Download January 2005 Biology 1 Exam Papers for 2 diploma

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Section A:
Total of 15 Marks: (each correct answer is worth half a mark)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: (only one correct answer, no minus marks)
1. The smallest living unit is a _____.
A. proton
B. molecule
C. cell
D. tissue
E. electron
F. neutron
2. The surface area of a cell _____.
A. must be large enough to allow adequate nutrients to enter
B. may be increased by modifications of the plasma membrane
C. must be of adequate size to allow for waste disposal
D. to its volume ratio is larger for a smaller cell
E. tends to be larger for metabolically active cells than for larger structural cells
F. all of the above
3. The smallest cells are _____.
A. viruses
B. bacterial
C. animal
D. plant
E. protists
F algae
4. Which of the following is NEVER a feature of bacterial cells?
A. cell wall
B. plasma membrane
C. nucleus
D. ribosomes
E. flagella
F. mesosomes
5. Photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) contain ______.
A. chloroplasts
B. thylakoids
C. mitochondria
D. centrioles
E. eye spots
F an endoplasmic reticulum
6. Osmosis is specifically about the movement of _____ in and out of cells.
A. sugars
B. proteins
C. water
D. oxygen
E. salts
F. solutes
7. If the inside of a cell is 1% NaCl, which solution is isotonic to the cell?
A. 0.001% NaCl
B. 0.01% NaCl
C. 0.1% NaCl
D. 1% NaCl
E. 10% NaCl
F. 20% NaCl
8. If the inside of a cell is 10% NaCl, which solution is hypertonic to the
A. 0.001% NaCl
B. 0.01% NaCl
C. 0.1% NaCl
D. 1% NaCl
E. 10% NaCl
F. 20% NaCl
9. Macromolecules are transported into the cell by __________.
A. exocytosis
B. osmosis
C. diffusion
D. pinocytosis
E. blood
F. water
10. Solutions that cause cells to neither gain nor lose water are known as
______ solutions.
A. isotonic
B. hypertonic
C. hypotonic
D. isobaric
E. hyperbaric
F. isoclonic
11. In Mitosis the sister chromatids separate from each other during _____.
A. prophase
B. telophase
C. anaphase
D. metaphase
E. interphase
F. cell division
12. In Mitosis the spindle begins to assemble during _____.
A. prophase
B. prometaphase
C. metaphase
D. anaphase
E. telophase
F. interphase
13. Meristem tissue is found in the __________ of a plant.
A. root tips
B. shoot tips
C. Xylem tissue
D. in A and B above
E. Phloem tissue
F. region of elongation in roots
14. According to presently accepted cell theory….
A. The cells of all organisms divide
B. New cells only come from pre-existing cells
C. Cytokinesis in animal cells is accomplished by a furrowing process
D. In plant cells, the vesicles which move along microtubules to the midpoint
between the two daughter nuclei fuse to form a cell plate, which is later involved
in the formation of the two plant cell walls
E. Only A, B, and C above are true
F. All of A, B, C, and D are true.
15. Daughter cells as a result of mitosis have a complete copy of _____.
A. chromosomes
B. genes
C. both A and B
D. organelles
E. All of A, B, and D.
F. none of the above
16. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
A. sponges - no tissues
B. cnidaria - gastrovascular cavity
C. Planaria or other free-living flatworm - hooks and suckers
D. polychaete worm – parapodia and many setae
E. colonial corals – reef formation
F. crustacean – exoskeleton made of chitin
17. The excretory organ of a planarian _____.
A. functions in osmotic regulation
B. excretes water
C. is called a flame-cell system
D. all of the above
E. is called a nephridium
F is called a spiracle
18. Free-living flatworms, like Planaria , are characterized by _____.
A. dorso-ventrally flattened body
B. one opening serving as mouth and anus, with highly branched gut if it is present
C. eyespots
D. a pharynx
E. cilia
F. all of the above
19. Flatworms are _____.
A. diploblastic acoelomates
B. diploblastic pseudocoelomates
C. diploblastic coelomates
D. triploblastic acoelomates
E. triploblastic pseudocoelomates
F. triploblastic coelomates
20. Flatworms have _____.
A. specialized respiratory structures
B. a pseudocoelom
C. reproductive organs
D. unbranched gut from mouth to anus
E. none of the above
F. all of the features from A to D
21. Animals are:
A. multicellular
B. prokaryotes
C. eukaryotes
D. all except sponges have a tissue or organ level of organization
E. only (A) and (C) or (A) and (B) are correct
F. (A) , (C) and (D) are correct
22. Animals:
A. follow a haplontic life cycle
B. follow a diplontic life cycle
C. alternation of generations life cycle
D. meiosis produces haploid gametes which join to form a zygote
E. (A) and (C) both occur
F. (B) and (D) both occur
23. Which of the following does not describe animals?
A. multicellular
B. heterotrophic
C. oogamy
D. cell walls containing cellulose
E. all major animal phyla are represented by Cambrian fossils
F. all animal phyla contain invertebrates
24. An animal that has definite right and left halves has _____.
A. asymmetry
B. radial symmetry
C. bilateral symmetry
D. metameric segmentation
E. a sessile mode of life
F. none of the above
25. The phylum _____ contains vertebrates and invertebrates.
A. Nematoda
B. Echinodermata
C. Chordata
D. Platyhelminthes
E. Anellida
F. Mollusca
26. Molluscs have _____.
A. radial symmetry
B. no body cavity
C. a complete digestive system
D. a tissue level of organization
E. a nervous system which consists of several ganglia connected by nerve cords
F. (C) and (E)
27. The only remains of the coelom in the bivalves is the _____.
A. mantle
B. incurrent siphon
C. pericardial cavity
D. anterior adductor muscle
E. gill
F. exhalent siphon
28. The watery habitat of the clam enables it to excrete the easily made _____. , a
toxic substance that requires the concomitant excretion of water
A. ammonia
B. uric acid
C. urea
D. urine
E. salt
F. protein
29. The active lifestyle of the cephalopods is supported by _____.
A. a closed circulatory system
B. well-developed sense organs
C. well developed brains
D. long flexible arms and tentacles
E. a funnel in their mantle cavity through which water can be rapidly squeezed out.
F. all of the above
30. An example of a cephalopod is a _____.
A. snail
B. scallop
C. sea slug
D. squid
E. chiton
F clam
Section B:
Question 1.
(each total question is worth 10 marks)
Compare and contrast plant and animal cells
(discuss such features as cell structure, organells, nutrition, mobility, replication, cell
specialisations, e.t.c)
Total 10 marks: 5 marks for plant features and 5 marks for animal features
Question 2.
Write brief notes on five parts of the following:
Virulent Phage
Temporate Phage (including the process of Transduction)
Retroviruses (including explanation of Oncogenes)
The Economic importance of Viruses
Techniques involved in genetic Engineering
The advantages and dangers of releasing genetically modified organisms into
the environment
Total 10 marks : 2 marks for each part,
Question 3.
Describe, compare and contrast the taxonomy, morphology, reproduction and economic
importance of named species in two classes of Fungi.
Total 10 marks: 5 marks for each class of Fungi
Question 4
Write notes on two of the following Phyla, with examples of the species contained within
these groupings:
(Total 10 marks for question : 5 marks for each section)
Question 5
A. the structure and function of nervous tissue, and
B. the transmission of the nerve impulse along an axon and chemically across a synapse.
(Total 10 marks for question : 5 marks for structure and 5 for nervous transmission)