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Compiled by Stan L. Caldwell
The name Bible means book
and it is indeed the “Book of
books”. It is the most important
and best selling book of all
times. It is a book made up of
sixty-six books written by some
forty authors. Its two main
divisions are the Old Testament
and the New Testament.
The Old Testament was written originally in the Hebrew language and is made up of 39
books written by some 32 authors over a period of 1100 years. The Old Testament can
be divided into four divisions: 5 books of law, 12 books of history, 5 books of poetry &
17 books of prophecy. 4 Major Prophets wrote 5 books and 12 Minor Prophets wrote 12
books. The terms major and minor simply refer to the amount of writing they did.
The New Testament was written originally mainly in Greek in less than a century and is
comprised of 27 books by some 8 authors. The New Testament may be divided into
three divisions: 4 books of gospel, 1 book of conversions or Acts of the Apostles, and 22
One good way to read the Bible is chapter by chapter over a period of a year. There are
1189 chapters in the Bible. There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260
chapters in the New Testament. If one reads only the New Testament, he can do so by
reading one chapter each day five days a week. 5 chapters times 52 weeks in the year are
260 chapters, the number of chapters in the New Testament. To read the entire Bible in
one year one should read 5 chapters a day five days a week for the 52 weeks. He will
thus read (25 X 52) 1300 chapters more than the 1189 chapters in the Bible.
1. What language was the O.T. originally written in? _________ N.T.? __________
2. How many books are in the O.T.? ________ N.T.? _________ Both? __________
3. How can one read the Bible through in one year? __________________________
4. How many authors wrote the Bible? ________, O.T.? ________, N.T. ?________
5. In what book are the cases of conversion found in the Bible? _________________
6. Name four divisions of O.T. __________,___________,__________,__________
7. Name three divisions of the N.T. __________, _____________, ______________
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There are several lines of reasoning on the inspiration of the word of God.
1. The Bible claims to be inspired, 2 Pet. 1:21, 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Eph. 3:3-5.
2. The Unity of the Bible speaks for its inspiration. 40 different authors, writing
over a period of some 1600 years, with differing backgrounds, languages,
educations, social levels and occupations wrote in total agreement with one
another. Christ Jesus, the central theme of the Bible, is presented with clarity
from beginning to end. This unity cannot be explained by 40 human writers
writing their own human opinions but can only be explained by one mind behind
it all. The Bible is inspired of God.
3. The prophecies of the Bible are a strong proof of its inspiration. There are
hundreds of prophecies in the Bible all of which are either fulfilled or will be
fulfilled at the second coming of Jesus. None have fallen, Matt. 5:18. When
humans predict the future their prophecies often fail for humans are fallible. But
the Bible is filled with prophecies and none of them fail. Matthew speaks of
many such prophecies to convince the Jews of the fact that Jesus is the Messiah.
I’ve listed 20 of these for your consideration. The Old Testament was translated
into Greek over 200 years before Christ was born. How did the Old Testament
writers predict these? Matthew saw this as enough evidence to convict any honest
Jew that Jesus is the Messiah predicted and that the Old Testament was inspired
of God!
4. Many other evidences of the Bible’s inspiration are seen in its scientific
accuracy, its brevity, its impartiality, its moral standard, and even its survival.
This should be enough to convince you to study and obey the Word of God.
1. The virgin birth and name Emmanuel, Mt. 1:22-23; Isa. 7:14.
2. Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, Mt. 2:4-6; Micah 5:2.
3. Jesus called out of Egypt, Mt. 2:15; Hos. 11:1.
4. Herod slaying the children, Mt. 2:16-18; Jer. 31:15.
5. John Baptist preparing the way, Mt. 3:3; Isa. 40:3.
6. Jesus took infirmities & sicknesses, Mt. 8:16-17; Isa. 53:4.
7. John as Christ’s messenger, Mt. 11:10; Mal. 3:1.
8. Elias to come in John Baptist, Mt. 11:14; Mal. 4:5.
9. Jesus spirit, and trust of Gentiles, Mt. 12:15-21; Isa. 42:1ff.
10. The multitudes lack understanding, Mt. 13:14; Isa. 6:9-10.
11. Jesus speaking in Parables, Mt. 13:35; Psa. 78:2.
12. People’s lip service but no heart, Mt. 15:7-8; Isa. 29:13.
13. Elias must first come (John), Mt. 17:10-13; Mal. 4:5.
14. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Mt. 21:4-5; Zech. 9:9.
15. Out of the mouth of babes come praise, Mt. 21:16; Psa. 8:2.
16. Jesus the stone the builders rejected, Mt. 21:42; Psa. 118:22ff.
17. Jesus preaching in Galilee, Mt. 4:13-16; Isa. 9:1-2.
18. Jesus must die on the cross, Mt. 26:54-56; Isa. 53.
19. Potter’s field and thirty pieces of silver, Mt. 27:9; Zech. 11:12-13.
20. Garments parted, vesture lot, Mt. 27:35; Psa. 22:18.
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1. Are there passages in the Bible that claim the Book is inspired? Yes or No
2. Does the unity of the Bible point to a single mind behind the Bible? Yes or No
3. Do the prophecies of the Bible cause you to believe that the author of the Bible
was greater than any of the human writers used in writing the Bible? Yes or No
4. Can you explain the 20 passages quoted by Matthew from the Old Testament in
any other way than that the Bible was inspired of God? Yes or No
The Bible can be understood but it also can be perverted or changed.
1. Some have taught that the Bible cannot be understood by the common man and that
the Bible alone is not sufficient to teach men what they need spiritually. Thus men
have sought to improve on the Bible by placing above the Bible or on an equal par
with the Bible modern church leaders and human creeds. The Bible claims that it
can be understood and that it alone is sufficient.
a. Paul put it plainly in Eph. 4:3-5, “How that by revelation he made known
unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words, Whereby, when ye
read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) 5 Which
in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now
revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.”
b. Another passage that teaches men can understand the Bible is 2 Tim. 3:1517, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are
able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ
Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good
c. These passages could be multiplied but let me give you one more passage
that shows the Bible to be understandable and that is Eph 5:17, “Wherefore
be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
2. When one places a man or a human creed on an equality with the Bible, he turns
from the Bible to the ideas of the man or the human creed. One becomes a member
of any human sect in this very way. See Gal. 1:6-12.
3. If one wants to please God in all things, he must simply follow the Bible and make
sure that he has a passage of Scripture for all that he believes. Only in this way can
he know that he is following the will of God. See Col. 3:17.
4. In gaining a translation of the Bible make sure you have a reliable translation. A
paraphrased version puts the thoughts of the one paraphrasing into that version. A
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translation by a specific religious group or individual is translated according to the
preconceived theology of those individuals. Only a translation that stays as close as
possible to the original is needed that we may know God’s will for man.
5. Someone has rightly said, human creeds are not needed for if they contain more
than the Bible they contain too much and if they contain less than the Bible they
contain too little and if they contain only what the Bible contains they are the Bible
and thus are not needed. The Bible has been proven to be God’s Word. Let us hold
to it alone as authoritative. It has all we need, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Rev. 22:18-19.
6. The Bible warns, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they
are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world”, I John 4:1.
1. If God desires to make His will known to man, does it make since for Him to give
us a Book that we cannot understand? Yes or No
2. Where do the Scriptures teach that the Bible is understandable? ______________
3. Why is it a good idea to read the Bible yourself rather than simply relying on
someone else to tell you what it says? ___________________________________
4. What kind of translations of the Bible should we not rely on? ________________
or _________________
5. Are there false religious teachers in this world? Yes or No
6. How can we know that what we believe is from God? ________________