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Chapter 2: The First Civilizations
Section 1: Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile
I. The Land: Its Geography & Importance
without the Nile River, the land could not have supported the great civilization that appeared in
Egypt (fertile valley)
A. The Nile River
the Nile is the longest river in the world, stretching about 4,160 miles
White Nile – Lake Victoria
Blue Nile – Ethiopian highlands
the Nile flows from south to north, eventually branching into a fan-shaped delta & emptying
into the southern Mediterranean Sea
along most of its course, the Nile provided a natural transportation route
the ancient Egyptians built their civilization along a 750-mile stretch of the Nile, roughly
between the first great cataract & the delta
flow upstream and winds downstream
the Nile has an annual cycle of months-long flooding (3 months)
B. Other Natural Advantages
the Nile Valley provided fertile soil for farming & mineral deposits such as granite, sandstone,
& limestone
the Nile provided a route for trade & travel
the deserts & seas surrounding the Nile Valley provided a natural protection against invaders
the Isthmus of Suez provided a route for trade & for the exchange of ideas between the
Egyptians & their neighbors to the east
II. Early Steps Toward Civilization
mining metals, making alloys & pottery, & writing are indications that Egyptians were creating
a civilization
hieroglyphics - form of ancient writing developed by Nile River valley people by about 3000
B.C, used more than 600 signs, pictures, or symbols to represent words and sounds
papyrus - kind of paper made by Egyptians from the stem of a plant with the same name
Rosetta Stone - black basalt stone found in 1799 that bears an inscription in hieroglyphics,
demotic characters, & Greek; gave the first clue to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics
all 3 said the same thing
III. The Egyptian Kingdoms
the kingdom of Lower Egypt lay to the north of the Nile River delta; the kingdom of Upper
Egypt lay farther south, away from the Mediterranean Sea
Menes - king of Upper Egypt who, sometime after 3200 B.C., unified all of Egypt into one
dynasty - family of rulers whose right to rule is hereditary
ends when family is driven form power or when no family member is left to take
pharaoh - “Great House”; Egyptian ruler’s title; held absolute or unlimited power
historians divide the time span from Menes’ rule until almost 300 B.C. into 3 kingdoms
Old Kingdom (c. 2680 B.C.—c. 2180 B.C.)
Middle Kingdom (c. 2050 B.C.—c. 1650 B.C.)
New Kingdom (c. 1570 B.C.—c. 1080 B.C.)
A. The Old Kingdom
Egyptians of the Old Kingdom built the Great Sphinx & the largest pyramids
2 social classes existed in the Old Kingdom:
Social Class
Upper class
Pharaohs, the royal family, priests, scribes, &
government officials
Lower class
Peasants & farmers – served in army, worked on
building projects (irrigation canals and pyramids)
for more than 100 years after the end of the Old Kingdom, civil wars divided Egypt during a
period called the First Intermediate Period
B. The Middle Kingdom
known as the Egyptian “golden age,” the Middle Kingdom was marked by stability &
in about 1650 B.C. much of Egypt fell under the rule of the Hyksos – meaning foreigners,
ushering in a Second Intermediate Period
C. The New Kingdom
base at the city of Thebes
empire - form of government that unites different territories & peoples under one ruler
Hatshepsut - the first known female pharaoh
Thutmose III – Hatshepsut’s stepson; brought Egypt to the height of its power through
conquest and trade
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton)– tried to bring about social and religious change
could not change religious beliefs
polytheism - belief that many gods exist
monotheism - belief in one god
D. Egypt’s Decline
Ramses II (Ramses the Great) - strong pharaoh who kept the Egyptian empire together &
ordered the construction of many temples & monuments
rule by Egyptians ended in c.a. 300 B.C., with invasions from the Assyrians, Nubians, and
Section 2: Egyptian Life & Culture
I. The Achievements of Ancient Egypt
ancient Egyptians lived in a stable world based on the dependability of the annual Nile floods &
Egypt’s geographic isolation
A. Architecture & the Arts
the Egyptians built the pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs
there are about 80 pyramids still around today
historians believe the pyramid engineers built ramps & levers to be used by workers to move
the heavy stones, each weighing about 5,000 pounds
Egyptians made sculptures, & buildings were decorated with paintings of everyday life
