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US History Semester 2 Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 10
1. Early 1800s - northerners view of:
a. tariffs – Favored helped N. to compete with British manufacturers.
2. Nullification crisis – what was the dispute over? States' right to reject unconstitutional federal
3. McCulloch v. Maryland – decided that the national bank was constitutional.
4. Indian Territory - present-day Oklahoma
5. Trail of Tears - the forced 800-mile march of the Cherokee Indians from Georgia to Indian
Chapter 11
6. Annexation of Texas – Why President Jackson opposed it? It would upset the balance between
free and slave states.
7. Manifest Destiny – The belief that it was America’s obvious fate is to expand westward in order to
spread democracy.
8. “Forty-niners” people who migrated to California from other parts of America and abroad
seeking gold.
9. Transcontinental railroad – Why Important? Linked the East and West economically. People could
more easily move west to settle.
Chapter 12
10. Industrial Revolution - period of rapid growth during which machines became essential to
11. Inventions (What? Why important?):
a. Telegraph - let people send news quickly from coast to coast.
11. Eli Whitney—effect on manufacturing? He came up with the idea of interchangeable parts.
12. trade unions - Organization of workers who tried to improve workers’ pay and working
13. Transportation Revolution—inventions?—benefits? Steam-powered train, steamboat – faster
travel, access to new areas, increased trade, decreased cost of trade.
14. Gibbons v. Ogden (issue) Who controls interstate trade—state or federal government
Chapter 13
15. Slavery in the South
a. Justification – used religion to justify-- said that God created some people to rule over
b. Control of slaves - most used physical punishments
c. Slave Codes - strict state laws that controlled the actions of slaves
16. Nat Turner’s Rebellion—What? A slave rebellion —Why? Wanted to end slavery —Result? Slave
codes were toughened.
Chapter 14
17. Irish Immigration in 1840s – millions came to US when potato blight destroyed potato crop in
18. Second Great Awakening – a period of Christian renewal that began in the northeastern United
19. Temperance movement – reform effort aimed at getting people to stop drinking hard liquor.
20. Harriet Tubman – conductor on the Underground Railroad
21. Frederick Douglas – former slave who contributed to the abolitionist cause
22. Sojourner Truth – former slave who contributed to the abolitionist cause
23. emancipation
a. What is it? Freeing of the slaves
b. Anti Slavery Society – Immediate emancipation and racial equality
24. Women’s movement
a. Seneca Falls Convention – Meeting in N.Y. - marks the start of the organized women’s rights
Chapter 15
25. Wilmot Proviso - prohibit slavery in all parts of the Mexican Cession.
26. Compromise of 1850
a. What is it? CA enters as a free state, Mexican Cession divided in two territories, decision of
slavery made by popular sovereignty.
27. Henry Clay – He proposed that California enter the Union as a free state
28. Fugitive Slave Act – Law that increased penalties for helping escaped slaves. Commissioners
benefited from returning slaves to slaveholders.
29. Dred Scott v. Sanford - Living in a free state doesn't make you free. Slaves are property not citizens.
The Missouri Compromise’s restriction on slavery was unconstitutional.
30. John Brown’s raid
a. What is it? Abolitionist, John Brown's, failed attempt at a slave rebellion by capturing an
arsenal at Harper's Ferry
31. Secession of Southern states
a. Why? They were defending slave labor, which was essential to the southern economy and
way of life.
Chapter 16
32. Abraham Lincoln
a. Why he favored abolition – Believed slave labor in the south was helping the Confederate
war efforts, so freeing slaves would help N. win the war..
b. Emancipation Proclamation (including connection to Declaration of Independence) – called for
all Confederate slaves to be freed. Used ideas from Dec. of Ind. that all men are created
equal and entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
c. Gettysburg Address (including connection to Declaration of Independence) - Praised bravery,
committed to winning the war, connected to themes of liberty, equality, and democracy from
Dec. of Ind.
33. Effect of Civil War on economic condition of South – the economy was in ruins-- war had destroyed
homes and jobs were not available
Chapter 17
34. Reconstruction
a. Goal? readmit the former Confederate states into the Union
b. Lincoln’s plan and main hope – reunite the nation as quickly as possible
35. Freedmen’s Bureau – An organization established by Congress to aid poor southerners.
36. Thirteenth Amendment – End of slavery
37. Fourteenth Amendment – Gave African Americans rights as citizens BUT EXCLUDED Native
38. Fifteenth Amendment – Gave African Americans the right to vote.
39. Klu Klux Klan – Secret organization that used violence and terror to intimidate blacks.
40. Plessy v. Fergusson – Supreme Court case that legalized segregation – claiming that there could
be “separate-but-equal” facilities
41. Sharecropping – system of farming in which the poor shared crops with wealthy land owners. The
poor were never able to save money because they were in a cycle of debt.