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We are keen to encourage as many people as possible to exhibit in the show. Many people are still tentative
about ‘how to show’ their flowers, fruits, vegetables, produce and crafts and are put off because they feel
that everyone else is more expert! They aren’t (well, not all of them).
The following is a collection of advice and suggestions, which we hope you will find interesting and useful
and will tempt you to have a go.
Some basic points
1. Flowers should be unblemished – bugs earn no points!
2. Keep stalks/ stems as long as possible and in proportion to the size of the vase
3. Use Oasis (or newspaper or wire) to keep flowers in an upright position
4. Try to make all the flowers face the front and don’t let them touch each other
5. Vegetables should be even in size and as unblemished and as clean as possible
6. Pot plants should be displayed in clean pots and any dead flowers or leaves removed
7. Any vase or container will do but it should be in proportion to the flowers
8. At all times, if in doubt – ASK
Presentation and uniformity
All exhibits should be arranged as attractively as possible; in a close competition, arrangements may be the
deciding factor. Uniformity of specimens is important, so avoid mixing large specimens with others that are
Floral exhibits
To keep your flowers fresh, cut them the evening before the Show and put half an inch of their stems in hot
water for 30 seconds only. Put them in a bucket of water, with only the flowers above the surface, and leave
for 2 hours. Place in a plastic bag, tie well to exclude air and lay overnight on a cool floor.
Flowers in vases
A collection of 3 flowers – all flowers should face the front and should not touch each other. If the blooms
are not of equal size, consider the following arrangement:
If one flower is large, put it at the bottom
If one flower is small, put it at the top
a plant that grows from seed and naturally and ordinarily flowers, seeds and dies within 12
a plant that grows from seed and ordinarily requires two seasons to complete its life-cycle,
growing one year, flowering, seeding and dying in the second
PERENNIAL one that lasts more than two years. This group includes trees, shrubs and plants that grow
from bulbs, corms and tubers
a term used in the classification of plants, fruits, flowers etc – for example, chrysanthemums,
delphiniums and roses are kinds of flowers; apples pears and plums are kinds of fruit; and
carrots, onions and peas are kinds of vegetables
a terms used for all variations within a ‘kind’ – for example, ‘Crimson Glory’ and ‘Ena
Harkness’ are varieties of roses
a vessel for displaying cut flowers in water and having a greater height than the
diameter of its mouth
a vessel for displaying cut flowers in water or for growing bulbous plants, and having
a diameter at its mouth at least equal to, but usually greater than, its height
best if all the roses in a display are the same variety. Polyantha and Floribunda are now
referred to as ‘cluster flowered’. Try to avoid damaged blooms or black-spot leaves.
GARDEN PANSIES normally grown as annuals or biennials
perennial, usually grown on the rock garden or in borders
SWEET PEAS usually displayed in a fan-shape: 5 at the back, 4 in front, with a leaf at the rear and a leaf at
the front (often upside down). Both leaves should have the tendrils removed
Always cut soft fruits, apples, plums etc with scissors to keep the stalk attached and handle as little as
possible in order to preserve the bloom (the natural waxy covering).
Pick as near to Show time as practicable – retain stalks. Do NOT polish fruits – leave the natural bloom.
Apples, pears and gooseberries may be shown ripe or unripe. All other fruit should be ripe. Do NOT select
over-ripe fruits.
APPLES – Cooking
Large, shapely, solid fruits with eyes and stalks intact and clear, unblemished shins of a colour characteristic
of the variety. Arrange with the eye uppermost, stalk end down. Place one in the centre with the remainder
arranged around it. The centre apple should be raised on a cushion of white tissue.
APPLES – Desert
Optimum sized shapely fruits with eyes and stalks intact and clear unblemished skins of a colour
characteristic of the variety. Display as above.
Large, highly coloured, clear skinned, ripe fruits free from any blemish. Lay in lines across a plate and do
not spoil the natural bloom.
BERRIES – GENERAL: Stalks and calyces should still be attached, look green and fresh and all
point one way when staged.
BLACKBERRIES – Loganberries, Tayberries etc
Large, ripe fruits of good colour, free from blemishes, in good condition and with their stalks. Display in
lines for easy counting, pointing them all the same way.
Large, ripe fruits of good colour and bloom, free from blemishes and in good condition. Display as stalked
bunches (cut with scissors).
Large, ripe fruits of brilliant colour with unshrivelled stalks. Lay in lines across the plate and be careful not
to spoil the natural bloom.
Large, shapely, ripe fruits, without stalks, of good even colour, with bright, shiny, unblemished skins.
CURRANTS – GENERAL: own foliage may be used for decoration.
CURRANTS – black
Strigs with full complement of berries. Berries large, ripe and uniform, bright jet-black colour. Stalks fresh.