B. Science, Math, & Medicine
early Egyptians invented a lunar calendar; however, this calendar did not fill a full year
later Egyptians created a calendar based on a bright star that appeared right before the Nile
floods, a time equal to 365 days
the Egyptians used a number system based on 10, similar to the decimal system used today
they also used fractions, whole numbers, and geometry
they Egyptians used their knowledge of anatomy, herbs, & medicines to treat illnesses & to
preserve bodies after death
II. Education & Religion
scribes - Egyptian clerks who read or wrote for those who could not do so for themselves;
worked for the government
religious instruction formed an important part of Egyptian education
A. The Gods
sacred animals - cats, bulls, crocodiles, & scarab beetles
most important god - Amon (Amon-Re), the creator; he was identified with the sun
Osiris judged people after death; he was identified with the Nile (death and rebirth)
Isis was the goddess of the royal throne; she was the wife of Osiris
B. The Afterlife
during judgment in the afterlife, a person’s heart was weighed against a sacred feather
symbolizing truth
if the scale balanced, the heart had told the truth & could enter a place of eternal
happiness; if the scale did not balance, the heart was thrown to the Eater of the Dead
mummification – process of preserving the body with chemicals after death (thought to be
necessary for the afterlife)
first the body is cleaned
second the organs are removed (first part to decompose)
liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines
heart – left in body as it is the center of intelligence and feeling
brain – removed through the nose with a hook
third the body is dried out
fourth – after 40 days the body is washed again and rubbed with oils
fifth – the body is filled with dry materials, sometimes the organs are returned;
otherwise they are placed in canopic jars to guard the organs
Imsety – human-headed god looks after the liver
Hapy – the baboon-headed god looks after the lungs
Duamutef – the jackal-headed god looks after the stomach
Qebehsenuef – the falcon-headed god looks after the intestines
sixth – and last the body is wrapped in linen
workers placed the mummy in a tomb stocked with objects considered necessary for use in
the afterlife
the more objects you had, the more important you were
III. Society & Economy
Egyptian social classes were rigidly divided (hard to change class, but could improve status)
women ranked as the equals of their husbands in social & business affairs
A. Farming
wheat & barley were the chief grain crops; flax & cotton were also grown
peasants kept only part of their crop & gave the rest to the pharaoh for rent & taxes
B. Trade
the government tightly controlled trade
caravans - groups of people traveling together for safety over long distances
caravans traveled from Egypt to western Asia & deep into Africa while Egyptian ships sailed
the Mediterranean & Red Seas & traveled the African coast
Section 3: Sumerian Civilization
I. The Land: Its Geography & Importance
not geographically protected like Egypt – wave after wave of invaders
the Fertile Crescent is a strip of fertile land that begins at the Isthmus of Suez & arcs through
southwestern Asia to the Persian Gulf
the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers are major geographical features of the Fertile Crescent (or
the flooding of the Tigris & Euphrates cannot be easily predicted
must build canals and dikes to irrigate fields and return water to the rivers after
dry lands & mountains surrounded the Fertile Crescent, but tribes of wandering herders often
invaded the valley, conquered it, & established empires
story of repeated migration and conquest
II. Sumer & Its Achievements
the lower part of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley was called Sumer
developed pictographs – picture writing; one of the earliest known forms of writing
A. Sumerian Writing
cuneiform - Sumerian writing made by pressing a wedge-shaped tool (called a stylus) into
clay tablets (about 600 signs)
developed from pictographic writing
B. Architecture & Science
arch – curved structure over an opening, is one of the strongest forms in building
built rounded roofs
Ziggurats - Sumerian temples made of sun-dried brick
the Sumerians may have been the first people to develop & use the wheel
in mathematics, Sumerians used a number system based on 60
circle 360 degrees
each degree was 60 minutes
each minute 60 seconds
the Sumerians also created a lunar calendar (added a month every few years to stay
III. Sumerian Society
