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Note Taking Page
_______________________ was the basis of society in SC.
Most of SC had _______________________ farms and did not own slaves.
Majority of slave owners in SC owned ____________________slaves and only a few had large _______________________
__________________________ invented the cotton gin in _______________________________.
SC farmers now had a new ___________________________ crop.
_________________________ slave trade was outlawed in 1808.
___________________________ of the ____________________ and in England bought the cotton.
One downfall of planting cotton:_____________________________.
Summarize what you feel the political cartoon is trying to say about the cotton gin.
10. Describe a typical plantation life:
11. Summarize the treatment of slaves (list specifics)
12. Name at least two job descriptions of the plantation master.
13. Name at least two job descriptions of the mistress of a plantation.
14. Compromise of 1850:
____________ would enter the Union as a non-slave state.
The ________________________________ would use popular sovereignty to determine the slave/non-slave issue.
_________________________ would give up all lands east of the Rio Grande to New Mexico and the US government would
pay off Texas’s war debt.
There would be an end to slave trade in _______________________________.
There would be stronger enforcement of the ______________________________.
15. _____________________________ strongly opposed this compromise but it was passed by congress anyway.
16. Because of the Compromise of 1850 the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was reinstated.
_________________________________ to the recapture of a runaway slave got _______________.
Anyone who turned in a ________________ got $10.00.
Anyone who ________________ a runaway slave was fined ___________.
17. __________________________ was an escaped slave who became a public speaker for the abolitionist movement. He also
wrote several essays.
18. ___________________ wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin which sold over 2 million copies. It discussed what?
19. In the election of 1852, ________________________________ won on the promise to honor the Compromise of 1850 and
enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act.
20. The ___________________________________ was passed to encourage settlement so that a transcontinental railroad could
be built through these territories.
21. ________________________ ended up with 2 separate state governments-one _________________________ and the other
22. Senator ______________________________ attacked SC Senator _______________________ for his practice of slavery.
_________________________ attacked Sumner on the senate floor beating him unconscious.
23. Dred Scott Decision: When _____________________ died his slave, ____________________________ sued for his
freedom because he temporarily lived in a free state.
24. ___________________________ said that Scott’s case shouldn’t even have come to court because African Americans aren’t
_______________________ and don’t have the right to ___________________________________.
25. _________________________ also stated that slaves were ______________________ and could be taken anywhere in the
United States whether the state was a free or slave state.
26. This was a huge victory for _________________________________ and a defeat for the ___________________________
27. In 1854, the __________________________________ was formed opposing the spread of ___________________________
28. The ____________________________________ stated that the issue of slavery was in the hands of the people through
popular sovereignty.
29. List the two extreme views of the Northerners and Southerners.
30. On ____________________, South Carolina became the first state to ____________________________ from the Union.
31. Secede means ________________________________________________.
32. The following were considered the Confederate States of America:
33. ________________________ was the President of the Confederate States.
34. What was one major difference in the constitution of the Confederate States?
35. ________________________________ is loyalty to a particular region or section of a country instead of to the nation as a
36. Name four reasons Sectionalism developed.
37. What caused the Abolitionist Movement?
38. Describe the economy of the North.
39. Describe the economy of the South.
40. Who was Denmark Vesey and what was his “plot”?
Portfolio Assignment: Explain how the expansion of slavery into the west and the issue of States rights –vs- Federal rights led to
the Civil War. Draw a picture illustrating this issue and its consequences.