Strigs must be intact and laid roughly parallel, the bottom of the strigs to the front of the plate.
CURRANTS – white and red
Strigs with full complement of berries. Berries large, ripe and of uniform brilliant colour. Stalks fresh.
Arrange as above.
Large, ripe but firm fruits of good colour, carrying perfect natural bloom and having stalks. Cut from the tree
with scissors and carry using the stalks (avoiding touching the skin). Arrange as for plums.
Large, ripe or unripe fruits as appropriate for the season. Uniform and unblemished, of good colour,
complete with stalks.
Large, ripe or unripe fruits as appropriate for the season. Uniform and unblemished, of good colour,
complete with stalks.
Large bunches that are symmetrical, complete, well balanced, of uniform size and shape and properly
thinned so that each berry has room to expand. Unblemished and with natural bloom complete. Display
using a stand, although outdoor grapes may be displayed on a plate.
Large, shapely fruits with eyes and stalks complete. Clear, unblemished skins of a colour characteristic of
the variety. Arrange as for Figs.
Large, firm, ripe fruits of good colour and having natural bloom and stalks intact. Display in lines across a
plate, with stalks all pointing the same way.
Large, firm, ripe fruits, of good colour, free from blemishes, in good condition and having stalks. Arrange in
rows so they can be counted, with all the stalks pointing the same way.
Large, ripe fruits of good colour, bright and fresh, free from blemishes, in good condition and having stalks.
Arrange as for raspberries.
All produce should be nicely cleaned. For leafy vegetables, avoid washing the soil back into the leaves.
Oil or similar substances must never be used to polish. Wash with a soft cloth and plenty of water – do not
use a brush. Always cut peas, beans, tomatoes etc with scissors to keep the stalk attached and handle as little
as possible in order to preserve the bloom (the natural waxy covering).
Tip: when lifting root veg with a view to selecting for the show, have a pail of water to hand and drop
selected vegetables in to stop any mud drying on.
Long, clear-skinned, plump tubers.
Large, heavy, shapely (rounded or conical), well-closed heads of plump, fleshy scales. Disbud the lateral
heads leaving only the large main head.
ARTICHOKES – Jerusalem
Shapely, large tubers with smooth, clear skins.
Long, straight, thick, plump, bright stems with well-closed scales
ASPARAGUS PEA – Petit Pois and Mangetout
Well-shaped pods typical of the cultivar, about 2 ins / 5 cm long.
Large, shapely, solid, bright, well coloured fruits free from blemishes. Stage on a plate in a pyramid shape –
nose end towards the edge of the table.
BEANS – Broad
Large, fresh, well-filled pods with clear skins and tender seeds. Size according to cultivar. Stage as
attractively as possible, on plates or directly on the bench, with stalks one end and tails at the other.
BEANS – Dwarf and Stringless
Straight, fresh, tender snap pods with stalks and of an even length – good green colour with no outward sign
of seeds. Size is of lesser importance than tenderness – discard old, tough, fibrous specimens. Stage in
straight lines for easy counting and uniformity with stalks at top, tails to the front.
Choose uniform straight sized beans. Avoid coarse specimens etc. Cut from vine with scissors, LEAVING
Choose even-sized roots – about cricket ball size. Keep tap roots on. Take care when washing, as marks will
appear after about 2 hours or so.
Long type – broad, clean shoulders, evenly tapered.
Globe type – spherical with small tap roots.
Both types – look for smooth clear skins and flesh of a dark uniform colour / pattern.
There are so many types, each exhibit is judged on its own merits
Fresh, solid, tightly closed sprouts of good colour. Size according to cultivar. All stalks should be the same
length – choose tightly closed sprouts of uniform size. Do not remove too many outer leaves.
CABBAGES – Green and white
Shapely, fresh and solid hearts with surrounding leaves perfect and the bloom intact. Good colour. Size
according to cultivar. Leave about 3 inches of stalk, pointed or round. Display with heads to the front.
Solid heads, well coloured, shapely, fresh, with bloom intact and free from blemish. Size and condition
according to cultivar. Display with heads to the front.
CAPSICUMS – Sweet Peppers and Chilli Peppers
Fresh, brightly coloured, yellow or red fruits with colour according to cultivar.
Tender roots of good shape, colour and size. Free from side shoots, with skins bright and clean. Select
uniform sized roots. Cut tops and leave about 3 inches of stalk.
Heads with symmetrical, close, solid, white curds, free from stain or frothiness. Stage with about 3 inches of
stalk – trim back the leaves so that they match the outside of the curd. Cover exhibit with clean paper or
cloth to exclude light, but remove before judging begins!
Roots smooth and globe shaped.