city-state - form of government that includes a town or city & the surrounding land controlled
by it
major Sumerian city-states - Ur, Erech, & Kish
A. Government & Society
Kings (war leaders), high priests, & nobles
Lower priests, merchants, & scholars
Peasant farmers
B. Farming & Trade
Sumerian farmers grew dates, grains, & vegetables, & raised domestic animals
Sumerian farmers grew enough food to allow many people to work as artisans & traders
C. Education & Religion
only upper-class boys attended school where they learned to write & spell by copying
religious books & songs (also learned drawing and arithmetic)
the Sumerians were polytheistic; their gods were identified with forces of nature &
heavenly bodies
while the Sumerians believed in an afterlife, they did not believe in rewards &
punishments after death
believed in a kind of shadowy lower world
Section 4: Empires of the Fertile Crescent
I. The Akkadians
in about 2330 B.C. he Akkadians attacked & conquered the quarreling Sumerians; the Akkadian
Empire lasted about 150 years until the Babylonians came to power
Sargon – most powerful Akkadian king
II. The Babylonians
Hammurabi - trong Babylonian ruler who conquered most of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley &
compiled a code of law bearing his name
A. Code of Hammurabi
collection of 282 laws concerning all aspects of Babylonian life
while punishment was harsh (“an eye for an eye”) under the law, status had its privileges
B. Babylonian Culture
most Babylonians farmed, kept domesticated animals, & grew a wide variety of crops
the Babylonians were also active traders
Babylonian women had some legal & economic rights including property rights
although husbands could divorce their wives, but wives could not divorce their
C. Religion
Babylonians adopted many Sumerian religious beliefs, such as the belief in a shadowy life
after death
Babylonian religious practices centered around a successful earthly life
believed priests could foretell (predict) the future – had power and wealth
III. Other Conquerors
while some conquerors adopted the culture of the people they conquered, others kept their
own cultural values
A. The Hittites
the Hittites were a warlike people who invaded the Tigris-Euphrates Valley from Asia Minor
in the 1600s B.C.
the Hittites were among the first people to smelt iron, but their most important
achievement was in the area of law & government - only major crimes received the death
the Hittites remained a powerful force until about 1200 B.C.
B. The Assyrians
the Assyrians from northern Mesopotamia expanded their power across the Fertile Crescent
& into Egypt between about 900 B.C. & about 650 B.C.
at its height, the Assyrian Empire included all of Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, & the Nile
the Assyrians were the first to use cavalry – soldiers on horseback
used terror to control enemies
enslaved people
deported people to other regions
the Assyrians were one of the first to effectively govern a large empire
o Assyrian king had absolute or total power
the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, was the home of a great library
double wall built around city – 70 feet high, 7.5 miles long, sometimes 148 feet wide
civil was had weakened the Assyrian Empire, leaving it vulnerable to the 621 B.C. attack by
the Chaldeans & Medes; Nineveh was captured & destroyed
C. The Chaldeans
the Chaldeans took control of much of the territory that the Assyrians had ruled
Nebuchadnezzar - under his leadership, the Chaldeans conquered most of the Fertile
Crescent, & Babylon became a large & wealthy city again; he is best remembered for
creating the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (one of the Seven Wonders of the World)
skilled astronomers – kept careful record of star and planet movement and could predict
solar and lunar eclipses
the Chaldean Empire fell within 30 years of Nebuchadnezzar’s death
IV. The Persians
Cyrus the Great – rebelled against the Medes controlling the Pesians and captured Babylon
the Persian Empire stretched between the Indus River & parts of southeastern Europe
ruled the mightiest empire in history up to that time
A. Government
the early Persian kings were effective rulers as well as great generals, allowing conquered
peoples to keep their own religions & laws
appointing secret agents known as “the King’s Eyes and Ears” kept the king informed
the Persian road system helped to link the sprawling empire together
Royal Road
B. Persian Religion
perhaps the greatest cultural contribution of the Persians concerned religion
Zoroaster – (Zarathushtra) great Persian prophet whose teachings centered on the belief of
