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By: Sergio Gonzalez, Gemini Batie, and Zacc McCartney
China Chapter Walk
Answer these questions in complete sentences using only the graphics /
Timeline p. 162-163
1. Which dynasty unified China in 589?
Sui Dynasty unified china in 589.
2. When was the Yuan Dynasty founded, and by whom?
Mongols found the Yuan Dynasty in china.
3. What else happened in the world around the time the Sui dynasty unified China?
Muhammad began to teach the basic beliefs of Islam.
Map p. 167
4. Which dynasty controlled the largest area?
The largest Dynasty that controlled the largest area was the tang dynasty.
5. Which dynasty built the Grand Canal?
The Sui dynasty built the Grand Canal.
Empress Wu P. 168
6. Why do you think Empress Wu was never very popular?
Wu decided her sons where not worthy of ruling so she kept ruling that’s why she
wasn’t popular.
Map: Spread of Buddhism p. 169
7. From where did Buddhism reach China?
They reached china from Afghanistan.
Picture p. 171
8. Why do farmers sometimes build terraces?
They build terraces to create level land for rice farming.
Chinese Inventions p. 174
9. What did paper do for the Chinese?
It gave the Chinese a cheap and easy way of keeping records and made printing
10. What did the Chinese first use gunpowder for?
It was first used for fireworks and signals.
11. What is the advantage of paper money over coins?
It was lighter and easier to handle then coins.
Civil Service Exams p. 178-179
12. What are the people in the painting doing?
Shows civil servants writing essays for China's emperor.
13. What was the point of the exams?
14. How did some people cheat?
Map: Mongol Empire 1294 p. 181
15. What continent did the Mongol empire reach in the west?
The Voyages of Zheng He p. 183
16. How did Zheng He’s crew make sure they had fresh food?
The Forbidden City p. 184-185
17. In what ways did the Forbidden City show off the power and riches of the