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William Randolph Hearst used _________ ________ in his paper to increase
Cuban patriots rebelled against
The ________________ _________________ blew up in Havana Harbor giving
the United States a rallying cry.
It was blamed on Spain but more than likely was caused by
There was a major naval battle in the Philippines It defeated the Spanish Navy in
the Battle of ___________ __________.
A hero emerged from the charge of San Juan Hill he was?
There were more casualties from _______________ than military conflict.
The Treaty of ____________ officially ended the Spanish American War.
Spain had to give up three territories after the Spanish American War
Spain also received 20 million dollars for the:
The McKinley Administration pursued a/an ______________ _________________
policy in China
The rebellion in China was called the _________________ Rebellion
The Amendment to the Declaration of War on Spain was called the
Colonies were needed by the United States because they needed
Panama was part of _______________ and became an independent country
Define or Identify the Following:
DeLome Letter
Manila Bay
”Splendid Little War”
Theodore Roosevelt
Teller Amendment
Social Security
Court Packing
Battle of the Atlantic
Battle of Britain
Rescue at Dunkirk
Pearl Harbor
Battle of Stalingrad
Doolittle Raid
Battle of Guadalcanal
Battle of Leyte Gulf
Battle of Coral Sea
Battle of Midway
“day that will live in infamy”
War Bonds
Total War
Battle of Anzio
Battle of El-Alamein
Operation Overlord
Battle of the Bulge
Douglas MacArthur
Admiral Yammamoto
Erwin Rommel
Jimmy Doolittle
Yalta Conference
Enola Gay
Los Alamos, New Mexico
September 2, 1945
Kamikaze planes
Identify the causes of World War I and the spark
Identify the following countries that were allied together and called the Triple Alliance:
75,000 Germans died of starvation as a result of an act of war by Britain. Identify the act
of war:
Identify the ship sunk by German U-Boats that killed 128 Americans:
The Zimmerman note or telegram promised Mexico _____________
__________________ ___________________ Mexico became allies with Germany
against the United States.
The area between trenches during World War I was called
The United States initial involvement in World War I was
In 1932 _______________ _______________ was elected President of the United
The new President’s first action upon taking office was to declare a __________
The first phase of the New Deal took place in the first ______ days of his term.
The AAA was an important part of the New Deal it _______ farmers’ _____ to grow
The NRA established the least amount of money an employer could pay his employees
this is called or known as the ______________ _________, and it still in effect today.
The NRA also restricted the ________ of hours workers could work without paying
The Tennessee Valley Authority provided __________________ to the southeastern
part of the United States.
The Securities and Exchange Act _____________ the stock market and took the nation
off the ______ standard.
Herbert Hoover was perceived as a ____ ____________ president during the depression.
The Supreme Court ruled some of New Deal Programs ________________
The branch of the government of the United States that ruled some of Roosevelt’s New
Deal unconstitutional was:
Roosevelt proposed a pension for elderly and survivor benefits for children who lost a
parent this Second New deal Program was:
The Banking Act of 1935 allowed the lower and middle class to be able to:
The department that the Banking Act of 1935 created to help people to buy houses was
The attack on Pearl Harbor took place on:
The attack took Pearl Harbor and the United States totally
What were the reasons for Japan to go to war with the United States?
Where did the United States government believe the Japanese would attack?
The code machine used to intercept Japanese messages to their diplomats in Washington
was called:
Which battle ship was destroyed by a bomb going down the smoke stack and exploding
in the boiler room and setting off an explosion of all the ammunition stored on the ship?
Why was the order given to move the planes at Pearl Harbor?
There was a report of a sub at the mouth of Pearl Harbor, when it was reported to the
officer on duty, the commanding officer who was at home at the time stated he wanted:
What part of the Navy was Japan's main objective for their attack on Pearl
The Nevada beached itself to:
How many waves were actually scheduled to be flown in the attack on Pearl Harbor by
the Japanese?
Why was the third wave of planes by the Japanese on the attack on Pearl Harbor called
What was Admiral Yamamoto’s reaction to the results of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
FDR declared war on Japan on:
His speech his best remembered for the quote:
World War II has been credited with
American factories changed from
Women who took over for men in factories were called
Who were two common enemies in World War II
Even as 5 million men signed up to fight in World War II it was not enough to fight a two
front war, The men needed to fight in the war came from the:
During World War II there was a country wide distrust of a common enemy of the
United States, identify the people:
The internments were set up by a/an
The internment was upheld by a/an
The Holocaust was the final solution of the Jewish Problem it was developed at the
Wannsee Conference and was the idea of
The name of the German code machine captured by the Allies was
The _______ _________ was controlled by the Germans and it was the gateway to the
Mediterranean Sea.
The ___________ ________________ helped the Russians to slow down the German
attack in Russia.
The campaign in North Africa was mainly a battle of _________.
The code name for D-Day was
General Patton was put in charge of deception at _______ to fool the Germans where the
attack on France was going to start
D-Day started on:
The Unites States attacked Normandy and landed at ______________
The Germans last stand at the Battle of the Bulge was to get Germany:
The Battle of the Bulge was fought in the:
The Russians were allowed to enter Berlin because
V - E Day was:
After the fall of the Philippine Islands prisoners of war were marched to a prison camp
this march became known as the
The Doolittle Raid on Japan was a ________________ ________________ for the US
and caused Japan to ___________ their island
Battle of the Coral Sea was the first
The Battle of the Coral Sea was a/an
The United States lost an aircraft carrier at the Battle of the Coral Sea it was the
The Battle of the Coral Sea saved __________________ from a Japanese invasion
The Battle of Midway outcome was
The constant bombing of German cities including Dresden and Berlin gave the United
States a tremendous advantage because it destroyed their
The Battle of Guadalcanal was the
The United States plan to retake all of the territories:
taken by Japan in World War II is called
The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the first use of ______________ ___________ by the
The Battle of the Philippine Sea was a naval battle that was necessary for the United
States to win or to reclaim the _________________ ____________________.
Iwo Jima was an important island for the United States to recapture it provided a/an
The last land battle of the Pacific was necessary to capture in order to launch the invasion
of Japan, it was the Battle of
The first allied ground offensive in the Pacific front began in August 1942 when 19,000
troops stormed:
At the Battle of ________ ________ the Japanese threw their entire fleet against the
United States.
The Japanese Navy also tested a new tactic by dive bombing planes directly into ships;
these missions were called kamikaze missions: the word Kamikaze means ______
During the war most if not all production changed to:
Scientists, working in the OSRD worked to help soldiers win the war using science and
technology. The discoveries of the OSRD were:
The Treaty that caused anger and resentment in Germany following World War I was
A key factor to insure the military would get all the supplies they needed was _______
for civilians during the war.
Totalitarian form of government is one that:
The new Prime Minister of England after the Munich treaty was signed was: