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Pottsgrove School District
Unit Planning Organizer
Grade / Course 8th GRADE/WORLD HISTORY
Unit of Study
Unit Type(s)
The Byzantine Empire and Islamic Civilization
Dominant Focus: *Byzantine Empire *Islamic Civilization *Culture
Weeks: 6
Current Priority State Standards and/or Common Core Standards
List the priority standards (written out in bold) that will be taught during this unit of study.
CAPITALIZE the SKILLS and underline the important concepts for all priority standards addressed in this unit.
8.4.8.A – COMPARE the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development throughout world history.
8.4.8.B – ILLUSTRATE how historical documents, artifacts, and sites are critical to world history.
8.4.8.C – ILLUSTRATE how continuity and change have impacted world history.
*Belief systems and religions *Commerce and industry *Technology *Politics and government *Physical and human geography *Social organizations
8.4.8.D –COMPARE conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations which have impacted the history and development of the world.
Current Supporting State Standards and/or Common Core Standards
List the supporting standards (written out in non-bold) that will be taught during this unit of study. Supporting standards should not be unwrapped.
“Unwrapped” Concepts
“Unwrapped” Skills
(Students need to know)
(Students need to be able to do)
Ex: 8.12.U.D
May also include concepts in unit but not specified in
Ex: Verb (concept)
Role of Groups and Individuals
(e.g. Justinian and Theodora, Cyril and Methodius,
Muhammad, Muslim Empires)
- social
- political
- cultural
- economic
Historical Documents
(e.g. Justinian’s Code, Quran)
Bloom’s II
Ex: 4 - Analyzing
COMPARE (the role of groups and
individuals played in the social, political,
cultural, and economic development
throughout world history)
CONTRAST (the role of groups and
individuals played in the social, political,
cultural, and economic development
throughout world history)
4. Analyzing
ILLUSTRATE (how historical documents,
sites and artifacts are critical)
(e.g. Constantinople, Hagia Sophia, Mecca, Kaaba)
Impacts of Continuity
belief systems & religions / social organizations (SOCIAL)
(e.g. Eastern Orthodox Christianity )
- impacts (then)
- impacts (today)
ILLUSTRATE (impacts of continuity)
4. Analyzing
commerce & industry / technology (ECONOMIC)
(e.g. preserving Roman architecture)
- impacts (then)
- impacts (today)
politics & government (POLITICAL)
(e.g. Eastern Roman Empire)
- impacts (then)
- impacts (today)
Impacts of Change
belief systems & religions / social organizations (SOCIAL)
(e.g. Great Schism, Rise of Islam)
- impacts (then)
- impacts (today)
ILLUSTRATE (impacts of change)
politics & government (POLITICAL)
(e.g. Fall of Byzantine Empire, Arab and non-Arab
Muslim Empires)
- impacts (then)
- impacts (today)
physical & human geography (GEOGRAPHY)
(e.g. Spread of Orthodox Christianity, Islam)
- impacts (then)
- impacts (today)
Impact of Conflict among Groups and Individuals
(e.g. Great Schism, Conquest by Muslim Empires)
COMPARE (conflict and cooperation among
groups and organizations which have
4. Analyzing
impacted the history and development of the
Impact of Cooperation among Groups and Individuals
(e.g. Spread of Orthodox Christianity to Slavs and
Russians, Rise of Islamic Civilization)
Essential Questions
Corresponding Big Ideas
Essential Questions are engaging, open-ended questions that educators use to spark
initial student interest in learning the content of the unit about to commence.
Big ideas are what you want your students to discover on their own as a result of
instruction and learning activities.
Identify the Essential Questions that will be used throughout this unit to focus your
instruction and assessment. For consideration, ask yourself the following about each
essential question:
Identify the Big Ideas for each corresponding essential question.
Is this question written in student friendly language?
Can this question be answered with one of the Big Ideas?
Does the question lead the students to discovery of the Big Ideas?
Does the question go beyond who, what, where, when and ask the students to
explain how and why?
The goal is for students to effectively be able to respond to the teacher’s essential
questions with the big ideas, stated in their
1. What distinguishes one culture from another?
1. To distinguish one culture from another you must examine each
culture’s traits, ex- language, religion, government, etc.
2. How are religion and culture connected?
2. Religion is an integral part of culture. When a group is inspired to
spread their religion, they often spread their culture as well.
Plan for Instruction
Make connections between learning experiences and teaching strategies.
Engaging Learning Experiences
(Authentic Performance Tasks)
 Daily writing prompts
Researched-based Effective Teaching Strategies
 Tiered assignments
 Cloze passages
 Inside/Outside
 Graphic organizers
Expert groups
Engaging Learning Experiences for Honors
(Authentic Performance Tasks)
Researched-based Effective Teaching Strategies
for Honors
Common Assessments
Note to Curriculum Designers:
Review grade-or course-specific state standardized assessments for the types of questions directly related to the “unwrapped” Priority Standards' concepts and skills in
focus for this unit of study.
2. Identify the vocabulary used and frequency of these questions.
3. Compare/contrast this information with the “unwrapped” concepts and skills listed above to determine how closely the two are aligned.
4. Create the Post Assessment using the Common Formative Assessment Template (Appendix A).
5. Create the Pre Assessment. Decide whether the pre-assessment will be aligned (directly matched to post-assessment but with fewer questions) or mirrored (exact
number and type of questions as post-assessment.
Create Informal Progress Monitoring Checks. Create short, ungraded “checks for student understanding” for the educator to administer throughout the unit of study that are
directly aligned to the post-assessment questions (selected-, short-, extended-response, and/or performance-based) and that coincide with learning progressions—the “building
block chunks” of instruction.
Post Assessment: See OLA
Pre Assessment: See Ola
Informal Progress Monitoring Checks: Exit slips, Journal entries, Thumbs Up/Down
Unit Vocabulary
Tier 3
Tier 2
Literary Terms
 strait
 Byzantine
 moat
 Greek fire
 successor
 creed
 pope
 icon
 authority
 iconoclast
 unified
 Great Schism
 discrimination
 Justinian’s Code
 missionary
 Cyrillic alphabet
 revelations
 Bedouin
 oasis
 Hijra
 interpret
 Kaaba
 submission
 Quran
 devotion
 Sunnah
 emphasizes
 Hajj
 concept
 Mosque
 Sharia
 Caliph
 Sunni
 Shia
 Sultan
 Textile
 Sufism
 Arabic numerals
 calligraphy
Instructional Resources and Materials
Program / Text
Teacher Created
 my World History - Pearson
 On-line text
 Vocabulary activities
 Power point presentations
 Outlines
 My Story DVD
 Study Guides
 ExamView-Test and review
 Power point presentations