/21/2013
Look at the picture on 491. Why do you think there wasn’t enough milk in
How would you describe the mood of the people in this illustration?
How did discontent with the war affect the Confederate states?
How did the principle of states’ rights affect the Confederate states?
Who were the Copperheads? How did Lincoln deal with them?
Why did poor Southerners complain that the Civil War was “a rich man’s war, but
a poor man’s fight?
How were Union and Confederate draft laws similar? How were they different?
In what ways did the war affect the economy of the South?
What were the short-term and long-term effects of war production in the North?
How did slaves damage the Southern economy and sabotage the war effort?
How did the Civil War affect the role of women in society?
In what ways did women help the war effort?
How were prisoners of war treated in the North? In the South?
Create a Venn diagram with Union or Confederacy
Read pages 496 – 503
Wednesday 5/22/2013
Look at the map on page 501. How does the size of the area controlled by the
Union compare with that controlled by the Confederacy?
How do you think Sherman’s path through the South helped the Union win the
Why would moving Confederate troops into Pennsylvania be an advantage for
Why did both sides want to control the high ground during the battle?
How do you think soldiers on both sides were hampered by and also benefited
from the many trees and small streams on the battlefield?
How did the citizens of Vicksburg resist Grant’s attack?
What did Grant accomplish for the Union by his victory at Vicksburg?
Why did Grant want to take Richmond?
What battles were part of the Virginia campaign?
Read pages 504 – 507
Thursday 5/23/2013
How did President Lincoln hope to bring the North and the South together after
the war?
What were the physical costs of the war?
What were the economic costs of the war?
What was required before slavery was abolished throughout the U.S.?
When was the 13th Amendment passed?
When, where, and by whom was Lincoln assassinated?
How did Lincoln’s death affect the nation?
Why did the war change the way people thought about the country?
How did the war affect the economy in the North and in the South?
What other challenges did the country face after the war?
Read pages 508 – 509
Do page 510 Terms and Names and Review Questions
Friday 5/24/2013
Chapter 17 test
Read pages 514 – 521
Tuesday 5/28/2013
What challenges did the South face after the Civil War?
What was Reconstruction?
What were Johnson’s Reconstruction policies?
What policies of new Southern state governments angered Congress?
How did Congress deal with the Southern States?
How did the Radical Republicans wish to reorganize the South?
What were the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th
What was the effect of opposition to civil rights legislation?
What were the provisions of the Reconstruction Act of 1867?
What groups controlled the drafting of new state constitution in the South in
What were the effects of the new state constitutions?
Why was president Johnson impeached?
What was the verdict in the impeachment?
Read pages 522 – 528
Wednesday 5/29/2013
Why did many newly freed African Americans leave plantations?
How did freedom allow African American to strengthen family ties?
Why was education an important goal for African Americans?
Who aided and who opposed education for African Americans in the South?
Why did many Americans want land reform in the South? What happened to
proposals for land reform?
How did the contract system and sharecropping operate?
What were the drawbacks of the contract system and sharecropping?
How did reliance on cotton production contribute to poverty in the Deep South?
What were the goals and tactics of the Ku Klux Klan?
Why was the Klan successful?
How did the actions of the Klan benefit the Democratic Party?
Read pages 529 – 533
Thursday 5/30/2013
How did Grant’s victory in 1868 highlight the role of free African-American
How did the 15th Amendment protect the rights of African-Americans?
Why did some women protest the passage of the 15th Amendment?
How did President Grant and Congress challenge the power of the Klan?
How did scandals weaken Grant’s administration and support for the Republican
How did economic problems hurt the Republican Party?
How did Supreme Court decisions affect civil rights for African-Americans in the
Why did the presidential election of 1876 lead to the end of Reconstruction?
What issues were part of the Compromise of 1877?
What obstacles did African Americans still face after the end of Reconstruction?
What lasting gains did African Americans make during Reconstruction?
Do Chapter 18 Assessment on page 534
Friday 5/31/2013
Chapter 18 test