Choose only good heads. Place a tie round the base of the leaves to prevent breaking and clean with running
water. Neatly trim roots leaving a pointed butt end. Lay flat on the bench or use a backboard. To exclude
light, see Cauliflowers. Large, firm but crisp, brittle and free from stringiness, with clean, fresh and
undamaged leaves.
Select young, tender, shapely and uniform roots of the stated size. Stage flat.
Fresh, young, green, tender, straight fruits of uniform thickness, with short handles and with flowers still
adhering. If more than one needed, should be completely matched with flowers still attached and waxy
bloom intact. Display flat.
Round, solid, well-shaped and ripened bulbs with thick necks. Garlic displayed for exhibition should not be
divided into segments.
HERBS – Culinary
Plants possessing some aromatic quality suitable for flavouring soups, stews, sauces etc.
Fresh, tender, small leafed ‘bulbs’, not larger than about a billiard ball size, free from injury.
Solid, thick long-shafted well-balanced leeks, tight collared with clean, spotless skins and no tendency to
bulbing. Choose leeks of the same length, in good condition and solid. Avoid excessive stripping of the outer
leaves. Tease out the roots and wash thoroughly. Ensure that the stem (barrel), leaves (flags) and roots
(beard) are flushed clean. Bind the leaves together using raffia ie leave the leaves on. If the leeks are too
long for the Show Bench, fold neatly in half and bind the leaves with raffia. Stage flat.
Lift the evening before, or the morning of, the Show. Wash roots downwards to avoid soiling the leaves and
stage with the hearts facing the front. Remove only the damaged leaves.
MARROWS (including Squashes)
Young, tender fruits of absolute uniformity are essential. Wipe clean and stage directly onto the Show bench.
Uniform, well-ripened bulbs of good colour are best. Tips should be tied (“whipped”) with raffia to about 2
inches. The roots should be neatly trimmed back to the basal plate. The bulbs should be well-ripened; Often
staged on rings or soft collars. Do not remove too many outer scale leaves. Wash carefully and NEVER use
oil to polish.
ONIONS – Pickling
Small, very firm, well ripened uniform bulbs not exceeding 1 inch (2.5 cm)
See carrots
Select carefully. Hold to light to check fullness. Retain natural bloom (avoid finger marks). Use scissors to
cut from plant. Large, fresh pods of a deep green colour and with bloom intact. Free from disease or pest
damage and well filled with tender seeds. Colour according to cultivar. Best arranged on plates.
Medium sized, about 6 oz tuber, shapely clean, clear skinned tubers with few, and shallow, eyes. Biggest is
not usually the best. About palm (hand) sized is best. Freedom from skin blemishes is essential – wash
carefully and do not brush. Stage on plates with rose end outwards. Exclude the light as long as possible.
(Tip: when lifting, have a pail of water to hand a put likely candidates in it there and then.)
A shapely, large fruit of even colour and ripeness.
RADISH – Other than Winter
Fresh, medium sized, young tender, brightly coloured roots, free from blemishes and having short, intact
RHUBARB – Natural
Fresh, straight, long, slender stalks with well-developed red colouring with leaf-blades trimmed to approx 3
inches (7.5 cm).
Firm, well-ripened, shapely bulbs with thin neck and good size and colour. Necks need to be whipped or tied
with raffia. Roots should be cut off at basal plate. Stage on dry sand, heaped at the centre.
Large, thick, undamaged, dark-green leaves.
Fresh cylindrical cobs, well set throughout including the tips, with straight rows of undamaged grains, fresh
green husks and silks attached. Grain that is in best condition for table use and of a uniform colour, which
may be pale cream, white or of an intermediate colour. Leave no more than 1 inch of stalk attached and
expose the contents by pulling down the husk and neatly tucking it under the cob.
Ripe but firm, richly coloured with calyces attached. Good shape and size for the cultivar. Avoid fruit which
is over-ripe or with hard ‘green back’ around the calyx. Stage on plates with calyces uppermost in plate
classes; calyces downwards in collection classes. Cut on the morning of the Show with scissors to keep the
calyces intact and fresh.
Turnips – about cricket ball size
Swedes – medium size
Clear skinned, solid, shapely roots with small tap root and no side-roots. The flesh may be white or yellow.
Wash carefully, removing any dead foliage.
Clear, unbranded jars to be used. Fill to the top of the jars, polish to remove finger marks. Label the contents
and the date. Use elastic bands to hold a cellophane top, string for parchment topping and then trim the edge
of the top to neaten
Use clear unbranded glass jars of not less than half a pound weight. Use screwtops with plasticised interiors.
Displaying on a bread-board improves presentation. Hand-made will score more highly than machine-made
when judging is a close call.
NB: Taste is the single most important factor.