a universal struggle between good & evil & the idea of final judgment
o possible influences on Judaism and Christianity
C. The Decline of the Persians
the Persian Empire began to lose strength because of poor leadership & was, finally,
conquered by Alexander the Great’s Greek forces in 331 B.C
Section 5: The Phoenicians & the Lydians
I. The Phoenicians
the peoples in the western end of the Fertile Crescent (today the nations of Israel, Lebanon, &
Syria) did not create large empires, but they still had a great influence on the modern world
o also known as Phoenicia
loose union of city-states each with a different king
the Phoenicians were great sea traders
A. Phoenician Trade
in time the Phoenicians became the greatest traders in the ancient world
used ships with sails and oars
Phoenicia reached its peak as a great sea trading power in the centuries after 1000 B.C. with
colonies established throughout the Mediterranean
Carthage in North Africa; each colony became a center of trade
lumber was an important natural resource
the Phoenicians invented the art of glassblowing; Sidon became the home of a well-known
glass industry
shellfish called murex were used to make a purple dye that came to be known as royal purple,
that was favored by the rich and royal; Sidon & Tyre became the centers of the dyeing trade
B. Phoenician Culture
government and customs resembled the Egyptians and Babylonians
the Phoenicians believed in an afterlife, but their efforts were focused on winning the favor of
one of the many gods they worshiped
Phoenician alphabet - alphabet developed by the Phoenicians that became the model for later
Western alphabets
spread of the alphabet shows how commerce aids cultural diffusion
II. Lydians
in ancient times the western portion of Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) was called Lydia
Lydians are remembered as the first people to use coined money
barter - exchange of one good or service for another
commodities - goods that have value, especially relating to barter economies
money economy - economic system based on the use of money as a measure of value & a unit
of account
Section 6: The Origins of Judaism
I. The Hebrews
Canaan, south of Phoenicia, was inhabited by a series of people including the Hebrews, ancestors
of modern Jews
Abraham - the founder of the Hebrew people
Twelve Tribes of Israel – tribes established by Jacob, Abraham’s grandson
A. The Exodus
the Hebrews left Canaan & traveled west into Egypt, probably to escape drought & famine;
eventually the Hebrews fell from favor in Egypt & suffered greatly as slaves for 400 years
Exodus - escape of the Hebrews from Egypt which was led by Moses
B. The Ten Commandments
as the Bible tells it, Moses climbed to the top of Mount Sinai & received the Ten
Commandments, or the moral laws of the Hebrew god, Yahweh
covenant - solemn agreement to follow the commandments
Moses announced that Canaan was a land promised to his ancestors
C. The Founding of Israel
the Hebrews remained a loose confederation of tribes bound together in part by the need to
maintain a strong central shrine for the Ark of the Covenant (the container of Moses’s tablets)
Judges – leaders who ruled the various tribes
establishing a homeland in Canaan proved difficult for the Hebrews in a struggle that lasted
more than 200 years (fought with the Canaanites and Philistines)
Saul – first king of the united kingdom of tribes
David - Saul’s successor as king of Israel; made Jerusalem a capital & religious center
under the rule of Solomon, Israel reached the height of its wealth & power
in the late 900s B.C. the Israelite kingdom split in 2 following struggles for political power; the
resulting 2 kingdoms, Israel (north) & Judah (south), lacked the strength to withstand invasions
from the east
II. The Development of Judaism
A. Law & Ethics
the first 5 books of the Old Testament (called the Torah) contain the Hebrew code of laws,
including the Ten Commandments
while this law demanded an “eye for an eye,” it also reflected the belief that all people
deserved kindness & respect
prophets’ messages often formed the basis for Jewish moral & ethical behavior
B. Religion
initially viewed as a god to be feared, Yahweh slowly became viewed as a god who gave
worshippers free will & as a god who lived in the hearts of worshippers
Hebrews viewed Yahweh as a spiritual force & viewed earthly political rulers as having no
claims to divinity
ethical monotheism - religion believing in one god, emphasizing ethics
Judeo-Christian ethics - values first established by the Hebrews that contribute greatly to
Western civilization